Following MacBook Air reviews hitting the web last week, today brings early reviews of the 2020 iPad Pro. Across the board, reviewers seem to agree that this is clearly a “refresh” of the 2018 iPad Pro, which still holds its ground over a year later.

Matthew Panzarino for TechCrunch corroborates what we reported yesterday about the new A12Z Bionic processor, saying that performance is close in performance to the A12X processor.

He also points out that he was unable to put the new LiDAR Scanner to the test because no applications are available yet to take advantage of it:

The 2020 iPad Pro does feature an additional GPU core and “enhanced thermal architecture,” as Panzarino points out. The full benefit of these improvements remains to be seen.

Unfortunately, it appears that early reviewers were not given the Magic Keyboard with trackpad to try out. Nonetheless, many people still put the new iPad Pro through its paces with accessories like the Magic Trackpad. For The Verge, Dieter Bohn praises Apple’s implementation of the functionality:

Elsewhere, Jacob Krol for CNN has some notes about the 12.9-inch iPad Pro’s battery life:

Todd Haselton at CNBC writes that, aside from the new AR capabilities, the camera system on the 2020 iPad Pro is better across the board:

Jason Snell writes at Six Colors that the new 2020 iPad Pro is a small step forward, but with incredible performance that outpaces the 2020 MacBook Air:

Jason also went in-depth on both the MacBook Air and iPad Pro updates on the Relay FM podcast Upgrade. You can check that out here.

The consensus across the board appears to be this: the 2020 iPad Pro is very much an iterative refresh over the 2018 model, with minor performance improvements and an enhanced camera system. The LiDAR Scanner very much has the potential to be the biggest new feature, but we’ll have to wait and see what Apple and third-party developers do to take advantage of it.

The Magic Keyboard is expected to be one of the more transformative iPad Pro enhancements this year, but it won’t be available until May. And as we wrote yesterday, you don’t have to upgrade to the 2020 iPad Pro to reap those benefits.

A handful of YouTubers also got an early look at the 2020 iPad Pro, and you can check those out below: