⚙️ The Basics

Before creating an account, think carefully about what type of seller you want to be—an individual or a professional seller. Decide on which subscription plan is best for you by determining how many products you expect to sell each month. If you are only selling books as a hobby and expect fewer than 40 items sold each month, opt for the Individual plan. If you have a large inventory and can potentially sell more than 40 books in one month, choose the Professional plan. The subscription fee for Professional plans is fixed at $39.99 per month. If you expect to sell plenty of books each month, this is more cost-effective than the $0.99 per item fee for Individual plans. Once you have decided on the type of account suitable for you, prepare the following documents and information. Then follow the steps below to create your seller account.

Things to prepare for account creation

2. Prepare your inventory.

If you have extra money to spare, you can use it to widen your inventory. Hunt for treasures in local bookstores, garage sales, or thrift shops. Join special sales such as estate sales or moving sales to score large collections of books. You can also check eBay and Craigslist for books sold in bulk at super low prices. You can use a separate spreadsheet or inventory management system to organize your inventory. For more convenience, just use the existing inventory management tools at Seller Central. Once you complete the registration process, you can start listing your books. You’ll need to have the following information to list each book, then follow the steps for listing products.

Information needed for product details.

4. Deliver book orders to your customers.

If you choose Fulfillment by Seller, you will be responsible for your own inventory. You have to pack and ship the books yourself through your chosen carrier. If you have limited inventory with only a few books to sell, this option will help you stay profitable even with tight margins.

1. Set competitive prices.

2. Post clear images.

3. Choose FBA.

4. Use the same ASIN for a previously listed book.

5. Devise a system for creating SKUs that are easy to recognize.

6. Conduct keyword research.

Adding keywords to your product listing improves the chances of your products appearing in search results. Use a bit of SEO to find the right keywords for each of your books. Combine specific words with longtail keywords to increase search rankings.

7. Run product ads.

Improve the visibility of your book listings by advertising your product offers. Run ads on product pages and in search results. This requires a bit of an investment but can help you grow your bookselling business faster. 

8. Offer promotions.

9. Monitor your seller account every day.

10. Confirm shipment to process payment.

11. Keep track of your inventory.

You might receive negative feedback if a buyer orders a book that is listed but is no longer available. This can happen if you sell the same inventory on different platforms. Avoid this by keeping track of your book inventory and updating your account in Seller Central.

12. Get customer reviews.

13. Be responsive to customers.

One of the best ways to earn great customer reviews is by being responsive. Answer their questions and address their concerns. Be available when they ask for the condition of the product, order status, or shipment delays.

14. Expand your selection by listing more products.

Gain more new customers and retain existing ones with more book options. Conduct a market survey to determine which books your target customers are looking for. Source more books and build your inventory. You can also add accessories related to books such as book covers, bookmarks, and reading lights.

15. Go mobile.