Since its first season premiered last year, it was bound to develop a cult status of sorts. Apart from brutal violence and dark satirical takes on the superhero genre, the show has also been noted for its offbeat humor. If you’re a fan of The Boys, here are some of the best memes related to the show that would make you chuckle.

Updated October 18th, 2020 by Christopher Fain: With season two of The Boys complete, the meme community has plenty of new content to riff on. Fans get a more in-depth look at many of the characters, both new and old. This includes some interesting new supes only seen in the comics.

Some characters, such as The Deep, are dealing with the consequences of their actions from season one, leading to several hilarious and unsettling moments. Viewers also get an update on characters like Becca, Butcher’s wife, and what she’s been dealing with. What better material is there to make a meme from?

Me And The Boys

‘Me and The Boys’ was a popular internet meme template, which often shows four villains from the Spiderman animated series (1967) grinning together. The template was used often to show friends engaging in some activity together (usually ironic).

This variation of that meme replaces the Spiderman characters with four of the protagonists from the show, namely leader Butcher, newbie Hughie, techie Frenchie, and the responsible Mother’s Milk. The caption perfectly sums up the summary of the first season. These four ‘Boys’ don’t subscribe to any Batman-like brand of justice; they are all driven by personal vendettas against the superheroes and just want to hunt them down. Comic-book characters like The Punisher might easily become an ally to The Boys for this!

Making New Friends

In season two of The Boys, The Deep goes on a spiritual journey of self-discovery. It all begins with a psycho-therapeutic conversation with a mysterious woman from a religious organization. This meme seems to poke fun at that, as The Deep, played by Chace Crawford, explains that he’s made a new friend. When his therapist asks for clarification, he responds with an answer fans of the show would expect.

Throughout the series, The Deep expresses his relationships with certain sea-faring beasts. He often references conversations he’s had or rumors he’s heard while traveling the seas.


Everyone has that one friend that always makes things awkward, like looking directly at a hot guy in public. The same is true of Frenchie, played by Tomer Kapon. In season two, he makes intentional eye contact with someone from his past, immediately giving away his identity. As expected, chaos ensues.

When super-powered folks are about, it’s probably best not to look anyone in the eye, especially in this universe. Almost all of the supes shown thus far are broken in some way, leading to catastrophic consequences.

Is That You, Eleven?

In season two, fans meet an interesting new character with telekinetic abilities. Locked away in a research facility with a shaved head, she looks an older version of Eleven from Stranger Things. Cindy, played by Ess Hödlmoser, breaks out of her cell after an accidental explosion breaks down her door. It’s immediately clear she’s one of the most dangerous and unpredictable of all the patients at Sage Grove Center.

She’s able to manipulate objects from a distance and even crush human beings by simply looking at them and squeezing her fist. Cindy’s a fascinating look at what Elle could be in years to come.

This Is Fine

In what evokes the same message as the “This is Fine” meme, this one references an uncomfortable scene in season two. Homelander wants nothing more than alone time with Stormfront, but things get a bit uneasy when she tells him she’s got other plans. He tries to overcompensate by stating he has to run lines with Black Noir anyway.

Even though nearly every scene with Homelander is tense, this one also shows a very raw, childish side to him. He doesn’t want to appear desperate, so he makes up a lie as if he won’t miss Stormfront while she’s gone.

Flight To Hell

This meme mocks one of the darkest moments from the series. Homelander, the mighty yet destructive leader of the superhero team The Seven comes aboard a passenger plane that has been hijacked by terrorists. He deals with these terrorists in the most gruesome manner, cutting one of them in half with his laser vision. As a result, he manages to destroy not just the hijacker but also the airplane’s controls. The plane is destined to crash now, and Homelaner decides that there’s no use staying here anymore. He flies away and none of the passengers survive.

The meme features several popular characters as the troubled passengers, from Side-Eyeing Chloe to squinting Daenerys.

Homelander = Superman

There’s a large consensus among fans on how Homelander is just a twisted version of Superman. Like the latter, Homelander is advertised as the leader of his superhero league. Even his powers are similar to classic Superman tropes like laser vision and flight. And, of course, the cape and the blue colored suit add further to this list of similarities.

But let alone twisted, Homelander is maybe Superman himself. The DC-comics character has always been highlighted in a positive light, but as we can all see in Superman media that this son of Krypton actually creates a lot of collateral damage in his pursuit of justice. Just look at the final battle scenes in Man of Steel! It’s risky living in a city where Superman can randomly crash in your house and crush you under the rubble.

Welcome To The Team

Another MCU-related meme contrasts Hughie and Butcher’s relationship with that of Tony Stark and Peter Parker. Peter and Hughie both are new to their teams and struggle to be like their peers. And then Tony and Butcher (they can be ‘facial hair bros’) are seasoned veterans who are ready to take the amateur kid under their wing.

While Hughie and Butcher do have their differences, they still make for an unlikely duo of master and apprentice. It’s a great contrast to Tony and Peter.

Fishy Business

The Deep surely is the laughing stock of a superhero. Seeming to be parodying Aquaman, the character can talk to fish and breathe underwater. That’s it. And that’s why he hardly gets any major missions that can put him in the spotlight. Gills and fins adorn his body, making his appearance more laughable.

Furthermore, he also harassed Starlight (and probably other women in the past) which naturally makes him one of the most hated heroes of The Seven. If only The Deep could have helped in saving the marine environment rather than just talking to lobsters!

“Stand Back”

And now we’re back with the Homelander memes. This is again in reference to the aforementioned airplane scene, which Homelander mercilessly allows to crash. Still, some passengers still have the hope to go out with parachutes. Homelander, however, doesn’t want anyone to survive and tell others about the truth that went down in this plane.

So, with his red laser eyes, he just scares off everyone if they don’t stand back. Homelander is definitely the scariest character in the show.

Archimedes and Mirrors

This one is for the history geeks. To provide you with some context, Greek scientist Archimedes is said to have used a set of mirrors and reflected sun rays through it to burn down a fleet of Roman ships. While modern-day scientists might doubt if this was true, it surely makes for an interesting event in history.

When Butcher finds out that the Supes in his world are raised as infants on the drug called Compound-V, he uses one of such babies itself as a weapon! What follows is a violent and funny encounter using the baby’s laser vision to burn down the lab facility’s guards.

Killing The Invisible Man

Translucent, the Invisible Supe, gets caught easily by Butcher and The Boys, but killing him proves to be quite a task. Frenchie makes a special prison for him, attempts to electrocute him, but he just doesn’t die.

It’s finally when Frenchie places C-4 explosives in Translucent’s colon that the death bells start to ring. Translucent then somehow convinces Hughie to let him out of the prison, but then Hughie detonates the explosives. What follows is a messy, bloody affair.

“Je t’aime, Kimiko”

Frenchie proves to be quite the lover boy after The Boys discover Kimiko. First known as The Female, Kimiko displays superhuman abilities like regenerative healing and animalistic tendencies. At first, the team is suspicious of her, so Frenchie often tries to hide her from them.

It’s adorable the way Frenchie is smitten by The Female, and spends time with her watching TV or eating cereal. Now that fans know her superpowers, it’s more exciting than ever to see more of her in action in Season 2.


All through the show, Butcher rages his personal war against Homelander because he believes he killed his wife Becca. But the season finale stunned Butcher and the viewers when it was revealed that Becca had been alive all the time and was in fact, raising Homelander’s son.

This major plot twist kept many fans guessing on what this could mean for future episodes. Viewers got their answer to those questions in more in season two. They received a major update on what Becca’s been up to and what she’s had to deal with for the last few years.