Adult aimed cartoon Rick and Morty has become a firm favorite amongst those who love the science fiction genre. The Adult Swim animated classic has already been renewed for a seemingly infinite amount of seasons, far into the future.

One of the locations often not discussed in the show is the house of Rick and Morty. Although it’s a vital part of the series, where almost every adventure will start, there’s plenty you might not have noticed about their living environment. Here are 15 of those things.

Updated April 23rd, 2020 by George Chrysostomou: With the second half of season 4 on the horizon, we’re taking another look at that famous house and some other things you may have missed!

Dining Room

The dining room is a significant location in the Rick and Morty household. It’s where the family scenes are often set and is a location that serves as a reminder for how the current situations are affecting the Smiths.

The very start of the series sees the family at that dining table and indeed its brought up many times as the dynamic continues to shift. Whether its to demonstrate the gap of Jerry in the family or perhaps to demonstrate how much stays the same in alternate realities.

The Balcony

There’s a distinctive balcony area on the front of the house, however it’s unclear what this links to. The design of the balcony seems even more pointless as it doesn’t really face anything interesting.

It’s on the front of the house which is a bizarre choice and doesn’t really have enough room to even fit a table or chairs. It hasn’t factored into the show yet and the design definitely seems to be flawed.

Parking Space

The parking space at the front of the house is very rarely used, despite so many vehicles being owned by the family. It’s strange that many shots of the house have a completely empty driveway.

While the parents do have a car that has been featured on occasion, the stranger fact is that Rick’s car is never anywhere to be seen. It’s a bit of a mystery where he keeps his car, although it’s likely underground or through a portal. Strange he wouldn’t put it in the drive.

Breaking Bad Comparison

There’s a glaring comparison that plenty of fans have made about the house of Rick in his fake memory. Many have suggested that the design is clearly based upon the house that Walter White lives in.

Walter White is the main character of Breaking Bad and shares a few comparisons with Rick especially. They both have young men following in their footsteps, Jesse and Morty respectively, and obviously both are incredibly experienced scientists.


The house number of the Rick’s fake residence isn’t widely known, but it’s actually 6910. It’s a number that actually raises many questions. Firstly, why is their street so long! It seems that the Rick road goes on endlessly.

Secondly, there’s no clear reason for this number to be chosen, but since everything in the show is very deliberate it’s likely that the significance behind this specific number will be revealed. In comparison we don’t know the number of the new house they live in, suggesting this factor is even more significant.


Rick and Morty’s neighbors are almost too quiet. While we did briefly meet Gene, one of the most hated supporting characters, we don’t know much more about them. It’s as if they know to stay away from the dangerous house.

Their own houses really don’t change all that much and we wonder if they try to protect themselves from whatever is going on. It’s really surprising that there hasn’t been a for sale sign outside of either of the households so they can get away from the constant madness of the Rick and Morty house.

Roof Repairs

In one episode Summer grows so big that she damages the roof of the house, creating a big hole that could cause further damage if it rains or other natural events occur. The hole quickly gets boarded up but takes a little time to fix.

In the subsequent episodes, the roof is in various stages of repair but you can always see where the damage is done. This is the kind of consistency we love to see and absolutely helps to feel like this is a continuously moving story.

House Upgrades

The house has experienced some upgrades over time and we’re sure there are still remnants of these. Sometimes these enhancements actually reveal themselves if the family is in danger or something is happening in the vicinity.

Simple objects such as the satellite dish will have been re-purposed for various reasons. The house now has a number of defensive features that will keep Morty’s family safe at all times, although sometimes the house could be a danger to them as well.

Interior And Exterior

The interior of the house and exterior don’t exactly match up. It’s surprising considering so much of the series is really well thought out, but it’s like what is contained within the house couldn’t actually fit into the exterior we have seen.

Some people have created the fan theory that this is actually a bit like a T.A.R.D.I.S. and that the house is bigger on the inside. We are yet to see a floor plan of the building to determine where exactly everything could fit without some kind of science magic.

Underground Takeover

Rick has clearly expanded the house underground, as we’ve seen him go through the floor of the garage many times for various things. However, if you look at the layout of this underground bunker you’ll realize it takes up a lot of the house.

With so many other parts to his underground creation, we wonder if he’s actually taken over the whole of the foundations of this family household. Perhaps he’s even expanded it further, we may one day find out how far it really goes.


Much like the hole in the roof of the house, some of the crazy events that have happened resulted in the house being moved into the sky. When it was brought back to the ground, there were cracks along the pavement due to what had happened.

These cracks have actually appeared in the episodes since, as a reminder of the events that have previously taken place. This is again the kind of detail that no one would notice but helps to build out the realism of a world which contains so many crazy elements.

Morty’s Bedroom

Morty has been a part of most of Rick’s adventures and often brings items back from his travels. However, you’d expect the young boy to store most of these items in his room, yet his bedroom rarely changes.

We can only assume he keeps the items in the garage along with Rick, but it’s interesting that his room has remained relatively Earthly and normal throughout. The only assumption can be that Morty likes to try and keep his normal life separate from his adventures.

Identical Realities

Despite the realities that Rick and Morty have entered, the house has actually remained mostly the same. When the father and grandson duo had to dimension hop, they found that the other house was almost identical.

The same can be said for many different versions of Rick. Despite there being many different types of realities, including ones where everyone is a Nazi, the house seems to remain one of the constants of the character which is quite odd.


We know that the Rick and Morty house has a garden with a lot of grassland and even some side gardens as well. However, we barely ever see them use it or actually spend time there. There’s probably one key reason for this.

Rick and Morty have changed dimensions in one of the most emotional moments of the show. Since they buried themselves from a different reality in that very garden, they have not ventured out there much since. No prizes for guessing why.

The Changing Garage

In another emotional moment of the series Rick shows his captors his past and how he lost his wife. However, this is supposedly a false memory but there’s something interesting about the garage that he’s working in.

It seems to be quite different from his normal one and actually a bit tidier. It’s almost as if as time has gone on and Rick has lost his wife, he’s let everything go a bit, including his workspace. That garage becomes a symbol of Rick’s mental state.