The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s primary draw is, of course, the action and laughs found in each film and television show, but audiences also found themselves invested in the epic romances featured in several installments and hoping that their favorite heroes will find the happy endings they deserve.

It can’t be easy for heroes to find time for love when they’re always so busy saving the world from the likes of HYDRA, Ultron or Thanos, but a surprising majority of Marvel’s protagonists seem to have very active dating lives. While some of their partners prove to be fantastic matches and balance these heroes out perfectly, that’s not always the case. In fact, most of the MCU’s most memorable pairings leave us scratching our heads and wondering how they ever got together in the first place.

Even when the franchise’s top couples lack chemistry and their members don’t seem to share anything in common outside of their mutual willingness to put their lives on the line to save the world, fans tend to accept these relationships because at least they make our favorite characters happy. However, we still can’t help hoping our heroes find a love more on the level of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts’ unforgettable romance. Here are 15 Marvel Couples That Make No Sense (And 5 That Are Perfect).


Dedicated Marvel fans knew that a relationship between Vision and Scarlet Witch was eventually going to happen in the MCU, because the two classic Avengers got married in the comics. Viewers briefly saw them interact in Age of Ultron and Vision seemed to be very protective of Wanda in Civil War, but they weren’t actually romantically involved until Avengers: Infinity War.

They two heroes seem to have started dating in between films, and viewers never got to see them develop chemistry or fall in love. It made accepting them as a couple very difficult, and since Vision isn’t exactly human, their relationship also left audiences unsure of how they could even be intimate with each other. Their pairing works in the comics, but it didn’t make much sense in the film.


When Thor and Jane Foster first met, fans totally bought them as a couple and understood why they fell for each other. Thor was very battle-thirsty and arrogant, and Jane helped teach him the value of humility and showed him how to love someone more than he loved himself. Jane was fascinated by science and the supernatural, and when Thor came down seemingly from the heavens, he restored her sense of wonder and proved to her that some of her more far-fetched theories were right.

As time went on, however, this duo stopped making sense. Thor didn’t visit Jane in Avengers, and while he bragged about her accomplishments in Age of Ultron, it was clear he and Jane were too busy to spend time together like a real couple. They never seemed to put much effort into making their relationship work, and Jane apparently dumped Thor off-screen before Ragnarok. 


Tony Stark has bragged about his very active dating life countless times over the past decade of films and fans have seen the billionaire playboy enjoy the company of a variety of women, but it’s always been clear that Pepper Potts is his soulmate. Stark Industries would’ve fallen apart by now if not for her professionalism and ability to keep Tony organized and focused, and Pepper has also helped Tony develop into a far more caring and mature individual.

Whenever Tony is in danger, Pepper is the first person he thinks of or wants to say goodbye to. He isn’t always the best at expressing his emotions, but his love for Pepper has never been in question and fans all hope this couple will be reunited in Endgame and allowed to have their happy ending together before they depart the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


While most superheroes fight crime out of a sense of obligation to protect innocents, Frank Castle’s “heroics” as the Punisher were more about him getting revenge on the criminals who took out his family. His inability to accept his wife’s tragic passing kept him from ever moving on with someone else, but Karen Page tried her best to change that and help him find happiness again.

Karen was one of the few people who believed that Frank was still a good man deep down, and she insisted in the second season of The Punisher that his actions would never change how she felt about him. Considering Frank was being accused of some very serious crimes, that didn’t make much sense. Karen wasn’t one to fall for someone with such openly violent tendencies, and their relationship felt like a desperate attempt by Marvel to give Punisher a love interest.


Throughout Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter Parker spent the majority of the time he wasn’t fighting the Vulture or figuring out his new suit obsessing over his high school crush, Liz. It seemed like he didn’t stand a chance with her because she was older and far more popular than him, but when Peter asked Liz to their school’s homecoming dance, she surprisingly said yes.

It was adorable to see Peter so excited, but they really didn’t work as a couple. Peter constantly abandoned Liz’s academic decathlon team when they needed him the most, and turned down multiple opportunities to spend time with Liz. When Peter did escort her to the dance, he ditched her immediately. Fans were supposed to feel bad for Peter when Liz left Midtown School of Science and Technology, but since this relationship never worked, to begin with, no one cared when it ended.


Some characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are fated to be together, simply because they’re together in the comics and fans like it when the films mirror their source material. There was no requirement for Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne to get together in the films, though, because Hope is simply an alternate universe villain in the comics and doesn’t really interact with Scott at all.

The film versions of Scott and Hope seem to argue more than they actually get along, and have drastically different personalities and ideologies. They got together in Ant-Man, seemingly broke up between the events of that film and its sequel, and then just got right back together. Scott and Hope rarely treat each other as equals and don’t ever just hang out outside of their heroics together, so it’s hard to believe or care about their romantic relationship.


Since Marvel’s Runaways television series features a group of young, hormonal teenagers, it’s no big surprise that the show spends as much time covering the heroes’ chaotic dating lives as it spends showing them try to save the world from some of their morally-questionable parents. Chase Stein and Gertrude Yorkes are the show’s most popular couple, but their relationship definitely isn’t without its flaws.

Gert is always struggling with her anxiety, and Chase constant worrying about whether or not the group should give up on hiding and return to their villainous families definitely doesn’t ease any of her stress. Chase also wants to be Gert’s protector, but she is incredibly independent and wants to be treated as an equal and not a damsel in distress. Even Gert believes and has expressed concerns that they’re simply not a believable couple.


If Star-Lord didn’t attack an unconscious Thanos upon realizing the Mad Titan ended Gamora’s life, it’s possible that the Avengers and Guardians could have stopped him from assembling the complete Infinity Gauntlet and snapping half of all life across the universe out of existence. That will never cease to irritate some viewers, but it’s easy to see why Star-Lord reacted so strongly to Gamora’s passing.

Peter Quill and Gamora balanced each other out perfectly. Quill brought some music and fun into Gamora’s life, while she taught him responsibility and helped him develop a better moral code. Even though their love was “some unspoken thing,” it was apparent to everyone around them, and viewers understood that they were truly meant for each other.


Betty and Bruce were a couple back when Bruce was just a mild-mannered scientist, but shortly after he became the Hulk, Bruce went into hiding and abandoned his girlfriend. Betty eventually moved on and found happiness with someone else, but when Bruce came back into the picture years later, she forgot all about her new relationship and ran right back into his arms.

She should have known better. Betty uprooted her whole life to be with Bruce, but a few days later, he disappeared yet again and they haven’t seen each other in the MCU since. Since his need to keep his heart rate slow kept Bruce from being able to be intimate with Betty, we have to wonder why she sacrificed so much for him.


Steve Rogers spent decades trapped in ice, and when he finally returned to the world, his true love Peggy Carter was already an elderly widow who had long since moved on from him. It’s understandable that Steve had to find someone new to love, but his decision to be with his ex’s great-niece was definitely an unusual one.

Sharon Carter first got to know Steve while she was masquerading as a fellow tenant in his apartment complex under S.H.I.E.L.D. orders, so she spent months lying to him. Agent 13 then stood by Steve when the government turned against him in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Civil War and the couple shared a kiss in the latter film, but since that kiss came shortly after Peggy’s funeral, it was more awkward than romantic.


Marvel seems to think every superhero film needs a love story, so Doctor Strange paired the Sorcerer Supreme with his ex-girlfriend Christine even though they had no chemistry and Stephen didn’t deserve her. He was often very short and brash to Christine, even when she tried her hardest to help him deal with and move on from his career-ending car accident. He disappeared from her life for months as he sought out a cure for his crippled hands, and didn’t return until he needed medical assistance.

Christine did everything she could to assist her ex, even though their last interaction ended uncomfortably and he never apologized for mistreating her. Stephen was a better man by then and was in the process of becoming one of the world’s greatest heroes, but he still neglected to properly thank her and the film ended with the status of their awkward relationship up in the air.


When Captain America: The Winter Soldier shocked fans with the major twist that HYDRA had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  kept the surprises coming by revealing that Grant Ward was among the many HYDRA sleeper agents. Fans couldn’t believe such an important member of the show had been a villain all along, especially since Ward’s own girlfriend had no suspicions of his true allegiance.

Skye and Grant (dubbed by fans as “SkyeWard”) spent so much time together and worked so well together that it seemed odd that Skye had no idea that the guy she was dating was a double agent. It made the show much more interesting, but the twist didn’t make sense considering how intuitive and intelligent Skye was and how strong a couple they seemed to be up to that point. Clearly, they didn’t know each other as well as fans thought.


After Steve Rogers took the super soldier serum and became the dreamy, muscular Captain America, he probably could have gotten any woman he wanted by simply smiling or flexing a bicep. He didn’t let his transformation change his old-fashioned and nature, though, and he was nothing but honorable and sweet to his crush Peggy Carter.

The would-be couple’s flirtations were so adorably innocent, as they talked about going on romantic dates and saving each other a dance. Unfortunately, Steve courted Peggy during a war and didn’t really get to act on his feelings for her before he was trapped in ice for several decades. Their relationship never truly blossomed, but they’re still a fan-favorite, perfect Marvel duo.


Spider-Man: Homecoming is one of the best Spidey films to ever hit the big screen, but one of its twists didn’t really sit well with fans of the iconic web-slinger. At the end of the film, the wise-cracking, sarcastic Michelle revealed that she wanted her friends to call her “MJ,” seemingly making her the MCU’s version of Peter Parker’s soulmate Mary Jane Watson.

Michelle was a fun character and a nice addition to Homecoming, but she was no MJ. Mary Jane is meant to be a confident, red-headed supermodel who Peter has amazing chemistry with, but Michelle loves poking fun of Peter and is far more reserved and awkward. They wouldn’t make a particularly great couple, and they definitely wouldn’t resemble MJ and her “Tiger.”


When Erik Killmonger’s war against T’Challa forced the people of Wakanda to choose sides and fight against each other, the Border Tribe’s head of security W’Kabi and Dora Milaje general Okoye found themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. This was especially emotional because the two powerful and influential leaders happened to be husband and wife.

This lover’s quarrel didn’t affect viewers as much as it should have, because the couple didn’t share much chemistry on-screen and Okoye outright stated to W’Kabi that she wouldn’t hesitate to end his life if doing so would be what was best for Wakanda. Between their conflicting ideologies and willingness to always put their country before their marriage, it’s easy to see why some fans question the strength of their relationship.


In the Marvel comics, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones get married and have a daughter whom they name Danielle after Luke’s best friend Danny Rand. The couple gets together in Marvel’s Netflix shows, but their relationship isn’t quite as strong or lasting. It’s far more physical than emotional, as Luke’s true soulmate is made out to be Claire Temple instead of his fellow superhero.

Fans of the couple hoped they’d reconnect in The Defenders, but the crossover series just barely touched on their relationship and introduced Claire as Luke’s true love interest. This angered Luke and Jessica-shippers, but it actually made sense within the context of Netflix’s shows, since Netflix Jessica was too negative and emotionally reserved to put genuine effort into dating Luke. Claire was simply a better fit for Harlem’s hero.


When T’Challa was forced to take the throne of Wakanda after his father’s tragic passing, he wasn’t quite sure how to be king. He needed someone whose guidance he trusted to help him make the right decisions, and the first person that came to mind was his old flame, Nakia. With her help, he realized that he should use his new power to introduce his kingdom and its advanced resources to the world and became a far better ruler.

T’Challa, meanwhile, brought some much-needed happiness and love into Nakia’s serious and selfless life, as she was otherwise entirely focused on her War Dog duties. At the end of Black Panther, they seemingly agreed to put their responsibilities to Wakanda over their relationship, but it seems like they’ll still find time for each other and will remain one of Marvel’s strongest couples.


There really wasn’t much to love about Marvel’s disappointing Inhumans television series. The plot wasn’t particularly interesting, most of the special effects looked cheap, and the relationship between Black Bolt and his queen Medusa at the center of the show wasn’t one fans were made to care much about.

The two rulers of Attilan had no chemistry together, spent most of the series apart from each other, and couldn’t even carry a conversation because Black Bolt can destroy entire cities with his hypersonic voice if he utters a single word. Black Bolt’s inability to properly communicate turned him into a very distant and bland individual, so fans couldn’t fully understand what Medusa saw in him.


Bruce Banner and the Black Widow didn’t share much significant screen time together in the first Avengers, so when Natasha continuously flirted with the awkward and shy scientist in Age of Ultron, fans were caught completely off-guard. Suddenly, she was able to help calm the Hulk and harbored a clear attraction to Bruce, and while he was too uncomfortable to articulate his feelings, Bruce was crushing on the alluring super spy as well.

Their “will they or won’t they” interactions were amusing, but they just didn’t work as a couple. Natasha is very confident and forward, while Bruce is uncomfortable and unable to visualize a happy future for himself. He constantly pushed Natasha away and ran away from her (and the entire planet) at the end of Age of Ultron, and while their Infinity War reunion proved they still liked each other, Bruce and Natasha still clearly weren’t ready to take their relationship to the next level.


Clint Barton always tried to keep his private life private, and one of the conditions of his joining S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers was for Nick Fury to hide his wife and family from the world. Not even Hawkeye’s fellow heroes, outside of his best friend Natasha, knew that Laura Barton existed until Clint was forced to bring them to his secret home in order to take the Avengers off the grid.

Even though we’ve seen very little of Laura Barton so far, we’ve learned that she’s a perfect fit for Clint. She’s very accepting of his work as a superhero, she is a fantastic listener, she was intuitive enough to see the budding chemistry between Bruce and Natasha and she didn’t mind her seclusion because it was what her husband wanted. She and Clint just seemed so normal and happy, and for someone who has fought aliens and robots with naught but a bow and some arrows, “normal and happy” is just what Hawkeye needs and deserves.