Devil May Cry 5 is making some major waves in the video game world. Even those who’ve never played a game in this franchise are suddenly taking notice, and realizing just how awesome this series really is. The general consensus is that Capcom got everything right with this one. After a very long hiatus, we finally have a new game in the series, and it’s dang near perfect. The combat is fluid, beautiful, and satisfying. The facial animations are on another level. And the story is both charming and engrossing.

The entire game seems polished and fine-tuned, right down to every little detail imaginable. It’s very clear that the developers cared a great deal about this game, and they took their time creating something truly worthy of not only the franchise’s reputation, but gaming history as a whole. People will remember this one for a very long time. But while a lot has been improved, the core DNA of the series remains intact. It still has that quirky, fun, and over-the-top style that Devil May Cry games are famous for. Because of this, Devil May Cry 5 succeeds in satisfying old school fans and welcoming newcomers, which is definitely one of the hardest things to accomplish in gaming.

But is Devil May Cry 5 perfect? Of course not. There are some negative aspects of the game which are worth pointing out. But at the end of the day, the positives far outweigh any possible shortcomings, and this is definitely a game worth playing.

Best: You Can Replace Cutscenes With Awesome Live Action Skits

The best video games in the world feel like pieces of art. But often, we only see the finished product – the outer surface of the game in all its glory. Rarely do we get much insight into the artistic passion that was poured into the game. Perhaps one of the most artistic aspects of a game like Devil May Cry 5 is the acting. Make no mistake – this is a game heavily driven by great storytelling, bold emotions, and unforgettable scenes.

One of the best parts of Devil May Cry 5 is something called “Pre-Viz.” If you buy an upgraded version of the game, you have the option to watch live-action skits instead of the CGI cut scenes. These live action scenes involve real actors who were hired to play out the scenes of Devil May Cry 5, and this “pre-visualization” process was later used to create the CGI cutscenes. It’s an awesome, hilarious, and quirky addition that we simply love.

Best: The Soundtrack Is Phenomenal

Fans have come to expect an exciting, heart-pounding soundtrack for every Devil May Cry game, but with the fifth edition, the developers have really outdone themselves. From an epic title track (Pull My Devil Trigger) to death metal and dark electro hits, the soundtrack never fails to get you pumped up.

It’s actually one of the most immersive features of the entire game, and the music really helps create that signature Devil May Cry vibe that we’re all so familiar with. Each track whisks you away to this dark, epic world, and you instantly become invested in the story. Many people have commented on just how varied the soundtrack is – to the point where it seems almost frenetic. But each song has its place, and this jigsaw puzzle of a soundtrack somehow fits together perfectly.

Worst: V’s Gameplay Might Be A Turnoff For Some Players

One of the biggest new additions to Devil May Cry 5 is the mysterious third playable character, known only as “V.” This dark, somber, and suitably devilish character definitely grabs our attention right from the get-go. And it’s not just his story that pulls us in. His style of combat is a massive departure from what we’re typically used to in a Devil May Cry game.

With V, you’ll be summoning demons of all shapes and sizes, hanging back in the shadows and chuckling while your satanic minions do your fighting for you. While this is definitely an interesting new development, many players have reacted negatively to V’s play-style. Some have even suggested that this combat style is “weak” compared to Dante and Nero. In the end, it’s all down to personal preference – but there are definitely a few who’ve been left with a bitter taste in their mouth after playing as V.

Best: The Level Of Detail In The Combat Animation Is Incredible

There’s no denying it – Devil May Cry 5 is a gorgeous game. Perhaps that word is unsuitable, given the sheer amount of blood, gore, fire, and demonic secretions that seem to perpetually fly across the screen. What we’re trying to say here is that there’s an almost microscopic attention to detail when it comes to combat. It’s a living, breathing symphony of demise and destruction.

Guns spit satisfying plumes of fire as they discharge into the air. Status effects swirl and spiral around you in a truly magical fashion, and demonic entrails coat your body as you slay them by the horde. Everything happens all at once, and it never quite feels overwhelming or staggered. Dark, forbidden, and demonic forces are fully unleashed during combat in Devil May Cry 5… and it’s beautiful.

Best: The Voice Acting Is Flawless

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from AAA titles within the last few years, it’s that voice acting can make or break a game. Devil May Cry has always been a very story-focused game, and so our expectations were very high when it comes to the way these iconic characters speak and behave in the fifth edition. And somehow, our expectations were actually exceeded.

The voice acting in this game is phenomenal. The “over the top” style of typical Devil May Cry games is still there, but there are also plenty of epic, hardcore, and deeply emotional moments. We were especially impressed by Nico – a new female character who steals the show in many ways. Even though a few notable voice actors were replaced since the last game, we can’t find a single fault with this important element of the game.

Worst: The Game Doesn’t Actually Take Very Long To Beat

You know you’re playing an amazing game when you don’t want it to end. And sadly, Devil May Cry 5 comes to a close faster than many gamers would have liked. Experienced players will probably beat the game in about 8 hours without too much trouble. We would have really liked a slightly longer story, especially because you only get to experience each character for a short amount of time before moving on to the next.

Leaving players wanting more is hardly a bad thing. It’s a heck of a lot better than a poor game which drags on and on. Looking on the bright side, there’s already new DLC which has been announced, and there’s always the option to replay the game on a harder difficulty. In many ways, this seems like a new beginning for the franchise as a whole, so we’re sure to see a sequel before too long. We just wish that this amazing journey lasted a bit longer.

Best: The Framerate Is Very Stable

Which so much happening on the screen during combat, framerate issues were something that players worried about pre-launch. But the game itself runs just as fluidly as Nero’s blade cutting through hordes of demons. Numerous publications have reported that the framerate fluctuates between 50 and 60 frames per second throughout the game, which is pretty amazing considering how detailed every single moment seems to be in Devil May Cry 5.

This simple technical victory might not seem like a big deal, but a solid framerate really contributes to Devil May Cry 5’s beautiful, cinematic style throughout the entire game. Without framerate issues locked down and stabilized, this game wouldn’t be the visual masterpiece that gamers are falling in love with right now.

Best: Facial Animations Are On Point

Did we mention that this game was beautiful? Well, it’s not just about the combat. Serious attention to detail is obvious just about everywhere you look, and this extends to some seriously sublime facial animations. In Devil May Cry 5, these characters truly come alive in a way that we’ve never experienced before, and it’s so satisfying to witness. In many ways, this isn’t even a video game anymore – it’s an epic, interactive film that last hours and hours.

Real, relatable emotions are clearly conveyed through every wrinkle, wink, and twitch on the faces of our favorite characters. We can think of plenty of other games out there that could learn a thing or two from Devil May Cry 5 in this department. We’re not naming any names though… cough Mass Effect: Andromeda cough.

Worst: The Textures On Certain Environments Aren’t Great

It’s actually really hard to find negative points to talk about when it comes to Devil May Cry 5. In order to find anything even worth mentioning, you have to look pretty closely. And some players have pointed out that the textures of certain environments could probably be better. This becomes especially obvious when you run right up to walls and surfaces that seem strangely unfinished compared to the rest of the game’s obsessive attention to detail.

Some gamers are probably making a bigger deal out of this than is really necessary… But still, some of the textures in question aren’t even hidden or obscure corners of the game that wouldn’t normally be accessed. Sometimes, these textures are right out in the open, where it’s impossible not to miss them. But at the end of the day, this is a pretty minor offense.

Best: Combat Is Better Than Ever

We already know that the combat looks incredible… But how does it actually feel? The answer is simple: It makes you feel alive. Even though combat in Devil May Cry 5 can get pretty complex when you’re weaving together combos and powering up certain attacks, it never feels clunky or cumbersome. The challenge is there – but the controls and the game itself never get in the way of that challenge. It’s completely down to your personal skill.

Part of the reason why the combat is so satisfying is definitely because of the way it looks, but it’s also down to some seriously tight controls and mechanics that come together perfectly. Whether you’re playing as Nero, Dante, or V, combat is fun, challenging, and adrenaline pumping. Speaking of these three characters…

Best: Each Character Offers A Completely Different Play-style

Combat never becomes stale in Devil May Cry 5. This is partly because of the complexity inherent in the many combos and attack options, but it’s also due to the three playable characters. Each one offers a completely different play-style, and for the most part, each one is fresh, innovative and fun. This is definitely one of the game’s strengths.

Nero wields the Red Queen sword, a couple of double-barreled revolvers, and some interesting robotic arms. These “Devil Breakers” are capable of performing many different battlefield roles, from freezing enemies to blowing them to bits, Mega Man style. Dante is kind of all over the place… In a good way. Switching between his various weapons can take some getting used to. But when you master his style, you take control of a demon-slaying Swiss army knife. We’ve already mentioned V’s play-style, and many gamers absolutely adore when he brings to the table.

Worst: Some Players Might Bemoan The Lack Of Puzzles

Another potential negative aspect is the lack of puzzles. Puzzles have been a big part of past Devil May Cry games, but in the fifth version you won’t find many problems that will require “outside the box” thinking. For the most part, the focus is on combat, which is probably not going to annoy a lot of gamers out there - especially those who are new to the series.

Still, some players see this is a major missing component, and they’re not happy with it. Something tells us that in future sequels, puzzles will make their way back into the game in a much bigger way. This game tried to do a lot, and the fact that they didn’t try to bite off more than they could chew is probably a good thing. Focusing on puzzles might have distracted from other elements of the game, which were clearly mastered before release.

Best: Awesome DLC Is On The Way

Fans of the game will be happy to learn that there’s some seriously cool DLC on the way. It’s clear that the developers aren’t just going to leave us with the base game for very long, and they’re probably going release tons of DLC content in the coming months and years. This is especially good news, given the fact that the story mode of this game is pretty short. And even better news considering the fact that DLC is going to be free – at least as far as we know.

The first release is “Bloody Palace,” which is rumored to drop sometime in April. This is a familiar name in the Devil May Cry world, and we’ve seen the DLC with the same name in past titles. But if the rumors are true, we can expect something even more special than ever before. Some are saying this DLC will include cooperative modes…

Best: It Still Has That Same Devil May Cry Attitude

Another one of Devil May Cry 5’s best features is also one of the simplest. It just has that same attitude and sassiness that we’re all familiar with. Tons of players were overjoyed when they learned that this fifth game would be sticking to the traditional formula which made this franchise so successful in the first place. The developers clearly didn’t try to reinvent the wheel, and they’re not trying to fix what ain’t broken.

Even though this game deals with some pretty dark and twisted subject matter, it all seems pretty over the top and quirky at times. And that’s exactly what we’ve come to expect from this franchise in the past. Many gamers are seriously happy that developers didn’t try to make the game’s tone more serious, or realistic. They stuck with the crazy elements that we love – motorcycle powered chainsaws and all.

Worst: Players Might Want To Play As Dante More Than The Game Allows

It should come as no surprise that Dante is one of the most popular characters in the entire series. After all, he’s the guy that started this wild ride, and plenty of gamers out there absolutely love this legendary demon hunter. He’s got style, wit, and a devastating combat style. The only problem we can see is that players don’t really have enough time to truly enjoy this awesome character.

Players will only get to play as Dante about halfway through the game. This kind of makes sense, given the fact that Dante’s play-style is a little bit more challenging. Mastering the basic combat system is essential before you take on Dante’s almost limitless abilities, weapons, and powers. But some players might be a little disappointed with the amount of time you spend with Dante.

Best: It Takes A While To Become Seriously Skilled

Although the story is over fairly quickly, it takes a very long time before you can truly call yourself an expert. The combat system is complex, and you’ll need to pour many hours into this game before you can consistently slay demons with style, especially on the higher difficulty levels. For a considerable length of time, gamers are going to be somewhat frantic as they try to pull off various moves and combos – especially if they’re completely new to the series.

But when you do finally master the combat with all three characters, it’s truly satisfying. You start to play with your enemies before you finish them off with style, weaving traps for your foes and developing your own unique style with the many weapons and abilities available to you. But you won’t be able to truly experiment with the combat until you have a solid understanding of its foundations.

Best: The Final Boss Is Awesome

Without giving too much away, it’s fair to say that the final boss in this game is a truly worthy foe. The combat in this last chapter is definitely a nice finale to a series of enemies that steadily grow more complex and challenging. We’re not going to give away any spoilers here… But what we will say is that this final boss makes great use of aerial combat – which is by far one of the most satisfying elements of the game.

It’s always awesome to end things on a high note, and that’s exactly what Devil May Cry 5 accomplishes with this final boss. It segues nicely into the last cutscene and the end credits, and you’re left with a smile on your face and that satisfying feeling of finishing an awesome game.

Best: It’s A Great Entry Point For Those New To The Series

Due to all the hype that Devil May Cry 5 is enjoying, a lot of new players are becoming attracted to this age-old franchise. This is definitely a good thing, and it’ll seriously help the future of this franchise in the long run. The challenge is making it easy for new players to jump in, while still making it enjoyable for veteran players. Honestly, there are a number of references to past games that you probably won’t understand unless you’re familiar with the series.

That being said, the story is pretty straightforward, and new players will find it easy to follow along as the general plot-line moves forward. In addition, there’s an option to watch a quick summary of the past events of Devil May Cry, which is a great way to get up to speed before you jump into the game.

Best: Secret Missions Add Longevity To The Game

While we’ve talked a lot about how this game is pretty short, there are a number of factors that offset this negative aspect of Devil May Cry 5. Yes, you can steadily improve your skill level and replay the game with various difficulty modes, but one of the best ways to add longevity to the game is to discover the multitude of secret missions.

Make no mistake, some of these secret missions are seriously well-hidden. If you can resist looking online for guides and walkthroughs, it should take you quite a while to find them all. These missions are rich and deep, and they definitely don’t seem like cheap, last-minute additions. On the contrary, they’re one of the best aspects of the entire game.

Best: Dante Hasn’t Changed Much (And That’s A Good Thing)

Don’t worry – Dante is still pretty much exactly how you left him. His combat system is largely unchanged from previous games, and veterans of the franchise will love this. He’s definitely the most challenging character to play, but also the one with the most freedom. He still has access to his four style kits: Gunslinger, Trickster, Royal Guard, and Swordmaster.

In addition, Dante has a ton of weapons to choose from, including his famous sword Rebellion, his devil arm called Balrog, shotguns, pistols, and tons more. All of these weapons and different styles can be swapped on the fly – even in the middle of combos. It’s a great system that players love, and we’re happy that it all remains the same.