The much-anticipated Orphan: First Kill has a twist that is just as fascinating as the original movie’s shocking reveal. It’s hard to think of an excellent horror movie that doesn’t have a clever twist, whether it comes in the middle of the story or at the very end. While fans of this genre seek out good characters and some people love a great jump scare, everyone can agree that when a story suddenly changes, it’s fascinating and thrilling.

  • 2022 has been a solid year for horror films, and audiences are always seeking out new scary stories and, most of all, smart twists. Although not every terrifying film has twists that are worth talking about, there are several that stand out from the crowd, and Redditors continue to share their favorites.

Many horror movies have a solid twist, whether a slasher, supernatural, or body horror movie, and fans are happy to talk about the best big reveals in some threads on Reddit. These movies all have other positive qualities, but their twists definitely make them memorable.

The Boy Has A Man Hiding In The House

Of all the horror movies about creepy dolls, The Boy is beloved thanks to its unexpected plot twist that makes people stop and think about what the rest of the story means.

Redditor cake_crusader likes it, explaining, “learning that it wasn’t a supernatural thriller made it so much scarier.” It turns out that Brahms is an actual man who has been living inside the house for a long time, and Greta is shocked and terrified to learn this truth. This is definitely unexpected, as it seems like this is another movie about a scary, possessed doll, but it manages to stand out from the crowd.

The Cabin In The Woods Is An Apocalyptic Ritual

The Cabin In The Woods is considered groundbreaking, impressive, and a truly wild ride, and that’s all thanks to the twist that audiences learn in the middle of it. Redditor Peas4liw likes this twist too, writing, “Cabin in the woods was pretty wild. Was really not expecting that.”

While it might seem like the main characters are simply enjoying a fun weekend in a cabin, audiences find out that they’re part of a horrible ritual, and engineers are manipulating them because they’re classic horror movie archetypes. The movie only gets more wild from there.

Everyone Is A Ghost In The Others

When it comes to horror movies with good plot twists, Redditor zmanbunke mentioned “The Others” and another Redditor replied, “Love this one!”

While Grace thinks that there is something supernatural going on in the Victorian home she shares with her kids, audiences find out that they’re actually the ghosts, as they’ve been dead for a long time. This plot twist, along with Nicole Kidman’s solid performance and the haunting atmosphere, is what makes this movie so dramatic and memorable all these years later.

Malcolm Is Dead In The Sixth Sense

Malcolm in The Sixth Sense is one of the best movie psychiatrists, and this is a rare horror flick that’s just as emotional and heartbreaking as it is terrifying. Many people who watched this movie when they were younger recall Cole saying that he sees dead people and Kyra getting poisoned by her horrible mother.

This movie is also beloved because of its major plot twist. One Redditor praised the ending of The Sixth Sense, writing, “Also, obligatory Sixth Sense shoutout if you’ve somehow not seen it.” Malcolm is actually dead, as Vincent, who Malcolm used to treat, kills him at the very start of the film.

Jigsaw Is The Dead Body In Saw

Redditor BritDZim says that “Saw” has a great twist ending and Reddit user Barkerfan86 agreed, “First time i seen that ending i was screaming at the tv.”

The Saw horror franchise is a favorite, and the first movie has an incredible twist: Zep isn’t Jigsaw, but actually a victim. Audiences are shocked to find out that Jigsaw is the seemingly dead body in the middle of the room, and Zep is forced to hurt Adam’s child and wife.

Charlotte Is Responsible For Lizzie’s Drama In The Perfection

A few Reddit users mentioned The Perfection, with Redditor Crescent_Luna writing that the movie “is so suspenseful and intense, I was really pleasantly surprised by this one!”

Considered an underrated body horror movie, the Netflix original has a wild twist that changes the entire story: Charlotte drugs Lizzie, which results in Lizzie cutting off her hand, as Charlotte doesn’t want Lizzie to be abused by Anton.

The Invitation Is A Killer Dinner Party

Several Redditors were shocked by the twist in The Invitation, with one Redditor writing “omg that one blew my mind. i didn’t put it all together until the red lanterns, and even then i googled it just to be sure.”

When audiences see red lanterns in other homes, they realize that this isn’t an innocent, ordinary dinner party, it’s actually a gathering put on by a cult that kills people. It’s always fun when there’s an amazing twist ending, and this one is an underappreciated favorite in the horror genre.

Babysitting Is Scary In Better Watch Out

Better Watch Out has an amazing plot twist as audiences learn that Ashley’s evening of babysitting has turned into an evil nightmare, as Luke is holding her hostage and could kill her at any moment.

Redditor IDeletee wrote, “Better Watch Out had a twist a bit into the movie that is completely left field and made the movie worth it to me.” This is definitely a big surprise, especially since the film is set at Christmas. Audiences anticipate Ashley having a boring but uneventful night, and instead she’s in a fight for her life.

Billy’s Mom Is The Scream 2 Killer

Fans love Sidney’s action scenes in the Scream franchise, and the movies have some incredible plot twists as well. While many people talk about Drew Barrymore’s character Casey dying in the first movie’s opening scene or Billy and Stu being the killers, Mrs. Loomis’s reveal in the sequel is also a great twist.

One Redditor said, “I love the twist in Scream 2 because it gave us Laurie Metcalf hamming it up and clearly having a lot of fun being a villain which is amazing.”

The Rewind Scene in Funny Games

One Redditor mentioned the end of Funny Games, writing “there’s a twist that I’m not sure how anyone could see coming.”

The hostage situation in the movie is terrifying enough, but then Paul rewinds the story and goes back in time to change what happened. The movie would be disturbing even without this scene, but no one who has seen it can ever forget the experience of watching it for the first time.

Gordon Kills His Wife In Session 9

Redditor SomeoneTookUserName2 said “Session 9 is good at throwing you off. You see it coming, but then you keep second yourself.”

In the movie, Gordon is part of a group of people who are cleaning up a hospital, and he listens to tapes from patients. Audiences find out at the end of the film that Gordon actually killed his wife, and he has been holding this inside of him and trying to avoid the thought of it as much as possible.

Teddy’s Real Identity In Shutter Island

Redditor small_person53 wrote, “Shutter Island has a cool plot twist.” This is the kind of revelation that alters the entire movie, and it’s fun to watch it more than once to put together all of the puzzle pieces.

While audiences think that they have been watching Teddy this whole time, Teddy is a personality that has been created by the patient Andrew Laeddis. It’s an emotional ending that is really hard to see coming, which makes it so smart.

Joan And Kat Are The Same Character In The Blackcoat’s Daughter

One Redditor mentioned The Blackcoat’s Daughter as a horror movie with a twist that stands out, and it’s definitely not one that is possible to predict. For the first half of the story, audiences see three characters: Joan, Kat, and Rose. They’re around the same age, but they don’t seem all that connected.

Before the end of the stylish and visually beautiful film, audiences find out that Kat and Joan are the same, and Joan has been taken over by a demon. Since the story takes place at a boarding school and features young adult characters, this twist is a huge shock and not what anyone thought would happen.

John Has A Vision Of His Death In Don’t Look Now

For Redditor hail_freyr, “Don’t Look Now” has a smart twist, as John is murdered by the Dwarf Killer and then figures out that he had a vision of this tragedy happening before.

It’s shocking to realize that John knew what was going to happen to him all along while he had no idea what he was really seeing. Don’t Look Now is one of Donald Sutherland’s best movies, and this twist isn’t easy to forget.

Laura Kills Her Son By Accident In The Orphanage

When replying in a thread about plot twists, Redditor oxialage said “The Orphanage for a soul crushing third act reveal.”

The 2007 film sees Laura García Rodríguez running an orphanage and caring for children. She learns at the end of the movie that she killed her son without meaning to, as she was responsible for him not being able to leave a room that he was stuck in. It’s a horrible revelation that shocks her to her core, and it’s nearly just as heartbreaking for the viewers themselves.