But, this does not mean that you can’t do anything to revive your business. In fact, this gives rise to new opportunities for carrying out your business online. Facebook ads are a great place to start if you want to stir up the interest of property buyers and renters. You can use them to give virtual house tours, educate people on property investment best practices, and even close deals. In this post, we have curated a list of 21 Real Estate ad examples on Facebook. We will also highlight what makes these ads effective and provide you with strategies that you can use for your ads.

21 Great Examples of Real Estate Advertising on Facebook:

1. Daft.ie - 360 Degree Virtual Tour

The best way to bring a property to life is by giving a virtual 360-degree tour to your audience. This helps them see all aspects of the property without having to visit and this enables better decision-making. Daft.ie often does this for their property listings and you can replicate the same strategy for yours.

2. Sherry FitzGerald Group - Multiple Versions of Ads

Creating multiple versions of ads lets you A/B test your ads to see which ones are working better.  You can modify a single element in each ad and then show each ad to a share of your total audience. Then, analyze the KPIs like clicks and conversions for each and see which one performed the best. This will help you optimize your future ad copy. Sherry Fitzgerald Group often does this and has multiple versions for many of their ads.

3. Zillow - Ad Copy That Evokes Emotions

Zillow is a leading Real Estate company in the US and is quite popular. Since they don’t exactly need to create brand awareness, they focus more on conversions. Their strategy to get more clicks on their ads by connecting with their audience on an emotional level. Also, instead of promoting any single property, they direct viewers to their platform and encourage them to check out properties there.

4. Better Homes and Gardens - Provides All Relevant Details

An important thing that you need to do when placing Real Estate ads is to provide all relevant details about the property. The reason for this is to filter out irrelevant leads and ensure that only those who are interested in that type of property will click on the ad. The more information you provide, the better-qualified your leads will be.  Here’s an example on one such ad that provides lots of information to help people make an informed decision.

5. The Corcoran Group - Highlight the Unique Feature

While the above-mentioned strategy is good for lead qualification, this one is better for generating as many leads as possible.  If you highlight the unique feature of your property and leave the rest out, it instantly makes people want to know more. Such a curiosity often leads to people clicking on the ad and taking the next step. This ad from The Corcoran Group gives very little but important information like the fact that the property has a private elevator. This is a distinctive feature that not many properties possess.

6. Era Real Estate - Ads That Look Like Native Content

When it comes to Facebook Real Estate ads, a good strategy is to make your ad look like native content. People tend to avoid ads and check out genuine posts in general. Making your ad look like just another Facebook post will get you more ad views. The ad below looks just like a random Facebook post, except for the “sponsored” tag at the top.

7. Camden Property Trust - Multiple Listings in One Ad

Another brilliant Facebook Real Estate ad strategy is to promote multiple properties using just one ad. This way you can get more value-for-money from your ads. This example from Camden does exactly that.

8. Coldwell Banker - Cause-Based Marketing

Cause-based marketing works for all industries and brands, including Real Estate. Coldwell Banker leveraged this tactic in their latest set of ads where they praise the people fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Their CTA directs people to their website, but the message is not promotional at all.

9. RE/MAX - Ads That Generate Curiosity

RE/MAX ads make people curious about the latest available properties in their neighborhood to get more clicks.  You can replicate this strategy by creating a fear of missing out (FOMO) to drive people to your website.

10. MyHome.ie - Shows Location, Not Just the Interiors

If you are dealing with properties in exotic locations, then you should show the properties’ location along with the interiors.  See the example below from MyHome.ie. Now, who wouldn’t want to live in a house like that?

11. CBRE - Sale by Auction

Some property dealers host auctions for their commercial properties and invite prospects to such events. You can use Facebook ads to get registrations for such auctions and increase footfall at your event, just like CBRE does.

12. Houwzer - Informative Content

If you don’t want your ads to look too promotional, you can use informative content to lure prospects.  People who are interested in buying or renting property often start by doing market research. You can target these people by providing useful information and promoting these resources via Facebook ads, just like Houwzer does in the example below.

13. The Mike McCann Team - Personalized Service

Another way to go about Real Estate ads is to focus on your services rather than properties.  In the ad below, the agency asks people what they want and promises to deliver a personalized service. This makes them stand apart from the crowd of Real Estate agencies, ads, and listings.

14. Equity Residential - Ads by Location

A lesser-known, yet effective, strategy for Real Estate ads is to attract viewers by location, rather than individual property listings.  In the below example, the company highlights the fact that they have numerous properties in Washington DC. This means that anyone interested in properties in that area will be instantly drawn to this ad.

15. IQI Global - Taking Advantage of a Current Situation

IQI Global adopted a unique advertising tactic with this ad in which they highlight a regulatory change and use it as an opportunity. They encourage people to invest in properties before the policy rates increase. This sense of urgency usually gets people motivated to make quick decisions.

16. Lisney - MInimal Text Highlighting the Key Point

Visuals are more engaging than text and this stands true for all types of ads. Lisney used this to their advantage by creating ads with limited text.  They use a big image with just two lines of text on it, which highlights the key message of the ad.

17. Glenveagh Homes - Stunning Visuals

Nothing sells a property like captivating images of the property capturing it from different angles. This is the oldest trick in the book and is still the most popular for the simple reason that it works. Here’s an example from Glenveagh Homes. The image of this luxurious bedroom is enough to generate the audience’s interest.

18. Cairn Homes - Create Suspense

This is a strategy that is used by almost every brand that has an upcoming launch of an event, product, or service.  Cairn Homes used this for their latest advertising campaign by giving very little information and creating suspense about what’s to come next.

19. IGrow Wealth Investments - Educational Content

This is a tactic adopted by Real Estate investment firms more than agencies but can be adopted by anyone. The idea is to promote an educational resource, training program, webinar, etc. using Facebook ads. This is usually the first step in the sales funnel and then you can further engage and convert these leads using other marketing tactics. Here’s an example of an ad that invites registrations for an online training course.

20. TheMoveChannel.com - Use of Video Content

Video content is the most engaging type of content. Therefore, if your aim is to attract as many people as possible, then you should use videos for your ads. TheMoveChannel.com uses videos in many of their Facebook ads. Their focus is usually on showing off their beautiful properties to attract prospective buyers.

21. realtor.com - Emotional Video with a Social Message

Last, but in no way the least, is this example from realtor.com where they have created an emotional video to engage their ad viewers.  The video touches the subject of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and attempts to connect with the audience instead of outright selling a property. This has the added advantage of making this ad look like native content and not an ad.

Which One Do You Like?

These are some of the best Real Estate ad examples that you can take inspiration from. Go through these and choose the ones that you find interesting.  You can then replicate some of these strategies for your upcoming Facebook ad campaigns. So, go on and start designing your next ad Facebook ad campaign right now.