Apple has released its 2019 Security guide that covers the company’s efforts across a variety of levels including hardware security and biometrics, encryption and data protection, as well as app, services, and network security.

Apple opens the 2019 Platform Security guide with a description of its approach and notes how it leverages hardware, software, and services for “maximum security:”

This year, Apple calls out examples of pushing security and privacy further with the Find My offline device tracking as well as what it has done with Mac firmware security.

Every Apple device combines hardware, software, and services designed to work together for maximum security and a transparent user experience in service of the ultimate goal of keeping personal information safe. Custom security hardware powers critical security features. Software protections work to keep the operating system and third-party apps safe. Services provide a mechanism for secure and timely software updates, power a safer app ecosystem, secure communications and payments, and provide a safer experience on the Internet. Apple devices protect not only the device and its data, but the entire ecosystem, including everything users do locally, on networks, and with key Internet services.

The whole document is over 150 pages and is broken down into the following sections:

  • Hardware Security and Biometrics: The hardware that forms the foundation for security on Apple devices, including the Secure Enclave, a dedicated AES crypto engine, Touch ID, and Face ID.
  • System Security: The integrated hardware and software functions that provide for the safe boot, update, and ongoing operation of Apple operating systems.
  • Encryption and Data Protection: The architecture and design that protects user data if the device is lost or stolen, or if an unauthorized person attempts to use or modify it.
  • App Security: The software and services that provide a safe app ecosystem and enable apps to run securely and without compromising platform integrity.
  • Services Security: Appleʼs services for identification, password management, payments, communications, and finding lost devices.
  • Network Security: Industry-standard networking protocols that provide secure authentication and encryption of data in transmission.
  • Developer Kits: Frameworks for secure and private management of home and health, as well as extension of Apple device and service capabilities to third-party apps.
  • Secure Device Management: Methods that allow management of Apple devices, prevent unauthorized use, and enable remote wipe if a device is lost or stolen.
  • Security Certifications and Programs: Information on ISO certifications, Cryptographic validation, Common Criteria Certification, and the Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) Program.

Check out the full 2019 Apple Platform Security guide here.