22 Things Sarada Can Do That Boruto Can T

Boruto is one of the most popular anime series as of late, and one of its most beloved characters is Sarada Uchiha. She’s the thoughtful, pragmatic, brilliant daughter of Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Hurano, Naruto favorites. She’s a perfect blend of her parents. Serious and brilliant like her father, but kind and hot-tempered like her mother. Sarada may quite the ninja, but she also passionately cares about people. She has the empathy to counteract any Curse of Hatred, at least for now....

March 4, 2022 · 15 min · 3105 words · Terry Lorenzana

25 Hidden Details In The Original Legend Of Zelda Only Super Fans Notice

Ask anyone what their opinion of the original Legend of Zelda, and you’ll get a combination of “it’s too hard,” “it stinks,” or, most predominantly, “it’s confusing.” It’s a shame that the title has fallen out of favor so dramatically when compared to its modern brethren, as “the Hyrule Fantasy” has so much to offer gamers both young and old. Sure it’s hard, but it’s not unfair. Yes, it’s confusing, but the initial mystery leads to incredibly satisfying discoveries....

March 4, 2022 · 11 min · 2327 words · Elvira Brueckman

14 Best Free Virtual Machine Vm Software For Windows Pc

Following is a handpicked list of Top Virtual Machines Software for Windows, Mac, and Linux with its download links. The list contains open-source (free) and commercial (paid) software. Top VM Software Download for Windows, Linux & Mac 1) Virtualization Manager Best for all types of organization, big or small. It is easy to deploy. Virtualization Manager is a virtual machine monitoring and management tool that helps you optimize performance issues....

March 3, 2022 · 12 min · 2510 words · May Smith

15 Movie Sequels That Are So Much Better Than The Originals

Even today, in an age when movies are largely unoriginal, there’s still a certain degree of risk in making a sequel. What was intended to be an expansion of the movie’s universe can often come across as a pointless rehashing of the original. In some cases, a sequel is simply and obviously a cash cow from beginning to end. On rare occasions, we see the second movie match the first, and even rarer still is the sequel that blows its predecessor out of the water entirely....

March 3, 2022 · 13 min · 2760 words · Marilyn Williams

20 Strange Details About The Predator S Anatomy

Predator introduced an alien menace to the world of cinema that would inflame the imaginations of filmmakers for years to comes. The Predator became a franchise unto itself, with it crossing over with some of the most famous movie monsters and superheroes in history. Particularly, it clashed with the Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise on numerous occasions. There are numerous comic books, movies, novels, and video games that include the Predator, which has given us a lot of information about what makes them tick, some of which is contradictory....

March 3, 2022 · 15 min · 3009 words · Estella Guerrera

20 Things Wrong With Sons Of Anarchy That Fans Choose To Ignore

FX has had some amazing shows since the network’s start in 1994, some of which have won multiple awards including Emmy’s and Golden Globes. While Sons of Anarchy has only won one Golden Globe, it became a fan-favorite for its seven seasons, which generated 92 episodes. The dangerous world of Charming California introduced people to a club called Sons of Anarchy Motor Cycle Club Redwood Originals also known as SAMCRO....

March 3, 2022 · 23 min · 4723 words · Cora Hardwick


我们《2019年网红营销报告》的一项关键发现是,网红营销的前景依然非常乐观。尽管有反对者声称网红营销正逐渐消亡,但我们的受访者对该实践持积极态度。 以下是我们《2019年网红营销研究》的主要结果,以及我们从NeoReach、Instagram和Google Trends中发现的其他一些相关的近期统计数据。 LATEST BENCHMARK REPORT 在过去的几年中,Instagram的流行度以惊人的速度增长 在经历了2017年和2018年的惊人扩张后,Instagram继续成为2019年增长最快的社交网络,它的老大哥Facebook可能仍然拥有最大的用户群,但Instagram正在迅速迎头赶上。一个显著的区别是,Instagram深受年轻人的喜爱,而这部分人现在正离开Facebook,因为他们认为Facebook现在是他们父母那一代才会喜欢的东西。 2018年年中,Instagram宣布其月活跃用户已达10亿,目前正稳步迈向二十亿大关。这些用户每天发布9500万张/支照片和视频,每天上传4亿个Instagram故事。Instagram用户每天“点赞”的帖子多达42亿。 Instagram最近名副其实地成为了一个强大的平台,尤其是在年轻的社交网络用户和有影响力的人当中。 去年新增320家平台和专注于网红营销的经纪公司 随着网红营销作为一个产业已经成熟,众多帮助品牌商和网红简化合作流程的支持公司和应用程序被吸引而来。有机的网红营销可能是一个缓慢而乏味的过程,尤其是在寻找和吸引网红来推广公司产品或服务时。 在过去的12个月里,市场上又新增了320家专注于网红营销的平台和机构。2015年时还只有190个网红平台和机构。2016年增加到335个,2017年增加到420个,2018年增加到740个 – 是两年前的两倍还多。 在网红营销上每花费1美元就能获得较高的平均赢得媒体价值 赢得媒体 (earned media) 是指企业除付费广告宣传工作之外获得的其他宣传。赢得媒体价值是这种宣传的货币表示。懂得网红营销的企业可以获得可观的回报,在网红营销上每花费1美元,就能获得高达18美元的赢得媒体价值。 即使是一般的企业也能取得十分不错的成绩,在网红营销上每花费1美元,平均也能获得5.20美元的赢得媒体价值。 当然,有些企业会亏损。诚然,有25%的企业会亏本或仅仅收支平衡。这主要是不了解网红营销机制的企业,通常是那些为其品牌选错了网红的企业。他们往往没有选对网红,选的网红其粉丝跟其品牌产品的目标市场契合度不好。 2019年的网红营销预计将增长至2017年的两倍以上 网红营销作为一个产业在过去几年间持续增长。2016年,这是一个价值17亿美元的产业,到2017年就增长到了30亿美元。2018年进一步增长至46亿美元,预计今年将继续保持增长势头,有可能成为价值65亿美元的产业。 谷歌对网红营销的搜索量在三年内增长了150% 一年前,我们的报告称“网红营销”一词在谷歌搜索中狂增325%。搜索量从2015年的每月3900次上升到2016年的6460次,然后再到2017年的21,000次。令人吃惊的是,这种增长速度还在继续。2018年,“网红营销”一词的搜索量上升至61,000。 在短短三年内,“网红营销”的搜索量增长了1500%,令人难以置信。 Instagram使用量5年增长10倍 早在2013年2月,Instagram在社交网络领域还是一个相对较小的玩家,只有1亿用户。2014年3月达到2亿,这是Pinterest今天拥有的用户量。同年12月,Instagram突破3亿大关(SnapChat在今天才达到这一里程碑,而Twitter只有3.35亿多一点)。 到2016年6月,Instagram可以每月拥有5亿活跃用户,诚如今天的TikTok(前身为Musical.ly)一样。 2016年12月,Instagram突破6亿大关。LinkedIn目前还没有达到这一数字,但用户数量已经接近5.9亿。 Instagram自豪地宣布,2018年6月其每日用户已达到10亿,仅次于YouTube(19亿)和Facebook(22.7亿)这两家虚拟社区。 Instagram的用户参与度远高于Twitter 尽管在类似的社交网络上很难找到最近关于参与度数据,但很明显,2017年Instagram上的平均参与度远高于Twitter。 2017年,一项针对10万多名网红个人资料的调查清楚地表明存在两个明显的趋势。首先,你拥有的粉丝越多,参与度就越低。其次,在所有粉丝层面,Instagram上的参与度都比Twitter上高得多。 例如,拥有不到1000名粉丝的小微网红在Instagram上的参与度为7.2%,而在Twitter上的参与度为1.4%。在另一个极端,在Instagram上拥有10万名以上粉丝的网红其参与度是1.1%,而在Twitter上只有0.3%。 69%的受访目标为B2C 在我们调查的830名进行网红营销活动的营销专业人士和品牌代表中,有69%的人专注于B2C领域,剩下的31%专注于B2B领域。 这可能是许多受访者使用Instagram的原因之一,而Instagram在B2B营销中就没那么夯了。根据 Blue Corona报告的统计,Facebook (89%) 、LinkedIn (81%) 和Twitter (75%) 是 B2B 营销者使用最多的三种社交媒体渠道,而只有 33% 的 B2B 企业使用 Instagram。 过去两年间¾的受访者增加了内容输出 在许多方面,网红营销可以被视为内容营销的最佳交付机制。这两者是相辅相成的,所以网红营销的现象级增长与内容输出的增长相一致也就不足为奇了。77%的受访者表示,他们在过去两年都增加了内容输出。 多数会单独拨出预算进行内容营销 60%的受访者承认会单独拨出用于内容营销的预算,而我们在2017年的调查中这一比例显示为57%。这可能低于预期,毕竟91%的B2B营销者会采用内容营销,而86%的B2C营销者认为内容营销是一项关键策略。据推测,多数未专门为内容营销划拨预算者,都是通过总营销预算为其内容活动提供资金的。 多数受访者认为网红营销有效 考虑到所有其他与网红营销相关的积极统计数据,我们的调查对象对这种营销活动的有效性持高度肯定的态度,应该说这并不奇怪。诚然,有92%的人认为网红营销是一种有效的营销形式。有62名受访者(8%)怀疑网红营销的有效性,不知他们是否有过糟糕的经历,或者从未尝试过,总之研究一番的话应该很有趣。 绝大多数受访者打算今年专门为网红营销划拨一块预算 有了对网红营销有效性的支持,86%的受访者打算今年将一部分预算用于网红营销,这不足为奇。不知道划拨专门预算会否增加这些企业的预算百分比,或者会否继续从其总营销预算中划拨资金进行网红营销,总之研究一番的话应该很有趣。 相比之下,在我们2017年的报告中,有37%的受调查营销者承认划有专门的网红营销预算。 63%的受访者打算明年增加其网红营销预算 近2/3(63%)的企业会为网红营销做预算,它们打算在未来12个月增加这方面的支出,其中有17%的企业预计其网红营销支出将保持不变。但15%的受访者不确定其网红营销预算会怎样变化,这意味着只有5%的受访者打算降低其预算。 这与2019年网红营销预期增长以及相信营销传播媒介有效性的受访者之百分比相一致。 当然,并不是所有的受访者都会控制他们的预算,较高比例的受访者不确定其企业的支出会如何变化可以反映这一点。 近半数受访者打算将至少20%的营销预算用于网红营销 当然,网红营销只是营销的一部分 – 主要是内容营销的传播机制。企业需要为各种营销活动作预算。 因此,有趣的是,11%的受访者打算2019年将40%以上的营销预算用于网红营销。另有12%的企业会把30-40%的营销预算用于网红营销,其他24%的企业会把20-30%的预算用于网红营销。 网红营销占营销预算的比例最常见的是10%至20%这一范围。 最后,剩余的19%的企业今年将分配不足10%的营销预算用于网红营销。 每家企业都有不同的营销组合,甚至网红营销的坚定支持者也承认,他们需要为其他营销活动分配一些预算。...

March 3, 2022 · 2 min · 223 words · Johanna Williamson

12 Ways To Fix Ipados 13 Battery Draining Problem On Ipad

Apple’s iPadOS makes iPad devices more useful and powerful as well with system improvements that offer easy multitasking. The iPadOS was announced at the WWDC 2019 event separately for the iPad lineup tablet devices. Apple mentioned that iPadOS is built as same as the iOS platform. However, the new iPadOS 13 brings some of the bugs like battery draining and more. Here we’ve shared 12 Ways to Fix iPadOS 13 Battery Draining Problem on iPad....

March 2, 2022 · 7 min · 1305 words · Gary Mclean

15 Facts You Didn T Know About The Star Wars Galaxy Map

Everyone knows Star Wars. It is the biggest franchise on the planet and a huge pop culture phenomenon that has been a cornerstone of many people’s childhood and lives. Famous for its fantastic films, iconic characters, and its fantasy creations such as Jedi, Sith and Lightsaber’s, the Star Wars franchise has deep and expansive lore to accompany this iconography. A part of this lore is the galaxy in which it is set....

March 2, 2022 · 8 min · 1610 words · Angela Cantu

15 Inch Macbook Pro Delivery Times Slip Until After Wwdc Hardware Updates Expected

June 5 just happens to be the same day as the WWDC keynote which points to a hardware refresh at the event. The change in shipping times was first noticed by MacRumors. Although WWDC is typically a software event, there have been several rumors of new hardware this time around … The 15-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar is not available for delivery before June 5 or in-store pickup before June 8....

March 2, 2022 · 2 min · 287 words · Earl Aaron

16 Best Health And Fitness Affiliate Programs

But what if there was a way to make money with your passion for fitness? Today, there are several fitness affiliate programs that will pay you for promoting fitness products. In this blog post, we will discuss the 16 best health and fitness affiliate programs. These programs offer great commissions, and some even have recurring commission structures. Whether you’re just getting started in the world of affiliate marketing or you’re a seasoned pro, these programs are definitely worth checking out....

March 2, 2022 · 9 min · 1809 words · Virgie Tylwalk

16 Inch Macbook Pro Everything We Know So Far

We first heard about Apple’s plans for a 16-inch MacBook Pro back in February through an investor note from Ming-Chi Kuo. Since then, we’ve learned a lot more about the new MacBook’s design, price, screen, and more. Read on as we round up everything we know about Apple’s 16-inch MacBook Pro. Update: 11/11/19: October came and passed without any announcement from Apple about the 16-inch MacBook Pro. With that in mind, however, Apple appears to be holding private media briefings in New York, where it is likely showing off the new 16-inch MacBook Pro....

March 2, 2022 · 7 min · 1332 words · George Maisch

16 Villains We Want To See In The Nightwing Movie

We’re all very excited about the announcement that Nightwing will be given a solo movie coming from Lego Batman director Chris McKay. Hell, we’ve already started casting Dick Grayson in our heads, but one thing that superheroes movies require—other than a compelling titular character—is a great villain. (Unless, of course, you’re Marvel.) The great thing about Nightwing, though, is that you won’t have to settle for a lesser bad guy. When you’ve worked with every team in the DC Universe, and even operated as an undercover spy, traveling the known world and beyond, you end up a compelling, wisecracking hero with a villain base to match....

March 2, 2022 · 17 min · 3520 words · Jade Nissen

20 Amazing Details Behind The Making Of Ladyhawke

1985 was an eventful year for Hollywood, seeing the releases of such timeless classics as The Goonies, Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, Brazil, Witness, Out of Africa, and Ran. It also saw the release of Ladyhawke, a medieval fantasy/romance/action/adventure telling the unforgettable tale of the love story between Isabeau (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Navarre (Rutger Hauer). The two lovers are placed under a terrible curse whereby she transforms into a hawk during the day, and he into a wolf by night....

March 2, 2022 · 14 min · 2839 words · Michelle Wilber

20 Best Free Malware Removal Tools Anti Malware Scanner

Following is a handpicked list of Top Malware Removal Software, with their popular features and website links. The list contains both open source (free) and commercial (paid) software. Best FREE Malware Removal Tools & Scanner for Windows #1) TotalAV TotalAV Antivirus is a free malware removal that offers complete security for all your household devices in one simple to use Desktop and Smartphone application. It offers real-time Anti-Malware, Anti-Ransomware, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Adware protection....

March 2, 2022 · 10 min · 1940 words · Essie Gomez

13 Instagram Marketing Trends For 2023 You Need To Watch

By focusing on the Instagram marketing trends we’ve included here, you’ll be able to build an effective Instagram marketing strategy and create high-quality content that gets your followers excited. This way, you can get more followers, increase engagement, and earn more revenue via the platform. 13 Instagram Marketing Trends for 2023 You Need to Watch: 13 Instagram Marketing Trends You Need to Watch: If you use Instagram for marketing, or you’re considering it, it’s important to stay on top of the latest Instagram marketing trends....

March 1, 2022 · 11 min · 2247 words · Donna Caron

20 Video Game Mascots From The 90S That Tried And Failed To Dethrone Mario

Ever since Super Mario Bros. hit the NES in 1985, Nintendo’s portly plumber has reigned supreme as a prominent face in video games. With the introduction of Mario and the gang came a new subgenre of video games, dubbed the “mascot platformer,” in which a marketable lead character hops and bops his way through a colorful world. The 80s certainly saw plenty of games come and go that tried to steal Mario’s thunder, but it wasn’t until the 90s that game companies began to usurp Mario’s throne in earnest....

March 1, 2022 · 15 min · 3082 words · Ashley Bridgeman

25 Things That Make No Sense About Captain Marvel

Warning: SPOILERS for Captain Marvel It’s easy to point out all of the things that Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel did right in bringing the first female-led film to the big screen. Through the introduction of the Skrulls, a further exploration of the Kree, and the unique take on Carol Danvers’ origin, there are quite a few highlights of the film that showcase why Captain Marvel was a success. However, there are a number of things in the movie that had us scratching our heads....

March 1, 2022 · 10 min · 2097 words · Mark Forsythe

14 Ways You Can Make Money On Social Media Plann

With the rise of social shopping, influencer marketing and sponsored content, you can turn your social media posts into a powerful way to make money. Not sure where to start with making money on social media? You’ve come to the right place. This article will walk you through 14 ways you can easily make money on social media. We’ve split them out between different social media platforms, such as Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube and Facebook so you can quickly jump to the platform you’re on....

February 28, 2022 · 7 min · 1459 words · Mark Littlejohn

15 Best Video Editing Software For Beginners

As some marketers say, “if content is king, video is the crown.” But what are you supposed to do if you don’t have a video studio or an in-house staff of video specialists to record and edit your videos? Never fear! These days, it’s easier than ever to create high-quality videos on your own, without an in-house staff or outsourcing your video marketing efforts. In this article, we’re going to share the 15 best video editing software for beginners that you can use to create professional-grade video content to take your content marketing strategy to the next level....

February 28, 2022 · 10 min · 1999 words · Maria Luckey