If you thought the first season of 13 Reasons Why was shocking, and were taken aback by some of the scenes and happenings in season 2, season 3, which was released on August 23, takes things to a different level.

With each episode of the season serving as a whodunit as the group of high-schoolers, parents, teachers, and law enforcement try to figure out who killed Bryce Walker, the story is full of twists, turns, and side stories that leave viewers itching to watch the next episode after each one is done.

What were the most shocking discoveries of the season? Read on to find out, only after you’ve watched all 13 episodes as there are major spoilers ahead.

That Ani Was Sleeping With Bryce

New student Ani seemed to have a level head and was able to read people pretty well. Yet after befriending Bryce in his house, where she was living with her mother who was employed as a caretaker for his ailing grandfather, she began a romantic relationship with him.

What was most shocking is that she knew of his history, knew that he raped multiple women, lied about it, and got off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Bryce was seemingly trying to become a better person, and she seemed to believe he could be rehabilitated. Still, when it was revealed that they had slept together, it was jaw-dropping.

That Alex Was Taking Steroids

Alex is not exactly the muscular type, and while he was often seen in a gym working out with Zach as he tried to strengthen his body after narrowly surviving a suicide attempt, it was jarring to discover that he was actually hooked on steroids.

It explained his sometimes erratic behaviour, temper, and mood swings. And while we wouldn’t put it past Alex to take drugs in general, steroids were the last thing on the list we’d expect he would be buying in an effort to get jacked up.

That Monty Was Presumably Gay/Bi

We knew Monty had a massive chip on his shoulder and lashed out at people in school, especially Tyler, due to the fact that he himself was being beaten at home by his alcoholic father. But we never saw it coming that Monty was also hiding another secret: that he was gay, or bisexual, and clearly had trouble coming to terms with his true self.

Monty struggled with his sexuality, though he (sort of) finally admitted it to his father when he was in jail, sadly right before he was killed. But it explains a lot more about why he was so aggressive toward people and why he raped Tyler in the extremely violent way that he did.

That Justin Was Still Doing Drugs

We really had faith that Justin had completely cleaned himself up. And while it was shocking to discover that not only was he still doing drugs, but he was still both smoking and shooting up heroine, it makes sense. Justin never went to rehab, and never really dealt with his addiction and the underlying issues that caused him to turn to drugs in the first place.

But to see how easily Justin was able to hide his addiction from the ones he loved most was astonishing, as was his ability all this  time to hide the fact that he, too, was a victim of sexual assault.

That the Cops Tried to Pin the Murder on Clay

It isn’t uncommon for people to have tunnel vision, select a perpetrator, then twist and turn facts so that they fit a narrative. That’s exactly what the cops did with Clay, finding every which way to pin Bryce’s murder on him, to the bafflement of Clay, his friends and family, and viewers. Clay? Really?

Sure, we saw Clay lash out in anger and do some stupid things. And these things didn’t exactly paint a great a picture for the high-schooler. But it goes to show how what you say or do, even if you don’t really mean it, can be used against you.

The Return of Kevin Porter

Kevin Porter, known as Mr. Porter to the kids at Liberty High School, was the counselor who left in shame after realizing that Hannah came  to him for help and he shrugged her off, not realizing how serious she was. There was no reason to see him ever again. Or was there?

After he was called in to the school to talk with the students about Clay in an effort to help law enforcement, it was revealed that he had actually been treating Bryce just before the teenager died, helping him deal with this issues and try to become a better person.

Bryce Was (Sort Of) Rehabilitating Himself

Season 3 showed an entirely different Bryce, one who was seemingly kind, helpful, and respectful to others. Though twinges of the “old” Bryce broke through every now and then as his temper flared, he uttered threatening words, or even once forcefully grabbed Ani’s arm, he was, for the most part, a different person. Or at least trying to become one.

Could he have been rehabilitated? That’s unknown. Nonetheless, it was shocking to see a Bryce who wasn’t a pompous, womanizing jerk for once.

The Walkers Got Tony’s Family Deported

Discovering halfway through the series that Tony’s family was deported was shocking, but then when it is revealed that it was the Walkers who made it happen, reporting them to ICE once they discovered their status during background checks for the trial, it was a seriously low blow.

Tony did nothing to harm their case, and only wanted to help Hannah. He didn’t deserve to be caught in the middle, and it just further showed how the Walkers, or at least Mr. Walker, are ruthless, evil people.

Bryce Hadn’t Yet Listened to Hannah’s Tapes

After the trial and the discovery of the tapes, they were released onto the Internet where anyone and everyone could listen to them. Except there was one person integral to the story who chose not to listen: Bryce. Yes, he revealed that he had never listened to the tapes.

After Tony told him that he kept copies of them, the two sat together in the car for hours as they listened to each of them, one by one. It was shocking to find out that Bryce hadn’t listened yet, but even more shocking was watching his reaction as he finally did.

That Alex Killed Bryce

The entire season focused on “who killed Bryce” and it wasn’t until the final episode that the true killer was revealed. While Zach initially confessed, believing he did it, he had only assaulted Bryce, who was still conscious. It was Alex who officially killed him.

After accompanying Jessica to see Bryce on the pier (she couldn’t get a hold of Justin since he was out getting high), the former lovers decided to leave Bryce for dead. Alex had a change of heart  and attempted to pick Bryce up and help him. But when Bryce reverted to his old self and began threatening to kill Zach after what he did, Alex had a flash of anger and pushed him into the water. The moment was slightly anti-climactic, but an interesting end to a sad story.