Whether you want to inspire or entertain, we’ve searched the web for Instagram caption ideas for selfies. You can either use them as they are or tweak them a bit to make them fit your brand or selfie shot better. Depending on your target audience and content, we also suggest that you pair these captions with popular Instagram hashtags or emojis. The key, though, is to keep whichever hashtag, emoji, or Instagram caption that you end up using relevant to your selfie. Ready, selfie, post!

180+ Instagram Captions for Selfies to Capture Every Mood and Moment:

For inspirational selfie posts

Just because you’re posting selfies of yourself on Instagram doesn’t mean that it’s all about you. You want to make your followers feel better about themselves and their situations, right? With one of these Instagram captions, you can show off your good looks and inspire your audience all at the same time. Our favorites are: #2, #5, and #20. 

  1. Some days start better than others.
  2. There’s no such thing as a perfect person, but someone’s heart can have a perfect intention. 
  3. Life is simple. It’s just not easy.
  4. Life is too short for bad vibes. 
  5. Grow through what you go through. 
  6. Don’t be afraid of your shadow. It’s really just a constant reminder that there’s light all around you. 
  7. Whatever is good for your soul, do that.
  8. Do whatever makes you happiest. 
  9. The way you speak to yourself matters the most. 
  10. Self-love is the best love. 
  11. You can regret a lot of things, but you’ll never regret being kind.
  12. Create your own sunshine. 
  13. Be yourself, there’s no one better.
  14. Being happy never goes out of style. 
  15. Be happy, it drives people crazy. 
  16. Smile a little more, regret a little less.
  17. Live more, worry less. 
  18. Stress less and enjoy the best. 
  19. Smile big, laugh often. 
  20. Let it hurt and then let it go. 
  21. Look for the magic in every moment. 
  22. Just because you’re awake doesn’t mean that you should stop dreaming. 
  23. Life is like photography. We develop from the negatives. 
  24. Know your worth but don’t forget to add tax.
  25. I am the princess of my own fairy tale.
  26. Keep calm and take a selfie.
  27. There is sunshine in my soul today.
  28. I’m here. That’s the miracle I’ve been looking for.

For fashionable selfie posts

For those aspiring fashion or beauty influencers, here are a few caption ideas to highlight both your sense of style and stunning selfies. Our favorites are: #3, #7, and #9.  29. Keep your heels, head, and standards high. 


  1. People will stare. Make it worth their while. 
  2. Life isn’t perfect, but your outfit can be. 
  3. I’m feeling the fashion in this frame. 
  4. Maybe I’m born with it, maybe it’s an Instagram filter. 
  5. Pretty in pink 👙
  6. My mood depends on how good my hair looks. 
  7. Lipstick speaks louder than words. 
  8. Take care of your outfit and your confidence will take care of the rest.

For humorous selfie posts

You know what they say about laughter and selfies? Both can keep the doctor away. So, a funny Instagram caption for your selfie can act as a double dose of medicine. Our favorites are: #5, #9, and #20.  38. Don’t worry too much about what other people think. They don’t really do it that often. 39. When in doubt, pout. 40. Today I will be as useless as the silent “p” in raspberry. 41. Another fine day ruined by responsibilities.  42. I put the “pro” in procrastinate.  43. When you follow your heart and it leads you to the couch…  44. What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind? A may-bee… I’m a maybe. 45. If there would be an award for being lazy, I would send someone to pick it up for me. 46. Super lazy. Like normal lazy, but with a cape.  47. Bored of being bored because being bored is boring. 48. Doing nothing, not feeling guilty about it. 49. Just dropped my new single! It’s me. I’m single. 50. Decluttering my life like Marie Kondo.  51. You never know what you have until you have cleaned your house.  52. Mentally at the beach.  53. Sure, I do marathons. On Netflix. 54. Going to bed early. Not going to a party. Not leaving my house. My childhood punishments have become my adult goals.  55. My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I had to do.  56. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way. 57. When life slams a door in your face, just open it again. Doors work like that.  58. Why chase you when I’m the catch?  59. Be as picky with your men as you are with your selfies. 60. You do you. I’ll do me.  61. Me? Crazy? I should get down off this unicorn and slap you. 62. Sometimes I pretend to be normal. But that gets boring really fast. So, I go back to being normal! 63. I tried to be normal once. Worst two minutes of my life!


  1. I don’t care what people think of me. Mosquitoes find me attractive!
  2. I’m not weird. I’m a limited edition.
  3. Smile, it confuses people.
  4. Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
  5. You couldn’t handle me. Even if I came with instructions!
  6. But first, let me take a selfie. 
  7. I don’t always take selfies, but when I do…
  8. I have no selfie control.
  9. They call it a “selfie” because “narcissistic” is too hard to spell.
  10. What’s a queen without her king? Historically speaking, more powerful.
  11. Who needs self-awareness when I can make you aware of me instead?
  12. You don’t have to like me; I’m not a Facebook status.
  13. WARNING: You may fall in love with my face.
  14. Selfie, selfie, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?
  15. I am not taking a selfie. I am just checking my camera quality.
  16. I don’t take selfies all the time, just every day.
  17. This way, I know how I look.
  18. Humble, with just a hint of Kanye. 
  19. Confidence level = selfie, no filter. 
  20. This little selfie? Oh, I just happened to find this on my phone.
  21. Keepin’ it real since [insert your year of birth].

For the foodies in all of us

Good food is meant to be shared – on Instagram. It’s the perfect answer to sharing your food without others actually helping themselves to your fries. Our favorites are: #2, #5, and #7.  85. You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach. 86. Life happens, coffee helps. 


  1. Today is one of those days that even my coffee needs a coffee.
  2. Coffee and confidence. 
  3. Tequila might not be the answer, but it’s worth a shot. 
  4. Coffee is cheaper than therapy.
  5. Wine about it 🍷
  6. Good food, good mood.
  7. Eyes are bigger than my stomach.
  8. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
  9. Dinner time is selfie time.
  10. Eat, drink, and be cozy.

Going on a solo adventure? Remember to share more than just the breathtaking panoramic photos of the view and turn it into a selfie moment. Our favorites are: #3, #6, and #16.  97. All I really need is a passport.  98. ‘Tis the season to be freezin’. 99. I need a six-month holiday, twice a year. 100. Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.   101. Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.  102. Wanderlust and city dust. 103. Go wild for a while.  104. You’re never too old for a snowball fight. 105. Selfie in paradise. 106. The road less taken is just a few feet away.  107. With brave wings, she flies… 108. I was so bored. So, I kidnapped myself and went on an adventure… 109. When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.  110. Counting snowflakes instead of stars. 111. Sunshine is the best medicine. 112. Like the view? 113. Find your wild.  114. Exploring what else is out there.  115. Find me where the wild things are…


  1. Once you get away from where you’re from, you look at it in a different way. 
  2. Get out there and live a little. 

For selfie posts in the gym

Nowadays, no Instagram feed is complete without at least one selfie taken while you’re training. If you don’t want to flex your writing muscles, here are some ideas for captions. Our favorite is #2.  118. Don’t dream of it. Train for it.  119. Start somewhere. 120. “Work it, make it, do it, makes us: harder, better, faster, stronger.” – Daft Punk 121. I did it! 122. Work hard, then work harder.  123. It wasn’t always easy, but it’s worth it.  124. I might not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday. 


For group selfies

Who said a selfie should feature only yourself? After all, your loved ones are often an extension of yourself. Our favorites are #1 and #8. 125. Find your tribe and never let them go.  126. My world, my heart, my everything.  127. He’s my best friend. 128. No one will really be as entertained by us, as us.  129. We’ll always be best friends, till we’re old and senile. Then, we can be new friends.  130. Good times + Best friends = Epic moments! 131. Not sure what’s tighter, our jeans or our friendship? 132. The people who make me forget to check my phone (but not to take a selfie) 😉 133. Just the two of us 134. He’s my king and I’m his queen. 

For those selfies that should probably be deleted

In today’s day and age, authenticity is at the core of successful influencer marketing. One way to be authentic is to post photos that show the real you (aka those selfies that others would probably not have been bold enough to share). Our favorites are: #6, #10, and #13.  135. I have a great personality. 136. I’m most likely going to regret this in 3… 2… 1… 137. Posting this one to make everyone else feel better about themselves. You can thank me later. 138. Don’t let your eyes be blinded by my beauty. 139. I woke up like this.  140. Messy hair days happen in real life. Be brave and show your morning hair to the world.  141. My best friend dared me to post this selfie.  142. I call this the “at-least-I-tried” selfie. 143. Showing myself at my worst. So, the next time that I post a selfie, you’ll be amazed by my unbelievable transformation. 144. Embrace the glorious mess that you are. 


  1. There’s power in looking good. There’s also power in looking ridiculous and not caring that you do. 
  2. Messy bun and getting stuff done.
  3. Less perfection, more authenticity. 
  4. Crazy hair, don’t care. 

For short selfie posts

Just like many things in life, size doesn’t matter. Longer Instagram captions aren’t necessarily more effective. In fact, by turning your caption into a short question, you can boost engagement or possibly start a new challenge. Our favorites are: #5, #8, and #10 149. Sunday Funday  150. Selfie Sunday 151. All about the vibe  152. Escape the ordinary 153. Oh hey there 154. Let it be 155. Sweet like honey 156. Stay gold 157. Me 158. Missed me? 159. Selfie time! 160. Me, myself, and I 161. Me doing me 162. Just me 163. Typical me 164. Yes or no? 165. How gorgeous is this? 166. Shoutout to myself!

More generic selfie captions

For those moments when you just want to post a selfie without turning it into too big of a deal, you can try one of these more generic captions. Our favorites are: #7, #12, and #15.   167. Ah, a perfectly captured selfie! 168. Born to stand out with selfies. 169. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a selfie is worth ten thousand more.  170. Rate this selfie from 1-10. 171. But first, let me take a selfie. 172. Get your pose on.  173. Gracing your feed with this fabulous selfie. 174. A selfie a day keeps the doctor away! 175. No job is complete until a selfie is posted. 176. This selfie has its own vocabulary. 177. Selfies are genuine confidence boosters! 178. I am not a selfie expert. 179. May your day feel as good as taking this perfect selfie on the first try. 180. I don’t always take a selfie, but when I do… 181. What do you think of this look? 182. Nothing feels as good as a selfie on the first try.  183. Life is tough, but so am I.