The third season of our favorite Netflix teen drama 13 Reasons Why premiered this year. While we definitely all have our favorite and least favorite characters by now, we know there’s still some debate and controversy about who really is the best character to watch on our television screens. Justin Foley and Alex Standall have been at odds since the beginning of the series, and yes, a lot of this has to do with their mutual pining over Jessica Davis. In fact, we’re betting some of you are Team Alex, and others are Team Justin. Well, we’re here to argue that these two are actually the best characters on the show. Here are 5 times Justin proved he’s the best character, and 5 times Alex did. You can determine who takes the crown. Warning: spoilers ahead.

Alex: When He Still Cares About Jessica

Alex had a rough go with Jessica. She broke up with him because she said she didn’t want to be in a relationship. Then Alex quickly finds out that she’s actually been sleeping with Justin, who, Alex also thinks is bad news. However, despite all this bad blood, it’s more than clear that Alex still cares about Jessica. He is always asking her how she is doing, and at first, she gets annoyed by it all because he’s that involved. Yeah, he still loves her, but it is just as easy to hate her with a burning passion. This is some pretty solid stuff, and definitely gives Alex some points.

Justin: When He Got a Job at Monet’s

Justin has had a hard life. Sure, that’s not an excuse to be a bad person, but Justin isn’t. In fact, he’s tried really hard to turn his life around. While we do find out that he is not actually drug-free, he still is trying to be better and do better.

One of our favorite scenes was when we find out that Justin is working at Monet’s, and he pulls off his sweater to reveal the uniform. It’s quirky and cute, and definitely warmed our hearts. Let’s be honest, we all want the best for Justin and we’re happy he’s trying. That starts with a job.

Alex: When He Stands Up For Tyler

For starters, we’re not condoning the violent threat behind this action. You’ll remember that after Alex sees Monty bullying Tyler in the hall that he follows him into the bathroom. He tells Monty to stay away from Tyler and actually pulls out a pocket-knife to show he’s pretty serious. Monty calls him crazy, but he does leave. Alex put himself on the line for Tyler, and it’s pretty clear that Alex actually cares a whole lot about him. It’s definitely one of the most redeeming parts of Alex’s character, and he’s definitely a considerate friend (who will also apparently threaten people with a knife for you).

Justin: When He Felt Remorseful About Bryce

We know there’s a lot of controversy over the victimization of Bryce Walker in the third season. However, you have to admit that it’s pretty devastating to watch when Justin finds out that he’s dead. Although Justin knows he’s not a good person, he still remembers that Bryce was like a brother to him, and did help him out a whole lot when no one else would. This compassion of Justin’s is pretty endearing, honestly, and it just shows a deeper side to this character. He knows it’s for the best, but he’s still allowed to feel sad.

Alex: When He Tells Justin to be Honest with Jessica

Alex knows that Justin is still doing drugs. Alex, who knows that Justin stole the woman he loves from him, could have easily used this as leverage against the couple. Instead, he is the bigger person. He tells Justin that he should be honest with Jessica because she deserves that.

He actually helps Justin in his relationship with Jessica. Yes, it’s for Jessica’s best interest, but this is still incredibly selfless and huge for him to do. He totally could’ve imploded their relationship, but he does what is best.

Justin: When He Laughs When He’s Accused of Murder

You’ll remember when Ani and Clay follow Justin and Jessica to the hotel room. Oh yeah, they also accuse them of murder. While any normal person would get super angry and offended, Justin simply bursts out laughing and covers his mouth to stop himself. Even after this, he isn’t even remotely offended that Clay thought he could have had a hand in it. This theme is consistent. Even when Clay tells Jessica about Justin’s drug use, he’s not even mad. Justin is forgiving, but he’s also smart enough to know when people are doing things in his best interest. This is a stellar trait for a friend to have, just saying.

Alex: When He helps Zach, Even with Hiding a Murder

We’ve seen Zach help Alex A LOT after Alex’s injury. However, we see him instantly return to the favor in season 3, after Zach is on crutches because of Homecoming. Zach is an independent guy, but Alex is still there insisting to help. If that wasn’t enough, he also tries to calm Zach down and convinces him it’s okay, after Zach tells him he beat Bryce to a pulp and killed him. Sure, we know that Alex KNOWS this isn’t true, but he still doesn’t judge Zach for beating Bryce up. In fact, he immediately offers his silence and assures Zach that everything will be okay.

Justin: When He Tells Ani to Take a Hike

Ani is a complex character. Some of you may hate her, some of you may love her. In fact, we think we feel both ways. However, she definitely sticks her nose in places that are none of her business. When she thinks Clay is the murderer (which is silly in itself), she asks EVERYONE where Clay was on the night of homecoming.

While everyone just offers little input, Justin is the only one with the nerve to tell her to take a hike. Yes, he actually uses more profane language. But you must admit that you chanted at your screen and cheered for Justin. Honestly, it was about time someone stood up to her, and it was so satisfying that Justin was the blunt force that did so.

Alex: When He Goes with Jessica to the Dock

We all probably spent the entire season with our suspicions on different characters. However, let’s forget the whole murder-ending of this scene. We love Justin, but on the night of Homecoming, he was nowhere to be found when Jessica needed him. Who was there, though, was Alex. It was the middle of the night, and he had bad blood with Bryce, but he still took Jessica to the dock to meet her rapist. This is a solid friend thing to do, and he was there for her when no one else was. In fact, we’re sure he dropped everything to support her. We could all use a supportive and ride-or-die friend like Alex, to be honest.

Justin: When He Stands Up at the Assembly

Again, Justin is a dynamic and complex character. When Jessica is giving her speech at the assembly and starts a chain reaction of survivors standing up, we were all floored when Justin did the same. This took courage, and he did it to support Tyler and Jessica, and to show solidarity in the fight for survivors. If that wasn’t enough, think about how he listened to everything Jessica said about Bryce and said nothing about his own battle. That is about as selfless of acts as they come, and we were so, so proud that he finally shared his story. Justin has issues, but his heart is gold.