Facebook’s former security head, Alex Stamos, has said that it is now too late for America to prevent foreign interference in this year’s midterm elections. Stamos left Facebook earlier this month, reportedly unhappy with the limited transparency of the company in disclosing Russian abuse of the platform …

He argues that although the CIA, FBI and NSA all agree that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, the lack of a robust response by the US government means that there is no deterrent to a repetition this year – by Russia or other nation states.

His comments were reported by CNET.

He said that it’s not enough to leave it to private companies to seek to identify foreign agents using their own platforms: the government must also act.

Facebook and Twitter yesterday revealed that they had taken down hundreds of fake accounts linked to separate disinformation campaigns by Iran and Russia.

He also urged the US to partner with its allies on creation of a cybersecurity agency to coordinate election protection. He also suggested states create election security teams to protect local voting systems from hacking threats

Photo: TechCrunch