You know about our love for the fabulous iPod nano watch accessories. We’ve covered a lot of these, from early concepts to fan-made bands to real watch-straps and premium cases sold at Apple Stores. That said, we thought you might be especially fond of ZShock’s obscenely expensive iPod nano watch wrist.

I can imagine one of their product guys pitching the idea to managers, “Hey, let’s just put some diamonds on a wrist case and sell it for $18,000.” It’s worth your cold hard cash if you’re into luxury items and here’s why.

You’re paying for the diamonds, of course, but the price also reflects the precision with which the esteemed jewelers have meticulously put individual diamond pieces together.

You can custom-order yours from their website.

Those thinking about ordering one for a Red Carpet movie premiere should expect a 3-4 week wait as these things are made by hand and I can imagine the process being anything but easy.