AgileBits has released the latest version of 1Password for iOS, and it includes a new feature that will serve as a major convenience for anyone who uses the app to manage two-factor one-time passwords. As of version 6.8, which AgileBits has codenamed ‘The Picnic Edition’, one-time passwords will now auto-copy to the clipboard whenever you use auto-fill.

Here’s a look at the full list of changes:

  • One-time passwords now copy to the clipboard automatically whenever you fill an item that has a one-time password.
  • The ability to create vaults has arrived for accounts.
  • Item creation and modification dates now appear in the item details.
  • Korean localization returns.

As you can see, the change log for version 6.8 isn’t very lengthy, but the adoption of auto-copy for one-time passwords will serve as a significant time-saver. It will end up potentially saving users multiple steps — re-authenticating with 1Password, tapping the one time password, selecting copy, switching back to the app you wish to authenticate, etc.

I also appreciate that we can now see timestamps relating to item creation and modifications. This makes it much easier to troubleshoot potential issues and/or correlate changes, a feature that the current macOS version already enjoys.

1Password is, in my opinion, far and away the best password management tool available for iOS and Mac, and it’s progressive updates like these that keep the app in the forefront of this space.

What do you you think about the version 6.8 update?