Since its foundation in 2005, Reddit has become a huge family organised in millions of subreddits. While using the platform, you’ll find endless opportunities to share your interests and stay up to date with the topics of your choice. 

If you’ve ever wondered “What are the demographics of Reddit?” or “What percentage of people are on Reddit in different countries?”, keep on reading to find out, along with many more interesting facts and Statistics about Reddit.

Ten Fascinating Reddit Facts & Stats

  • In 2021, around 440.10 million people used Reddit on a global scale.
  • In 2020, Reddit was used by 17.65 million Aussies.
  • At the end of 2021, there were around 63.55 million monthly active users of Reddit.
  • The average Reddit user from Australia spends 31 minutes a day on the platform.
  • Reddit is worth US$10 billion.
  • As of January 2022, Reddit is the 6th most downloaded social media app in Australia.
  • 158 million posts and comments are shared by Australian redditors each month.
  • The number of uploaded videos on Reddit was 996,000 in August.
  • Reddit generated US$100 million in advertising revenue in the second quarter of 2021.
  • The best time to post on Reddit is at 2 p.m. on Tuesday.

General Reddit Statistics

1. Reddit was founded in 2005.


Roommates Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian, together with Aaron Schwartz, founded Reddit on June 23, 2005, at the University of Virginia, US.

2. Reddit is worth US$10 billion.

(New York Times) (Backlinko) 

73.8% of Reddit’s worth is from the seven funding rounds in the period from 2005 to 2021. The first one contributed US$100,000 to the company. Going forward to the funding round in August 2021, US$410 million was generated, which increased the worth of Reddit to a total of US$10 billion. 

3. As of January 2022, Reddit is the 6th most downloaded social media app in Australia

(Statista) (Sensor Tower) (Sensor Tower) (Backlinko) 

With 4.76 million downloads as of January 2022, Reddit has found its place on the list of most downloaded social media apps in Australia. 

Reddit counts approximately 122.5 million global downloads. The number of Reddit monthly instals around the world has doubled in the period from January when they were 2.9, to 6.6 million downloads in January 2021. The latest data shows that only in February 2022, Reddit had 2 million downloads worldwide.

Reddit Usage Statistics in Australia vs Globally

4. In 2021, around 440.10 million people used Reddit on a global scale.


Looking at the Reddit user stats, we can notice a gradual rise from 426.01 million in 2019, to almost 3 million more in 2020, with 429.87 million users globally. The estimations are that this number will grow even more in 2025 to 457.73 million users.

5. Reddit demographics show 62.8% of Reddit users are male.

(Statista) (Reddit) (Social Media Today)

As of October 2021, Reddit is generally more popular among the male population, since only 37.2% of the social media users are female. Reddit traffic stats from both genders in 2021 have noticed almost 5.8 billion pieces of shared content among them. 

Australians aged 18-34 represent 62% of the country’s users. The second-largest age group is 35-49-year-olds, with 28% of Australian Reddit users. 

6. In 2020, Reddit was used by 17.65 million Aussies.

(Statista) (Reddit) (Similar Web)

The 17 million Australians on Reddit have a share of 4.5% of the total traffic on the app, of which 3.85% is from desktop devices. Compared to the Australian statistics about Reddit, the United States holds almost half of the Reddit users with 46.65%. Next come users from the United Kingdom and Canada, with around 7% each. 

7. There are more than 50 million unique daily active users on the platform.


The daily active user base on Reddit is part of more than 100,000 communities where they find every information of their interest.

8. At the end of 2021, there were around 63.55 million monthly active users of Reddit.

(Statista) (Statista)

The number of monthly active users in 2021, has noticed a 30% growth compared to 2019.

In 2021, the majority of the monthly active users of Reddit, or to be exact, 46.65 million, are using the app with the iOS operating system. On the other hand, 16.9 million Reddit users access the app from their Android devices. 

9. The average Reddit user from Australia spends 31 minutes a day on the platform.

(Sydney Morning Herald) (Similar Web) 

What is Reddit mostly used for? Getting social news, commenting and voting is at the top of the list.

The statistics about Reddit Australia show that Aussies spend more time on the platform compared to the rest of the world, while the average visit duration of Reddit users worldwide is 9 minutes and 49 seconds.

Reddit Content Marketing Statistics

10. 158 million posts and comments are shared by Australian redditors each month.

(Reddit) (Social Media Today)

Globally, 366 million posts were created on Reddit in 2021, and the year has seen a 19% year-to-year increase of created posts by Reddit users. In 2020, there were 303.4 million posts made on the platform. 

11. The year-to-year growth of comments on Reddit is 12%.

Till the beginning of November 2021, there were 2.3 billion comments all around the platform, which is 12% higher than the 2 billion comments from the previous year. There was also a 1% increase of upvotes in 2021, with a total of 46 billion. 

12. The monthly video uploads on Reddit got to 996,000 in August.

(Foundation Inc)

Most of the Reddit users, 70%, watch the video content on the app from their mobile devices. Since a video in a post increases traffic from search results, the video content on Reddit is getting more popular and has noticed a growth rate of 38% since 2018.   

13. There are over 3.4 million subreddits in total on Reddit.


As of May 2022, Reddit has 3,384,017 subreddits, with thousands of new subreddits being created every day. 

14. As of April 2022, there were 45,975 new subreddits created added on average every month.

(renolon) (Backlinko)

From April 2021 to April 2022, the platform was enriched by around 55,1706 new subreddits in the last year, or, 1533 new subreddit are created every day, or, 1.06 new subreddit are created in each 1 minute. 

(One up App) (9news)

Following the announcement subreddit, come /r/funny with 39.94 million subscribers, and /r/AskReddit with 35.98 million. Other popular Reddit contents are the ones under the /r/gaming and /r/aww subreddits.

The biggest Australian subreddit is r/Australia and it is used by 700,000 Reddit accounts. Others widely popular are r/ausfinance, r/asx_bets, r/afl and r/nrl. 

Reddit Advertising Revenue Statistics

16. Reddit generated US$100 million in advertising revenue in the second quarter of 2021.

(Reddit) (Statista)

In the Q2 of 2021, there was a significant increase of 191.97% of the Reddit ad generated revenue, compared to the same period of the previous year, when it was only US$34.25 million.

17. By 2023, the US ad revenue is expected to reach over half a billion 


The estimated growth of Reddit in 2022 is expected to be around 38.9%. If the trend continues, the ad revenue is supposed to grow approximately 23.3% in 2023.

Reddit Traffic Statistics

18. The best time to post on Reddit is at 2 p.m. on Tuesday 

(Social Rise)

For getting higher traffic on Reddit, you should try to post at the best times recommended by the social media experts and traffic researchers. Besides Tuesday, other fitting times are Monday and Wednesday at 2 p.m., and Sunday at 5 p.m.

19. 99.99% of Reddit’s traffic comes from searches of organic keywords.

(Similar Web) 

Only 0.01% of the searches come from paid keywords sending traffic to Reddit. Out of over 18.4K keywords, the top 5 are:

  • Reddit 10.87%
  • Lost ark reddit 1.14%
  • Reddit lost ark 0.59%
  • Reddit ukraine 0.52%
  • Livestreamfails 0.48%

20. Youtube is the top social media, with 47.63% directing traffic to Reddit.

(Similar Web)

50.25% of the traffic on Reddit is direct and the other majority of 47.08% comes from search. The rest of the traffic, around 2.5% on the site, is from display ads. 

Following almost half of the directs of Youtube, come Twitter with 21.20%, and Facebook with 14.85%. 

Bottom Line

The statistics about Reddit Australia show a significant increase in usage and a promising future for the social media app. Feel free to use these statistics about Reddit to grow your communities and get more information on the topics of your interest in no time.

If you’ve thought about taking a break off from other social media, check this guide on deleting your Reddit account.

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