1Password 4 for Mac was updated today to version 4.3 with a bevy of enhancements and new features. Unlike today’s update to the iOS version of the app, the OS X-based update is not an overhaul of the application, but instead focuses on refining the software’s feature set.

This update features big updates to the 1Password Mini plugin, which now allows you to edit your saved items and generated passwords, recognizes a number of new keyboard shortcuts, and supports “fuzzy search” for saved items; the auto-save system, which now prompts you to update your existing password if you create a new password for a saved website; and a lot more.

Updates and Enhancements

In the main app, a few important changes to syncing have been made. When you change your master password in the main app, the change will now be synced to all of your deviecs—something that for some reason was not in existing versions. The update also introduces a new syncing method that allows you to copy your vault to a USB drive, which lets you carry your data with you and access it from any computer without the need for a network connection.

The updated app has better URL detection, and can figure out if you’re trying to login to a subdomain of a website for which you’ve saved a password. You can search for data other than domain names in 1Password Mini, including usernames and notes.

A whole host of bug fixes and small tweaks have also been made, including the addition of full-screen mode on supported versions of OS X, better support for multiple Chrome profiles, and improvements when editing items that allows you to quickly pick up where you left off if you lock the app or change vaults with the editor open.


1Password 4.3 is a free update to all current users on the Mac App Store. New users and those using the 1Password 3 or older can get the app for a special half-off price of $24.99 until Friday.

The iOS version of the app, which you’ll want to get so you can sync your data between devices, got a major overhaul today for iOS 7. Like its desktop counterpart, the mobile version is half-off until Friday, meaning you can get it for only $8.99.

One important thing to note is that the Mac App Store version of 1Password never reached version 4.2, while the version available through the AgileBits website did. That’s because Apple rejected the 4.2 update, and rather than resubmit it, AgileBits pushed ahead. The 4.3 update on the Mac App Store contains all of the features found in version 4.2 along with the changes introduced in 4.3.

The full change log for the App Store version is below. As noted above, it may include some items already available in the version of the app available from the developer’s website.

1Password 4.3 for the Mac App Store is a massive update that includes all the features from our v4.2 update for our website version. There’s great new stuff here that you’ve been asking for, such as: updating existing items right in the browser when you change passwords, editing items right in 1Password mini, lots of new keyboard shortcuts, USB drive support, sync improvements, and much more!

This wouldn’t have been possible without your feedback. Please continue sharing it with us at support@agilebits.com. We love hearing from you!

The Big Stuff

  • When you update a password for an existing item, the AutoSave window will now prompt you to update that item!
  • You can now choose which vault to use when saving a new Login
  • Edit items directly within 1Password mini!
  • Edit generated passwords in 1Password mini, too
  • Looking for something specific? 1Password mini now searches everything, from your usernames to your notes
  • We’ve added full screen support so 1Password can be larger than ever!
  • Like keyboard shortcuts? 1Password mini now has a ton of ‘em
  • Keyboard shortcuts for switching vaults
  • Tab and Shift-Tab shortcuts to navigate in 1Password mini’s details view
  • Command (⌘)-O to anchor 1Password mini’s details view
  • Command (⌘)-E to enter edit mode in 1Password mini’s details view
  • Command (⌘)-S to save changes in 1Password mini’s details view
  • Command (⌘)-. to cancel changes and exit the edit mode in 1Password mini’s details view
  • By popular request, 1Password mini now shows Secure Notes!

Sync & Export

  • Now when you change your Master Password, it will sync to your other devices
  • Internet? Who needs it! USB is the future, so now you can sync your data file using a USB drive
  • We’ve made some improvements to the way 1Password interacts with Dropbox
  • New exporting options: 1Password can now export items to CSV and plain text (careful here—your items are not encrypted in these formats!)


  • Added the ability to move items (in addition to copy) from one vault to another
  • Right clicking on an item in the item list will now select that item
  • We’ve made the item list even better, both when you right click on an item and when you click on the Item menu
  • You can now resume editing if 1Password locks or quits in the middle of a change
  • You can even switch vaults while editing an item and resume editing when you switch back
  • Easily rename tags directly within the sidebar
  • Item note editing now supports Undo/Redo


  • New Find Backup button allows you to restore external backup files
  • You can now restore from a backup when launching 1Password for the first time


  • Catalan and Danish localization
  • New languages added
  • Updated translations


  • Greatly improved URL matching makes logging in to sites with sub domains easy

  • Use Go&Fill from the main application even when your browser is not open

  • 1Password mini now supports fuzzy search. For example: “oogle” will now return items named “Google”

  • Improved support for multiple Chrome profiles

  • Addressed some minor visual and grammar issues

  • You can now sort by Category in Security Audit

  • Improved import from CSV

  • Squashed many bugs reported by our awesome customers



  • Improved the user experience in Preferences > Sync
  • Added the ability to search in “/Dropbox/Apps/1Password/” when launching 1Password for the first time
  • Improved sync performance
  • Reduced database size
  • 1Password mini’s details view popover appears quicker
  • Improved browser code signature verification
  • Improved CSV parser used for import
  • Improved 1Password Updater
  • The item list selection changes to the right-clicked item if it was not already selected
  • Text fields manually created in 1Password 3 are now displayed in the web form details
  • Improvements in the context menu of the item list and in the “Item” menu in the main menu
  • The Login’s title will no longer change after switching vaults in the autosave window
  • 1Password now detects if the Dropbox app is located in a non-standard location
  • Improved browser filling performance
  • Improved the “About 1Password” window
  • Improved domain matching to include the latest ICANN domains


  • Made sure that it is not possible to launch 1Password Updater from Trash.
  • Fixed problem where local changes are sometimes lost after Dropbox or Folder sync is triggered.
  • Fixed rare problem where 1Password did not connect to 1Password mini after an update and a fresh download was required.
  • Fixed problem where Find Backup results in “Failed adding backup” after backup is successfully added.
  • Fixed problem where custom icons had a white background colour.
  • Fixed problem where undo was not working in Secure Notes fields in 1Password mini.
  • Fixed printing of multi-line notes.
  • Fixed problem where 1Password mini returned duplicated items when searching in all fields.
  • Fixed problem where the “address” field title wasn’t localizable for Identities.
  • Fixed crash when switching vaults very quickly using the newly added keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed crash when entering the edit mode in 1Password.
  • Fixed crash when enabling Dropbox sync.
  • Fixed crash when exporting to CSV format.
  • Fixed several issues related to item syncing when using multiple vaults.
  • Fixed problem when 1Password failed to connect with 1Password mini on slower Macs.
  • Fixed problem where rich icons for Logins were not being displayed in the details view.
  • Fixed issue where 1P mini menu could span the screen boundary when opened on a secondary screen positioned to the left of the primary screen.
  • Fixed issue where 1P mini menu would always open to the left of the parent menu when opened on a secondary screen positioned to the right of the primary screen.
  • Fixed some minor UI issues in Preferences > Security.
  • Crash when switching vaults very fast using the newly added keyboard shortcuts.
  • Changing your Master Password will now sync to other devices.
  • Fixed problem when switching vaults during sync setup merged the wrong data files.
  • Now always validating keychain file before syncing.
  • Fixed problem when “Edit Login in 1Password” from the autosave window didn’t show the item to be edited.
  • Colons ‘:’ no longer used in generated passwords to work around a copy-paste issue in iOS 7. Reported by Andy Espin andy@andyespin.com
  • Fixed crash when filling an item that could not be decrypted.
  • Resolved a crash that would happen when setting up Dropbox syncing.
  • Fixed crash when enabling iCloud sync.
  • Fixed Database Locked error that could occur after upgrading to a new version.
  • Fixed problem when deleting item sections.
  • Fixed problem when deleting URLs when there are duplicates in the list.
  • The item list section header’s date is now localized.
  • Disabled switching to a locked secondary vault in the Autosave window.
  • Fixed copy in the web form details and previously used passwords fields.
  • Fixed the vertical alignment of the copy button in the Item Details view.
  • Fixed problem where the item title was truncated in 1Password mini.
  • Fixed problem when the keyboard shortcuts were not remapped after creating a vault from an existing keychain.
  • Fixed problem where merge and confirm window was showing unnecessarily when enabling sync.
  • Fixed problem where “symbol” was displayed instead of “symbols” in the details view password generator’s password recipe.
  • Fixed autolayout constraint violations when editing login fields.
  • Fixed problem where “About Licenses” in the license window was cutoff for certain translations.
  • Fixed crash during conflict resolution for items with non-string field values.
  • Fixed crash in 1Password mini’s window.
  • Fixed rare crash in 1Password mini before displaying the autosave window.
  • Fixed crash when enabling Dropbox or Folder sync for the first time.
  • Fixed rare crash in syncing.