When Chris Evans was announced as Captain America for the characters first major movie role, fans all over the world freaked out. The actor was known at that time for his role as Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch, in the failed Fantastic 4 and Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer. No one really thought he had what it took to fill the shoes of one of the biggest comic icons of all time.

Boy was everyone wrong.

Evans has proven time and time again that he was the perfect choice for the character. He brings out the best in Steve Rogers. His compassion, sense of honor, and courage are all on display in every scene with the actor. The problem is that Evans can be so good in the role that we often lose sight of some of the character’s flaws.

The MCU take on Captain America is fairly straight forward. He is small Brooklyn kid turned muscled up superhero who went on to help win WWII against the villainous Hydra. He’s also a man out of time who is trying to adjust to a world that has radically changed in the decades since the war. This gives him a lot of inner conflict between the morality of his time and the very different sense of right and wrong in ours.

These moral questions make up the foundations of the character’s arc. He goes from Nick Fury’s yes man to the main opposition of a U.N. plan to put heroes in check. That’s quite a journey for a former soldier. The road from point a to point b hasn’t always been a smooth one though. While he’s usually portrayed as the moral authority in the extended franchise, he can also come off sanctimonious, hypocritical, and just plain foolish.

While Captain America is one of the best characters in the MCU that doesn’t mean that we can’t still observe his flaws. Here are 20 things wrong with Captain America we all choose to ignore.

20. He Didn’t Earn His Strength

Captain America is the poster boy for the American ideals of self reliance and the power of determination. He openly chastises Tony for using a suit instead of fighting as himself. He even appears on a school P.E. video for high school teenagers across the nation.

That’s why it’s so weird to think that his strength isn’t his at all.

His powers were not brought to him by strength training, a power suit he made with his bare hands, or a bite from a radioactive spider. His powers were granted to him by a chemical formula designed by a German scientist.

When you think about it, Steve Rogers is basically the Lance Armstrong of The Avengers. Do a P.S.A. about that!

19. Not So Good With The Ladies

There are a lot of heroes known for their superhuman skill with women. Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Thor, and Jason Mamoa’s Aquaman all seem to be pretty great with the ladies. Half the female characters on Arrow exist just to be a love interest for Oliver Queen.

Steve Rogers is the opposite of all of these men. One of the first scenes in Captain America: The First Avenger features him totally blowing a date that professional wing-man Bucky Barnes had set up for him. He flirted with Peggy Carter so hard that Jim and Pam from The Office would tell them to get a room. Then he spent two movies having an awkward flirt fest with Peggy’s niece.

For a guy who was given a Hemsworth body overnight, you’d think he’d try a little harder. Do a couple of salmon ladders, apparently that works really well.

18. Judgmental Much?

The Avengers is one of those heartwarming films where a bunch of heroes who come from a variety of different places meet and immediately become best friends. It’s full of fun montages with the team getting milkshakes and going to the mall together.

No, really though, they spend the first hour and a half basically in a giant peeing contest.

Thor, Ironman, Cap, and Hulk start their alliance off on really bad terms. Stark and Rogers spend most of the film arguing over which of them is more awesome even though the stakes in the movie are pretty high. Most of the arguments come from Cap judging pretty much every aspect of Stark’s life. You’d think that someone who lived through the horrors of one of the worst wars in the history would have a higher bar for what makes someone a bad person.

Instead, they both made us all feel like poor Black Widow who was just rolling her eyes in the corner.

17. He’s A Self Righteous Black Ops Agent

This attitude continues on in Captain America: Winter Soldier. He is pretty quick to judge every single character in the film from Natasha, to Fury, and even the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. organization itself. (And that’s before he learns it was secretly Hydra).

What’s weird about this is that Rogers had been working for the organization as a black ops agent for months. He was dropped into presumably dozens of situations where he zoomed through bad guys like a human wrecking ball. Judging from his conduct in the opening mission of the film, he really didn’t spend a lot of questions asking who these random baddies were or why he was wrecking them. That’s quite hypocritical for someone who judges Black Widow for doing some slight hacking a little later on.

I mean you’re working with a Russian super-spy. Did you expect her not to spy?

16. Weak Spot For Bucky

Lots of super heroes have weaknesses. Superman has kryptonite. Martian Manhunter has fire. Green Lantern has yellow. Even Spider-Man is weak against his mortal enemy, normal human responsibilities. Rogers has a more nuanced one.

Throughout all of the movies, Rogers puts himself, his friends, and the world at risk for the brotherly love of his old bestie Bucky Barnes. The entire plot of Captain America: Civil War is about Cap pretty much destroying the Avengers for the sake of saving his old buddies. Instead of going to Tony as a friend and trying to get his support, he just goes after Bucky to try and save him by himself.

Bucky Barnes is basically the Yoko Ono of the Avengers.

15. Avengers: Age Of Man Feelings

The first Avengers may feature a lot of arguing between the fledgling team members, but it does so in an entertaining way that supports the themes around the dysfunctional family vibe the film was going for. The scenes are tense and build steadily like the heroes are trapped in a pressure cooker together. It’s a great showcase for how good writer Joss Whedon is with bouncing people with massive egos off of each other.

Age Of Ultron is not so good of a showcase. The film features the titular heroes at each others’ throats for most of the run time. Sure, there’s a fun party scene at the start, but that’s about the only time they get along until they have to come together for the final battle. While it fits the plots of Avengers and Captain America: Civil War for them to do so, Age Of Ultron ust makes them all seem like immature man children who don’t know how to communicate with one another.

They really need to recruit a family therapist for the team who can pass around a sharing pillow so they can all air out their grievances in a safe space. Black Widow really doesn’t have the qualifications to keep doing that job.

14. Globe Trotting Destruction

The Avengers is a film about heroes coming together to protect the world. The team even joins forces with NYPD and first responders to draw a parallel between our heroes and the real life heroes who protect and save people in real life. It’s a powerful move that helps to endear the heroes as worthy saviors.

In stark contrast, Avengers: Age Of Ultron is a film about how those same heroes can make mistakes so massive that they cause catastrophic global damage. The villain in that movie isn’t an extraterrestrial sociopath but basically just a self aware Iron Man suit gone rogue. The heroes Avenge their way across the globe causing massive destruction everywhere they go.

Cap isn’t much better in this regard. He gets in a fist fight with Ultron that causes a ton of damage throughout the city. There’s no shot of him walking the streets with a broom and a little garbage bag so it’s safe to assume he made it someone else’s problem. Real nice there, Steve.

13. No Sokovia Compromise?

While the Sokovia accords seem like a natural idea in a world where superhuman people do as they please, it’s actually a really stupid idea for the MCU. This is a world where aliens, alternate dimensional monsters, and literal gods come flying out of the sky to destroy the world a couple of times a year. There really isn’t time for a committee meeting to determine whether or not these events are worth stopping.

That being said, no legislature is perfect. Laws are built on compromise. There easily could’ve been contingencies placed in the document that would make it more effective against constant, spontaneous alien invasions. Steve Rogers has very little interest in that. Instead of trying to work with the governments of the world to come up with a reasonable set of rules, he pretty much thumbs his nose at the entire process. Not so idealistic after all, are we Captain America?

12. Why Not Bring Bucky In?

Captain America: Civil War may have advertised itself as a movie about the debate over the Sokovia accords, but it was just as much a movie about Bucky Barnes. He’s framed for a crime he didn’t commit and various parties immediately go after him with deadly intent. Cap’s plan is to try to help him run… which is really stupid.

For one, it just makes him seem a lot more guilty. Helping your fugitive friend beat cops to a pulp really doesn’t scream falsely accused. It also removes any leverage Cap might’ve had to help clear his name in a peaceful manner. If Cap had been the one to take down Bucky and bring him in, he might have been able to more adequately defend his friend. The whole plot is revealed within twenty-four hours of his arrest and that’s without any of the Avengers investigating it. If he wouldn’t have gotten himself arrested, he could’ve set Black Widow or Tony on the case and they likely would’ve caught Zemo in no time.

11. Super Soldier Army First, Then We Civil War

The big battle in Captain America: Civil War is one of the best set pieces in the MCU. It is a wonderful showcase for all of the powers of the various characters while also showing how excellent the franchise is at balancing drama, fun, humor, and tragedy all at the same time. The fight features hilarious quips from Spider-Man and also has Rhodey get paralyzed without any of it seeming out of place.

That being said, the circumstances around it are a little ridiculous. Team Cap is rushing to defeat a literal army of Winter Soldiers before they can be set loose on the world. Sure, this seems like something Captain America is perfect for, but wouldn’t it have been better if he just emailed this info to the non fugitive Avengers so that they could take care of it without the need for a super fight. They may have been ordered to take Barnes and Rogers in within the week but one would think they’d get an extension when the world learned that an army of Captain America/Winter Soldier powered people were about to be unleashed upon everyone.

10. Didn’t Tell Tony About His Parents

Eagle eyed fans noticed a cool Easter egg in Captian America: Winter Soldier. While going through Arnim Zola’s Hydra information, Cap found out that Howard and Maria Stark didn’t lose their lives in an accident, but to Bucky. This was dropped in a series of different articles and info that flashed in rapid succession. It didn’t seem like it would go on to become an important detail but it would actually be a part of one of the biggest moments in the entire extended franchise.

The most brutally sad part of Civil War is the scene where Tony finds out that not only did Bucky get rid of his parents, Steve knew. This was the last nail in the coffin that was their friendship. The deep cut of this betrayal still hasn’t healed and will likely be a big part of Avengers: Endgame.

9. Held A Grudge Against Howard

Despite being a super hero in Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers was still that little nerd on the inside. This made him very insecure any time he was around the flashy and confident Howard Stark. Due to a miscommunication, Rogers even thought that Howard was making time with his maybe girlfriend Peggy.

This grudge even carried over after he was unfrozen from being a floating popsicle. A lot of the tension between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers comes down to Howard. Steve seems to still be harboring insecurities and resentments against Howard while Tony spent his entire childhood having to compete with the idea of Captain America.

What’s truly sad about the whole thing is how much Howard loved both men. He clearly thought of Steve as one of the greatest men he ever knew. In Iron Man 2, Howard leaves Tony a message where he says that Tony was the greatest thing he ever did. It’s a tragic irony that hangs over the relationships between the three men.

8. What Was His Plan With Thanos’ Gauntlet

Avengers: Infinity War is basically a montage of different Avengers getting beaten up by Thanos. Some of these heroes put up a much more valiant effort than others. Doctor Strange lets the mad titan have it with an extensive fireworks show of different powers that he’s acquired since his solo movie. Tony uses everything he’s got in his most powerful suit to date. Even Thor creates a new weapon by taking the power of a star on his back.

Steve though?

There’s a great scene in the film where Cap screams as he holds Thanos’ gauntlet. Evans is looking as intense as ever, but it doesn’t really make sense. Was he trying to remove the gauntlet? Trying to keep Thanos from closing his hand? Or did he not really have any idea what was going on? This was technically the first time he really came into contact with the movie’s villain so maybe he was just confused as to the nature of the situations.

7. Got His Team Arrested

While Infinity War is famous for being the MCU movie where all the heroes lose against Thanos, Civil War features quite the heavy loss as well at the hands of mourning family man turned tactical genius Zemo. None of the heroes in the film come out of it better than they entered it but team Cap definitely takes the biggest hits.

After the big airport fight, Cap and Bucky zoom away and all of the rest of them get arrested. They’re sent to the prison island the Raft that makes Guantanamo seem like a resort. All of them are held in a very tiny cell with no windows and somehow no toilet. Wanda also has her arms completely restrained at all times.

While Cap does eventually save his team from their prison, it doesn’t take away the fact that they are all branded fugitives. The time between Civil War and Infinity War doesn’t seem to be like a happy time for team Cap. Scott and Clint are under house arrest while the others are on the run.

6. Why Just The Shield?

Captain America’s shield is perhaps the most iconic superhero weapon of all time. The way he can bounce it around like the laws of physics don’t exist is just infinitely awesome. The indestructible shield is also so powerful that even Thor’s hammer isn’t capable of putting a dent in it.

It is kind of weird that Cap only uses the shield though. He’s a WWII soldier who is competent with guns, knives, and all sorts of other weapons. It’s weird that he doesn’t ever bring any guns, grenades, or souped up weapons into battle. All the other members of the team do.

It’s not like he has a buddy who is the most talented weapons designer that’s ever lived or anything. You really don’t want like one laser blaster or anything?

5. Prideful In The Worst Times

There are times to be prideful and times to not be. Of all the Avengers, Steve most frequently shows that he is capable of being humble. He had no problem admitting to his mistakes when he had his big falling out with Tony. Unfortunately, he still has a tendency to be a prideful jerk when it’s the least convenient.

In The Winter Soldier Cap and company take on a group who have taken over a ship. When faced with Batroc, he quickly takes him down with his shield in hand. Batroc then calls him out for using said shield. Instead of blowing the insult of and hitting him hard in the face with it, he decides to let his best weapon go and engage in an ill advised hand to hand combat sequence like he’s Jason Bourne.

It’s really not a good quality when a villain can talk you out of using your best weapon in three seconds. Luckily, Batroc was still a punk though. His comic name is literally Batroc the leaper and Steve takes him out with a jump kick. That’s gotta hurt.

4. Flew Back To The Avengers Compound

In Infinity War, Captain America finds out pretty fast that he’s out of his depth. Vision is attacked by a couple of aliens in service to Thanos over something called an infinity stone. Things are a bit more cosmic than he’s used to. He decides to consult outside help with this issue but his choice was kinda questionable.

Steve Rogers, the most wanted man in America, decides to take all of his fugitive friends back to the Avengers compound where everyone would be looking for him. He does this so he can consult Rhodey and Bruce Banner, but phones do exist. You really didn’t have to fly into the belly of the beast while Rhodey is having a holographic phone call with the man who is after you. Then they stay in the compound long enough to make a battle plan.

3. Maybe Wash That Uniform

The time between Civil War and Infinity War was pretty rough for Steve Rogers. He spends his life on the run from the world and grows a pretty awesome depression beard.

He also walks around in a beaten up version of his Captain America uniform for… reasons? Seriously, why does the man walk around in that disgusting thing? Do they not have laundromats in whatever place Steve has been hiding out in? Also, he’s on the run! As a rule, it’s a really bad idea to wear your extremely recognizable uniform while you’re a fugitive.

He should’ve just gotten a bad dye job like Nat did. Evidently, that was very effective.

2. His Worthless Panther Shields

After the first round of trailers for Infinity War, fans were really excited to see what new weapons the Avengers were bringing to the table. Word had already gotten around that Thor had an awesome new axe and that Tony would be bringing his best armor to the table. When fans got a look at the gauntlets that Steve was sporting, they couldn’t be more excited. Especially considering how great Shuri is at making fantastic vibranium weapons.

Instead, they were just kind of there. They didn’t do anything. Shuri had the ability to make them absorb kinetic energy or shoot lasers but instead they did absolutely nothing. They weren’t even sharp! Where they even all that more useful than his fists? Winter Soldier had an awesome machine gun but Steve couldn’t do better than some kind of tough shields.

He’s basically wearing souped up Hulk hands. Pretty sad, though more useful in the film than Hulk’s actual hands.

1. He Wouldn’t Sign Coulson’s Cards

The Avengers is a film that features mind control, covert spy secrets, and the attempted enslavement of the human race. The film blows up the concept of super hero stakes. When Loki opens that portal and lets loose an alien army on New York, the state of super hero final act battles was changed forever.

None of those things are the most upsetting thing about the movie, though. The most upsetting thing is that Steve wouldn’t sign Coulson’s cards. Phil Coulson was without a doubt the heart of that film. He was so charming that not only did his loss inspire the team to come together and avenge him but also so charming that he was resurrected in order to headline his own show.

Coulson’s most adorable moment in the film comes when he geeks out over being in the same room as his idol, Captain America. He then asks if Cap will sign his vintage cards to which Cap kind of shrugs. We see the cards again after Coulson loses his life and, wouldn’t you know it, there’s no signature from Steve Rogers.

Well that’s it, the 20 things wrong with Steve Rogers. Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments!