The hit Netflix drama, 13 Reasons Why, premiered its third season in 2019. While Hannah Baker is no longer present, there are still plenty of interesting, dynamic, and unique characters to go around. It’s likely that most of us relate to some of the characters more than others and have our favorites.

However, have you ever wondered what personality type these characters are, and which one you most closely align with? Well, we’ve made a list. Here are 10 characters from this incredible show and their Myer-Briggs Type Indicator®.

Alex Standall: ISTJ

Alex is a very mysterious, dynamic character, and as a result, it was difficult to place him when it comes to his MBTI. However, we feel comfortable putting him in the ISTJ category. Someone with this personality values logic and integrity, and they’re likely to be tirelessly dedicated to whatever they set their mind to.

Like Alex, this type of person analyzes their surroundings, but then they take action. Alex likes to be self-sufficient, and he hates dishonesty. In fact, this personality type is often considered to be blunt, which we know Alex can be guilty of. This character definitely represents introversion, sensing, thinking, and judgment.

Tony Padilla: INTJ

Tony is definitely the responsible, voice-of-reason-type character. Someone with this personality type likes their privacy, but they still have goals and ambitions. They’re always focused on something, and they don’t care for small talk or distractions. They will always complete what is handed their way.

As well, this person will probably dislike rules and traditions, because they like to act alone and do what is best for them. This personality type is smart and appears to have everything under control. We know there’s a darker side to Tony, but this pretty much sums him up. He represents introversion, intuition, thinking, and judgment.

Zach Dempsey: ENFJ

Zach is naturally a leader. On the outside, he’s passionate, charismatic, and people are drawn towards him. He also likes to help others, and honestly, this is his downfall. Someone with this personality type is likely to become incredibly involved with other people, and feel that they must solve their problems. Also, this character is often confused between logic and their raw emotion.

This kind of person is genuine, and they will fight for others, but they are more likely to fight for what they believe in and work hard towards that goal. Zach definitely represents extroversion, intuition, feeling, and judgment.

Ani Achola: ESTP

Ani is a new character this season, but we think we’ve locked her down as an ESTP. Someone with this personality type always has an impact on the people around them. They are blunt, but are humorous, and don’t mind being the center of attention. They also are intelligent, but they often forget to look before they leap.

Like Ani, this personality type likes drama because it’s stimulating, and they love trying to figure it all out. They like to observe, and then they’re likely to act pretty abruptly on those observations. If this isn’t Ani, we don’t know what is. She definitely represents extroversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving.

Tyler Down: ISTP

Tyler is a complicated character. However, like this personality type, we know that he likes to be artistic, and examines the world with a deep sense of curiosity (and his camera). This type of person keeps to themselves, and they are usually abnormally calm and focused on their duty.

However, they can be unpredictable, and this personality type is likely to explode without any warning. This person’s motto is quite literally “do unto others”, and we don’t think we need to explain any further why Tyler represents this personality type perfectly. He represents introversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving.

Jessica Davis: ESTJ

Jessica is a strong woman. She has a very strong moral compass, and she values honesty and dedication to an immense degree. She likes to lead people, and she is definitely capable of bringing people together to listen to her. Someone with this personality type is also hardworking, blunt, and incredibly intelligent. Her MBTI would be ESTJ.

Her opinions always come from a very passionate place, but this type of person will also always act on these thoughts. Jessica is angry at society, and it’s because of this that she’s become such a powerhouse, letting her represent extroversion, sensing, thinking, and judgment.

Justin Foley: ESFJ

Justin is a popular guy. People like him because he’s supportive and outgoing. This type of person is very concerned with how others view him, and they don’t like to share their problems with the world. This personality type also has a deep-rooted sense of loyalty and dedication, and they’ll do literally anything to help the people they care about.

This person will also likely ignore their pain, and instead will hide behind helping others and making them laugh. Justin is an interesting character, and he doesn’t fit this personality perfectly, but we think it pretty much sums him up. Justin represents extroversion, sensing, feeling, and judgment.

Chloe Rice: ESFP

Chloe has also had a pretty difficult time, and we get to see more of her in season 3. Someone with this personality type is likely to be popular and is seen as incredibly outgoing and generous. Chloe definitely has this going for her. She’s also smart and is very focused on her external self as much as her internal self.

Her reputation is important to her, but she is also sensitive and empathetic. However, the biggest downfall of this personality type is that they will likely avoid conflict altogether and simply pretend it doesn’t exist. This is definitely Chloe, and she represents extroversion, sensing, feeling, and perceiving.

Bryce Walker: ENFJ

Bryce is a natural leader. In fact, it’s kind of scary how much he can get others to listen to him. He is proud, joyful, and draws in an impressive group of dedicated listeners. People with this personality find it easy to communicate with others, and they can be deceptively good at doing so.

They are motivated and will do anything to accomplish their goals. However, this type of person will probably lack the ability to reflect on their own feelings. All of these things definitely sum up Bryce, and he represents extroversion, intuition, feeling, and judgment.

Clay Jensen: INTJ

Clay can’t help but analyze every single thing that’s going on around him. He’s incredibly ambitious and curious, but he also likes to keep to himself. People with this personality, like Clay, are likely to get angry when they feel like people aren’t doing enough to achieve their goal. They can also be both incredibly optimistic and brutally pessimistic about life at the same time.

This type of person relies on their personal insights and logic and works tirelessly to achieve whatever they’ve set their mind to. This personality type spends a lot of time in their head, and this is how we know Clay fits here. Clay represents introversion, intuition, thinking, and judgment.