A survey of more than 2,000 people shows that 19% of those who own existing Apple devices are ‘very interested’ in buying the HomePod. This compares to 13% interest across the population as a whole.

Across all intending smart speaker buyers, the HomePod was equal-third in the rankings …

It’s no surprise that price was named as the most important factor in choosing a smart speaker, but brand was the second biggest consideration. Interestingly, only 14% said that accuracy of speech recognition was a key factor, suggesting that Apple may be taking the right approach in positioning the HomePod as a speaker first and a Siri device second.

The headline figures were higher, 45% of Apple owners and 41% of the population as a whole stating that they are ‘interested’ in buying a HomePod – but these are not the numbers to watch. It’s easy to say you’re interested in buying something, much harder to lay out the actual cash. The rule of thumb is that only those who say they are very interested in buying something are considered real prospects.

Tim Cook said in an interview published yesterday that he wasn’t concerned about the price differential.

The HomePod will go on sale in December.