Black Adam possesses so much superhuman strength he doesn’t need fighting skills. But his mystical powers give him the knowledge and skill to become a powerful martial artist equal to anyone in DC Comics. Extraordinarily talented and deadly martial artists populate DC Comics, including some who DCEU fans may want to check out before their inevitable appearance in live-action.

  • Black Adam fights the Justice Society in his first solo movie, testing all his power and skill against powerful foes who count as superior fighters themselves. Martial arts in DC Comics remains a serious business, with several powerful members in the Bat Family all possessing elite abilities. Batman passed on his training and experience to Nightwing, Batgirl, and others, transforming them into perhaps the most skilled fighting force in the world. They may challenge Black Adam in the DCEU depending on how the character’s future unfolds in live-action. In the meantime, fans can look to the comics for other great DC martial artists Black Adam could fight on screen.

Most casual fans know the most famous martial artist in DC Comics, Batman. As great as he is, he’s not nearly the best. Most DC Comics fighters mastered practical fighting skills, but a few rely on mystical or even god-like abilities to rank them among the best of the best.


Catwoman mostly gets by on stealth and avoiding fights, but when she has to, she proves a formidable opponent. Her training includes boxing and some martial arts, but her astute memory allows her to pick up on moves and tactics from others. This helped her take down better fighters than her, including Talia al Ghul and Harley Quinn.

She also excels in several weapons, most prominently her whip. The whip levels the playing field with fighters as skilled as Batman, who knows few equals in martial arts.

Bronze Tiger

Bronze Tiger lacks metahuman powers, but that doesn’t stop him from being a major threat. He spent his life training in various hand-to-hand fighting techniques, including boxing, Hapkido, Jujutsu, karate, and savate, which comic fans know is Batroc The Leaper’s primary fighting style.

He channels his power and focus through meditation, making him very disciplined. Bronze Tiger debuted in Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter #1 back in 1975 as a villain. He eventually reforms and joins the Suicide Squad, though his allegiances are always up in the air.

Karate Kid

Not to be confused with the Ralph Macchio Karate Kid, the DC Comics Karate Kid debuted in 1965. For some time, the comics considered him the greatest martial artist in DC Comics as he had mastered countless combat forms in intergalactic battles with Darkseid and the Fatal Five.

Though he lacks superpowers, his skills earned him a spot on the futuristic superhero group the Legion of Super-Heroes, who rule the DC Universe in the 31st century.

Harley Quinn

Comic book fans know Harley Quinn wields a giant mallet, in addition to other weapons. She does so with acrobatic precision and advanced training. Though the Joker never takes her seriously, Batman always does, and for good reason. Harley represents a serious threat to the best fighters in the comics, including him.

Harley’s willpower more than anything else distinguishes her from other fighters. She never gives up and rarely runs away from a fight, even against superior opponents like Darkseid or Granny Goodness.


Batgirl trained in martial arts from an early age, learning self-defense from her father, Commissioner Gordon. She then trained with Batman to become a highly skilled martial artist proficient in numerous weapons, including the Batarang and Batrope, which she often uses against villains.

Her genius and talent for computers also increase her knowledge and understanding. She learns new abilities all the time and also learns her opponent’s weaknesses, exploiting gaps in ways only she can.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman routinely displays her skills with the sword, bow and arrow, and other weapons against often overwhelming odds. She displayed her martial ability against Darkseid, perhaps DC’s most powerful villain, as well as other threats.


Trained by Batman and blessed with natural acrobatic ability, Dick Grayson proves a serious threat to any villain. His advanced training in escapology, fencing, stealth, and disguise effectively make him a ninja. Combined with his natural gymnastic talent, he exists on the cutting edge for martial arts in DC Comics.

Nightwing utilizes numerous weapons but mostly relies on escrima sticks, which he puts to effective use against villains in his adopted city Blüdhaven. In his frequent battles with the super-strong Blockbuster, Nightwing gains the upper hand on his powerful opponent by relying on his martial arts skills to overwhelm his enemy.

Richard Dragon

Richard Dragon trained in numerous martial arts, including Aikido, Judo, Jujutsu, Karate, and Kung Fu. He mastered all these skills as an apprentice to the dojo master he once tried to steal from. Though he lacks superpowers, he does wield the Dragon’s Claw, a mystical weapon that stores and harnesses energy.

Dragon went on to train other DC Comics martial artists including Renee Montoya, a great officer with the Gotham City Police Department, and Lady Shiva, who joined the League of Assassins.

Black Canary

Black Canary routinely proves herself among the most skilled users in various martial arts, and she was trained by the best. She trained with Lady Shiva, Wonder Woman, and Cassandra Cain in various versions of DC Comics continuity, learning numerous fighting styles and weapons.

Along with her signature “canary cry” superpower, Black Canary ranks up with the fiercest fighters in DC Comics and is a powerful member of the Justice League.

Cassandra Cain

The daughter of Lady Shiva and David Cain, Cassandra Cain trained from childhood as a fighter trained in highly advanced martial arts. She possesses a super high resistance to pain, making her nearly impossible to simply defeat in a fight. Batman found this out the hard way as he was bested in hand-to-hand combat with Cassandra early in her career.

Cassandra Cain later put her skills to use as one of the best Batgirl versions. She appeared in the DCEU in Birds of Prey, though this version differed greatly from the DC Comics one.


Arguably more naturally skilled fighters exist in DC Comics than Batman, and certainly more powerful, but there are none as studied as he is. Bruce Wayne devoted his early life to learning every fighting style he could, becoming a master in several, as depicted in Batman: Year One, among the best Batman comic book storylines.

Batman’s skill in martial arts defines him. He lacks superpowers, but not resourcefulness. When he encounters behemoths such as Killer Croc or Bane, Batman frequently relies on his martial arts skill rather than his gadgets to defeat his enemies or, at the very least, escape with his life intact.

Ra’s Al Ghul

Ra’s al Ghul mastered many martial arts forms and fighting styles over his long life, which dates back centuries thanks to The Lazarus Pit. He tends to prefer weapons over his fists, in particular swords. His skill rivals Batman’s, and he displayed his talent in iconic duels with The Dark Knight in his earliest appearances in comics.

The League of Assassins’ leader often wields magic against Batman and his other enemies. His immortality and sorcery make him a very difficult opponent to defeat.

Red Hood

Red Hood bested Ra’s al Ghul in Red Hood and the Outlaws #27, proving his superiority in martial arts. Jason Todd learned advanced fighting skills from Batman as well as others, including Bronze Tiger and Lady Shiva. He also mastered a martial art called Dim Mak which paralyzes enemies with a few simple touches.

Todd’s fighting prowess only increased thanks to his resurrection in The Lazarus Pit. He wields minor magical abilities, including the power to summon the All-Blades, mystical weapons conjured from his own soul.

Black Adam

Black Adam’s power and potential diminishes the need for martial arts ability, but he nonetheless ranks with the best in DC Comics. He mastered Dhritishastra, a martial art developed in India that requires a lifetime to master. His immortality allowed him to do that and use it against his enemies.

He fought Batman in hand-to-hand combat using this advanced technique and though the fight ended without a clear resolution, Batman conceded that Black Adam was the better fighter.

Lady Shiva

Lady Shiva mastered virtually every fighting form known to man, becoming a grandmaster in the process. She anticipates her opponents’ moves, a natural skill that gives her a frightening advantage over others. Shiva enjoys peak human strength, speed, and stamina, making her seem superhuman to lesser foes.

She trained Tim Drake and even Batman after he was incapacitated by Bane in the Knightfall storyline from the 1990s. Only one other character ever defeated Shiva: the person she trained since birth, her daughter Cassandra.