On the list of marketers’ resolutions? Learning to stay on top of new trends, networking with other professionals and creating relevant content are just some of the goals marketers have planned for 2020. We asked our Sprout community on Twitter and LinkedIn what they want to tackle in the upcoming year and gathered the resources they need to knock out those resolutions.

1. Professional growth is a top priority.

In an industry known for rapid change, it’s critical for marketers to stay on top of their skill sets and expand their knowledge base. So it’s little surprise marketers resolve to make more time for professional development and grow their expertise in things like mastering video on social. In addition to strengthening their social media chops, marketers are keen to learn other marketing skills to further elevate their strategies. — JMS Insights (@JMSinsights) January 2, 2020 With only so many hours in the day to dedicate to professional growth, consider leveraging audiovisual platforms like webinars and podcasts to take your learning on the go. With a whole library available right at one’s fingertips, marketers can avoid being one of the 80% of individuals who fail to reach their resolutions by year’s end. Interested in professional growth? Start here:

What’s next? 8 career paths for social media managers 9 skills every social media manager must have 7 non-marketing podcasts to get you thinking differently

2. Community, community, community.

Another resolution high on marketers’ lists for 2020? Networking with other social media managers and learning from one another. Seeking out a mentor, for example, is one way marketers can leverage a community of experts who can provide mentees with advice and perspective on how to build their careers. — Cassandra “Caz” Bevan (@CazBevan) January 2, 2020 For marketers eager to increase their network, consider going straight to the source: social media. On LinkedIn, marketers can chime in on the comments section of trending topics and crowdsource insight from experienced professionals. And Sprout’s public Facebook Group, for example, gives marketers the space to introduce themselves to each other and spark conversations on all things social. Looking to build more community? Start here:

Facebook group marketing: how to build your community Four executives on how to be an unforgettable marketing mentor The Agency Network by Sprout Social

3. Proving social’s worth to executives.

While marketers recognize the value they get from social data, the same can’t always be said of their executives. Thirty-nine percent of marketers say they struggle to demonstrate the value of social across their entire organization. And when executives don’t clearly understand why social data is a must-have, it can create problems for marketers seeking the resources and support they need to do their jobs. — Matt (@PrintNerd541) January 2, 2020 This year, marketers aim to demonstrate the importance of social data to an organization’s success. That means presenting social data in a language executives understand and showing how social directly impacts top business priorities. When marketers learn what matters most to their organization’s leadership, they can adjust their social reporting accordingly to ensure insights are relevant and easily digestible for their bosses. Looking to secure a seat at the executive table? Start here:

Social media measurement: how to figure out what works The Sprout Social Index: Empower & Elevate Social media analytics & reporting guide

With the right focus and resources at hand, there’s no telling how many resolutions marketers can achieve in a year’s time. Whether it’s resolving to make time for one’s professional growth or improving content strategy, marketers have their eyes set on big goals to make 2020 one of their best years yet.