There’s nothing worse than realising you’ve missed a major calendar event that would have been perfect for your brand or business to celebrate on social media. Ready to plan ahead and build out your social media content strategically in 2023? We’ve rounded up a complete guide to some of the top social media holidays you need to have on your radar to help you join those topical conversations.


January 1: New Years Day January 2: Science Fiction Day January 3: International Mind-Body Wellness Day January 4: Trivia Day January 7: Orthodox Christmas January 11: Human Trafficking Awareness Day January 16: Martin Luther King Day January 19: Popcorn Day January 20: Cheese Lovers Day January 21: World Religion Day January 24: International Day of Education January 27: Fun at Work Day January 30: Croissant Day


February 1: Black History Month February 3: Wear Red Day February 7: Safer Internet Day February 13: Radio Day February 14: Valentines Day February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day February 20: World Day of Social Justice February 22: Walking the Dog Day February 25: Pancake Day February 28: Rare Disease Day


March 1: Women’s History Month March 2: Teen Mental Wellness Day March 3: Employee Appreciation Day March 6: Day of Unplugging March 8: International Women’s Day March 13: Napping Day March 17: Saint Patrick’s Day March 20: International Day of Happiness March 21: World Poetry Day March 25: Earth Hour March 26: Purple Day March 27: Theatre Day  


April 1: April Fools Day April 2: Autism Awareness Day April 5: Passover April 6: Burrito Day April 7: World Health Day April 12: Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day April 14: Day of Silence  April 15: World Art Day April 21: International Creativity and Innovation Day April 22: Earth Day April 23: World Book Day April 25: World Penguin Day April 26: Pretzel Day April 30: Honesty Day


May 1: May Day May 2: Astronomy Day May 4: Star Wars Day May 7: Laughter Day May 11: Eat What You Want Day May 12: International Nurses Day May 13: Cocktail Day May 14: Mother’s Day May 18: International Museum Day May 20: World Bee Day May 21: ​​Baking Day May 22: Maritime Day May 27: Sunscreen Day May 29: Memorial Day May 31: Smile Day


June 1: Pride Month June 4: Cheese Day June 5: Donut Day June 8: Best Friends Day June 12: Mens Health Week June 15: Nature Photography Day June 18: Father Day June 19: Juneteenth June 21: Selfie Day June 27: Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day June 29: Work From Home Day June 30: Social Media Day


July 4: ​​Independence Day July 7: Global Forgiveness Day July 8: Video Game Day July 12: Malala Day July 17: World Emoji Day July 20: Chess Day July 30: Friendship Day


August 4: Chocolate Chip Cookie Day August 7: Purple Heart Day August 9: Book Lovers Day August 12: International Youth Day August 15: Relaxation Day August 16: Tell a Joke Day August 17: Nonprofit Day August 24: Waffle Day August 26: Women’s Equality Day August 30: Beach Day


September 1: World Alzheimer’s Month September 5: Day of Charity September 6: Read a Book Day September 8: International Literacy Day September 10: World Suicide Prevention Day September 12: Day of Encouragement September 13: Chocolate Day September 14: R U OK? Day September 18: Cheeseburger Day September 19: Talk Like a Pirate Day September 22: American Business Women’s Day September 25: Cooking Day September 29: Coffee Day


October 1: Mental Health Month October 4: Taco Day October 5: Teachers Day October 10: World Mental Health Day October 11: National Coming Out Day October 15: Global Handwashing Day October 30: National Day on Writing October 25: Artist Day October 29: Internet Day


November 1: Movember November 6: Nachos Day November 13: World Kindness Day November 17: Take a Hike Day November 19: International Men’s Day November 23: Thanksgiving November 24: Black Friday November 25: Small Business Saturday November 30: Computer Security Day


December 1: World AIDS Day December 4: Cookie Day December 10: Human Rights Day December 13: Cocoa Day December 15: Ugly Sweater Day December 17: Maple Syrup Day December 21: Crossword Puzzle Day December 25: Christmas Day December 28: Short Film Day December 29: Still Need To Do Day December 30: Bacon Day December 31: New Years Eve   And that’s a wrap! When it comes to building your brand and boosting your visibility on social media, harnessing trending moments is a powerful tool to leverage. With this calendar of 2023 social media holidays up your sleeve, you can plan ahead, be strategic and harness these topical moments on social media.

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