Friends followed the personal and professional lives of Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler, and Joey for 10 seasons. In 236 episodes, they changed jobs, fell in love, got married, had kids, and were there for each other.

The focus was on these six friends, and for the most part, the core of the show remained consistent. Ross and Rachel fell in love, broke up, and eventually found their way back to each other. Monica and Chandler became the most stable couple on and one of the best parts of the series. Phoebe found a family. Joey grew up.

However, there were some inconsistencies and dropped storylines for each of these characters along the way.

Sometimes, the end of a plotline or character’s appearance happened when an aspect of it or them changed. If a romantic relationship came to an end, that character’s professional connection to a main character did as well. That usually happened without an explanation.

Bad decisions were dealt with by simply ignoring them, especially if a character backtracked.

If a family member no longer appeared on-screen, Friends acted like that character didn’t exist. He or she wasn’t mentioned (or rarely was), even at key moments or events.

Here are 25 Friends Plotlines That Were Completely Abandoned.

Ross Had A Son

Ross had a son with his first wife, Carol, but he came across as a much more active parent in the early seasons. After that, Ben seemingly spent most of the time with Ross’ ex-wife and her wife, Susan.

After Rachel and Ross had Emma, it was like Ben stopped existing. Ross pretended he was watching him and made a fake Ben once. Ross’ father even forgot he already had a grandchild the day she was born.

As far as on-screen appearances and mentions were concerned, he wasn’t part of Ross’ life.

Chandler’s First “I Love You” To Monica

Early on in their relationship, Chandler learned why Monica accidentally caused him to lose a toe, years prior. To apologize, she put a turkey on her head and danced. In response, he told her he loved her – for the first time. Though he pretended he didn’t say it, she insisted he did. Joey showed up, interrupting their conversation, and then the episode ended.

Neither Monica nor Chandler brought it up again. Instead, when they both said “I love you” several episodes later, it was treated like it was the first time.

Tag Was Rachel’s Assistant, Not Just Her Boyfriend

Rachel was excited when she found out she was receiving an assistant at work. She hired Tag because she found him attractive instead of Hilda, who was actually qualified for the position.

Rachel and Tag briefly dated, but soon realized they were at different points in their lives. They broke up, and it appeared that when their relationship ended, so did his job.

The problem is the series never bothered addressing what happened with that position. Did Tag decide to leave? Did Rachel hire a new assistant? Fans could only assume that was the case.

Phoebe Was Going To Get To Know Her Biological Father

At her grandmother’s funeral, Phoebe approached a stranger and found out he was her father.

She had him meet her at Central Perk under the guise of handling her grandmother’s will. She eventually revealed who she was to him, and the two began to bond. The way the scene ended suggested that the two would be in each other’s lives moving forward.

However, if he was still in her life, it was all off-screen and he was never mentioned again. When it came time for her wedding, she had planned on having her stepfather walk her down the aisle.

What happened to Frank Buffay, Sr.?

Joey Didn’t Look For Another Roommate

After Chandler moved in with Monica, Joey briefly looked for a new roommate. He found one in Janine, based solely on her looks. He didn’t know anything about her, not even her last name, before finding out when she could move in.

The two briefly dated, but after their relationship ended, she moved out. He didn’t have another roommate until Rachel moved in after the fire in her and Phoebe’s apartment. He did work at Central Perk as a waiter to make money for a time, but he never tried to get another roommate to help with rent.

Monica And Pete’s Relationship

Monica’s relationship with Pete was an odd one. First, she only saw him as a friend. Then, she saw him as more and they were saying “I love you.” Then they broke up, and it was like he was never part of her life. She completely ignored the fact that she had been considering what to say if he proposed when she misunderstood a receipt.

Richard and Chandler were considered the big romances of Monica’s life, and they were. Pete, on the other hand, was barely a footnote, whereas their relationship was treated like it should have at least been a couple of pages in Monica’s book.

Chandler’s Trip To Yemen

Chandler was very hot and cold when it came to Janice. When they were together, he was very much into her. However, after they broke up, he wanted to stay clear of her and a possible reunion. He even went so far as to tell her he was moving to Yemen.

When he couldn’t get away with faking that trip, he seemingly got on the plane.

No one mentioned that trip in the next episode. In fact, the only time anyone brought it up was when Janice appeared after spending time with Ross. When she did see Chandler next, she didn’t say anything about it.

Denise’s Existence

When Chandler moved in with Monica, Rachel had to find a new place to live. Though everyone thought Phoebe lived alone, suddenly, she had a roommate, Denise. Then, that roommate just so happened to move out in time for Rachel to move in.

Friends never established if Denise ever really existed. It could be that Phoebe just didn’t want to live with Rachel at first. It could be Denise really was there, and for some reason, no one ever met her. Whatever it was, it’s strange that the series never bothered clearing that up.

The Serious Side Of Rachel And Joey’s Relationship

The build-up to Rachel and Joey’s brief relationship was much more serious than the romance was treated. He struggled with his feelings for Rachel and telling her, and at first, she only saw him as a friend. Then, she developed feelings for him, only for him to be dating Charlie.

After they finally got together, it was pretty much a joke. They struggled with finding a way to tell Ross. They went on a double date with Ross and Charlie, which was all about Ross. Then they broke up, and after that, they even joked about it, ignoring that it could’ve been something good and real for both of them.

The Friends’ Financial Situations

In season 2, the friends’ financial situations became an issue. Ross, Monica, and Chandler had steady jobs and could afford nights out for dinner or concerts, whereas Rachel, Phoebe, and Joey could not.

Eventually, that became a non-issue. The others presumably had steady enough incomes to join in on trips to Las Vegas and Barbados.

However, the series never properly addressed this. Rachel advanced in her career in fashion. Joey continued picking up acting jobs. Phoebe eventually worked in a massage parlor with benefits. This all happened over years, yet it was basically just dropped after that one episode.

Monica And Chandler’s Lies To Hide Their Relationship

When Monica and Chandler first started dating, they kept it a secret. Joey was the first to find out about them.

However, the others spotted things that should have led to the couple confessing. Instead, they lied and used Joey to cover for them. Joey then turned around and told everyone he and Monica had been together in London.

Fans could only assume the others realized what had really been going on when they learned the truth. Still, it would’ve been nice to have one moment in which the others put the pieces together.

“I Take Thee, Rachel”

There was plenty of fallout from Ross saying Rachel’s name. He and Emily married, but divorced. Rachel wondered what it meant, especially since she had flown to London to tell him she loved him. However, why he said her name was not properly addressed.

Ross and Rachel let it go as him just seeing her, but there had to be more to it. It was obviously meant to mean that he wanted to be marrying her, not Emily, but Friends never bothered delving into that. Instead, the focus was on Ross’ attempt to make things work with Emily.

“The One With the Flashback” Was Pointless

The entire episode stemmed from Janice asking about the friends’ romantic history. As it revealed, Monica and Joey, Monica and Chandler, Rachel and Chandler, and Phoebe and Ross all shared moments that could’ve led to more than friendship.

However, none of these events from a year before the pilot ever came up after that.

Furthermore, it just complicated the history established (and repeatedly changed) for Rachel and Chandler. She didn’t recognize him in the flashback, yet subsequent flashbacks revealed they were around each other often enough – and even kissed – when they were younger, so she should have recognized him.

Chandler’s First Proposal

After everyone found out about Monica and Chandler’s relationship, they started talking about their future. Chandler couldn’t handle it and tried to label their relationship as casual. To fix it, he then proposed – as an apology.

Fortunately for him, Monica understood what he was doing, and they just laughed it off. The others then joked about it in the final scene of the episode.

However, no one brought it up again, even though it was a big deal. Yes, it and other moments showed that Chandler still had a lot to learn about relationships, but it might as well have not happened at all.

Ross Agreed to Emily’s Conditions

After Ross said Rachel’s name during his wedding, he still tried to make it work with Emily. He wanted her to come to New York, and she eventually agreed to do so – if he agreed to her terms.

They were utterly ridiculous, from selling anything Rachel had touched in his apartment to finding a new apartment altogether. She even demanded he never see Rachel again.

Ross agreed to every condition, and the others knew it. He eventually stood up to Emily, and they divorced. However, that didn’t change the fact that he had been willing to do everything she asked, including not see Rachel.

Joey’s Interest In A Serious Relationship

Joey only had a few relationships that lasted more than one episode throughout the entire series. However, Rachel and Phoebe encouraged him to consider more than a casual relationship with Erin. They liked her, so they wanted her to stay in their lives.

He eventually began thinking the same thing, only for Erin to be the one not interested. Rather than explore what that did to Joey and see him attempt to date another woman, Friends had Joey continue as he had been. Rachel and Phoebe didn’t bring it up again, either.

Phoebe’s Relationship With Her Biological Mother

Phoebe met her biological mother during a trip to the beach and found out she’d been named after her. Phoebe Abbott then appeared to be part of Phoebe’s life. She was the one Phoebe turned to when she was wrestling with being a surrogate for her brother and his wife.

After that, Phoebe Abbott was mentioned a couple more times, but she wasn’t seen. Friends started what would have been a great storyline, exploring Phoebe’s family beyond her twin and half-brother. However, the series didn’t bother following through when a few more mentions could have gone a long way.

Rachel’s Promotion Before Joanna’s Passing

Early on in her fashion career, Rachel interviewed for a better position. Joanna sabotaged her chances, but then offered her a promotion in apology. However, Joanna lost her life in a tragic accident before she could make it official or even tell anyone else.

Rachel ended up in a worse position, as a personal shopper. She eventually moved to another company.

It’s strange that the series played the promotion and loss of it as a joke and never returned to it, though at least Rachel managed to advance her career in the years that followed.

Chandler Wanted To Be “Boyfriend Material” In Monica’s Eyes

As season 3 was ending, Chandler tried to get Monica to see him as “boyfriend material.” She didn’t and shrugged when he broached the subject of her feelings if he was the last man on Earth. It wasn’t until a full season later that the two became romantically involved.

However, once Monica pointed out she couldn’t see him that way after what he did to help her jellyfish sting, neither brought it up again. Both acted like it had never happened, despite how much Chandler had been pushing it initially.

The Permanent Ink On Ross And Rachel’s Faces

In flight to join everyone in Las Vegas, Ross and Rachel took to trying to embarrass each other. Ross ended up drawing on Rachel’s face with a permanent marker. Placing a call to the company revealed that they couldn’t just wash it off. Rachel drew on Ross’ face in retaliation. Friends made a big deal about it in the season 5 finale.

Then, Ross and Rachel got married, and everyone met the next morning to discuss it in the season 6 premiere. The ink was suddenly completely gone. The focus was clearly on the marriage, but it was strange that the permanent nature of the ink was forgotten.