Black Adam, which releases in less than a year, promises to expand upon the lore of the DCEU, bringing us a version of The Justice Society of America. The film’s re-imagining of the classic superhero team raises quite a few questions as to where the creative minds behind the DCEU have planned.

  • Black Adam arrived in October 2022, and while the Justice Society of America has appeared on the small screen in Smallville and The Arrowverse, this is their debut on the big screen. Based on the trailer, a limited number of JSA members appears, but there are so many more that should show up in the movies. While there are rumors of others, the future of the DCEU after Black Adam remains in flux, so there is no telling who will show up in future movies. There are plenty to choose from, if Warner Bros. wants to bring in more members of the original DC superhero team.

With Hawkman, Cyclone, Atom Smasher, and Doctor Fate all confirmed for the movie, not to mention Alan Scott’s Green Lantern and Hourman slated to debut in The DCEU soon, it’s worth asking one simple question. Which JSA mainstays need to make their presence known in DC’s cinematic universe?

Johnny Thunder

Johnny Thunder and Thunderbolt has shown up on The CW, but he has yet to make an appearance in the DCEU. This would be a nice addition for fans who want to relate to a JSA member. Unlike his fellow members, Johnny has no real powers. However, he controls a being of immense power.

This is the djinn Thunderbolt. Together, they are two of the most powerful members of the Justice Society of America when together. This djinn has the powers of a Genie from the 5th Dimension, and that could be a lot of fun on the big screen.

Doctor Mid-Nite

The original Doctor Mid-Nite was very similar to a hero like Batman, but as a doctor. Charles McNider was originally a doctor called in to operate on a witness against the mob who had been shot. While in the hospital, another mobster threw a grenade in and Charles was blinded by the explosion.

Unlike Daredevil, instead of having his other senses improve, he realized he could see perfectly in the pitch black. He created a device that allowed him to see in the light again and became a vigilante. He didn’t have any powers, but used gadgets to fight crime.


Outside of Mr. Terrific, Hourman was the other scientist hero in Justice Society of America. He discovered Miraclo and became Hourman. His name signified his actual power levels, as he could only use his powers for one hour at a time.

He was a charter member of the Justice Society, and could make an interesting character on the big screen in the DCEU. With his limitations, it would present the much-needed ticking clock in giant battles with villains. There was also interesting storylines involving addiction issues, since the Miraclo was highly addictive.

Green Lantern

Fans who have followed the DCEU since the start knows that Green Lantern was supposed to be the first movie in the franchise. However, the Ryan Reynolds movie was a flop and plans changed. However, while Reynolds played Hal Jordan, the original Green Lantern was Alan Scott.

When the JSU returned in later years, Alan was the older and respected veteran, the first man to wear the power ring in DC Comics. While he had some weird weaknesses, such as wood, it would be great to see one of the most respected members of the Corps before Hal Jordan arrives.

Jay Garrick

Making his debut back in 1940, Jay Garrick is a well-known staple of The DC Universe. A JSA founding member, comic book fans know that Garrick, the first incarnation of The Flash, inspired Barry Allen to take up the mantle once he’d gained his abilities.

The inspiration for Ezra Miller’s Flash identity is unclear, so it could easily be explained that he was inspired by Garrick. Whether it leads to a crossover with The Scarlet Speedster or not, The JSA simply wouldn’t be the same with Garrick, so a DCEU appearance would be a no-brainer.


There have been many individuals that have taken on the Starman persona in DC Comics, but by far the most interesting candidate is none other than Thom Kallor. This incarnation of Starman worked with The Legion of Superheroes, a team yet to appear in cinema, before joining the JSA.

Many Starmen could be featured in the DCEU, but Kallor would be interesting because mental health is a topic that needs more coverage in mainstream media, and with Thom Kallor living with schizophrenia, it opens the door for more representation.

Jakeem Thunder

Updating the somewhat campy Johnny Thunder, Jakeem Williams, the new companion of the genie Thunderbolt, updated the concept for a more modern audience. Not long after making his debut, Jakeem Thunder joined a new version of The JSA, becoming one of their youngest members.

Now appearing on Stargirl, it would certainly be an intriguing move to also feature the character in the DCEU. While he could certainly appear as a member of The JSA, the concept has the potential to hold up a solo film.


Not to be confused with Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, the original Sandman was a classic pulp detective in a fedora and trench coat. On the surface, the character seems extremely simplistic, but a grounded, noir take on superheroes is certainly not unwelcome in the DCEU, with The Batman being described with similar terms.

A Sandman-centric film could feature either the classic Wesley Dodd’s incarnation or the more modern Sandy Hawkins version, the latter of which comes with the perfect villain in the form of the Eldritch criminal Johnny Sorrow. Either way, Sandman could be a breath of fresh air, especially with the DCEU becoming far more sci-fi-centric.

Power Girl

Perhaps to differentiate from The Arrowverse’s Supergirl, the DCEU’s Kara Zor-El could debut on The JSA as Power Girl instead. An alternate reality version of Kara, Power Girl was a version of the character who had grown up and became her own hero divorced from her famous cousin.

Though her costume could do with a rethink, Power Girl could be a welcome inclusion in The DCEU. With Sasha Calle portraying a different version of Supergirl in The Flash, perhaps a now-adult Kara could train her in a later movie?


Though her CW show may prevent her from appearing in the DCEU, Stargirl is one of the most important members of The JSA, so it wouldn’t make much sense to leave her out. The stepdaughter of The Star-Spangled Kid’s sidekick, Courtney Whitmore becomes a bold new take on the hero.

If Superman and The Flash could appear in The DCEU while their CW shows are still on the air, Stargirl can do the same. Whether this entails a solo movie or an appearance alongside The JSA, Stargirl could give the DCEU the youthful energy it desperately needs.


On the other end of the spectrum, Wildcat’s grizzled veteran status is an essential aspect of the character. Having trained the DC Universe’s best fighters, including Black Canary and Batman, Wildcat’s legacy in the DC Universe is a notable one, a legacy that could certainly factor into a DCEU appearance.

There may be one too many brooding heroes in The DCEU, but Wildcat compliments his sulking with a snarky wit that makes him one of The JSA’s most lovable members. Given that most discussions of The JSA usually end up involving Wildcat, it makes no sense for him not to appear at some point.

Mister Terrific

Though he is often undermined by DC Comics, Mister Terrific is among the universe’s smartest living beings, with many claiming that he’s even smarter than Batman. After an encounter with The Spectre, genius widower Michael Holt becomes the hero Mister Terrific, soon joining The JSA.

Diversity in cinema is something that needs to be more prevalent. With Mister Terrific being one of the most prominent BIPOC heroes in The DC Universe, he needs to make an appearance in the DCEU sooner rather than later.


Famous for her role in the animated Justice League series, Hawkgirl has officially become more popular than her male counterpart. With Hawkman soon to become a DCEU mainstay, it’s only a matter of time until Hawkgirl appears in some capacity.

Hawkgirl has appeared in live-action, but her appearances in the shows of The Arrowverse pale in comparison to what she could achieve on the silver screen. If Hawkgirl is ever going to take flight in the DCEU, the time is now.

The Spectre

While The Spectre is the most powerful member of the Justice Society of America, it doesn’t really make much sense for him to be a part of the team in The DCEU. Though his connection to The JSA is a key part of the character’s history, the embodiment of God’s wrath is way too much of a wild card for this incarnation of The JSA.

With all that being said, he should appear in The DCEU in some capacity, with the horror elements of the character being a must. He could receive an HBO Max show, a horror movie, or an appearance alongside The JSA or Justice League Dark. Either way, The Spectre’s presence would give The DCEU more variety.