Matchmaking websites have developed complex algorithms to link individuals who otherwise might not have had the chance to meet. Since then, endless swiping has occupied the dating world, and more and more people have been eager to try these platforms to meet new partners. 

Have you ever considered online dating? 

We’ve gathered the latest and most revealing online dating statistics to help you see if seeking relationships on the internet really works.

Let’s check them out!

7 Surprising Online Dating Facts & Stats in Australia

  • 3.2 million people were using dating apps in Australia in 2021.
  • Most dating app users in Australia are between the age of 25 and 34.
  • Over a quarter of online daters are interested in long-term relationships.
  • Online dating revenue in Australia rose from $47 million in 2019 to $56 million in 2021.
  • eHarmony and Tinder are the most recognisable dating platforms for Aussies.
  • 17% of Aussies have fallen prey to romantic scams.
  • Dating apps in Australia are the most common way to meet a new partner.

General Online Dating Facts & Statistics

1. 3.2 million people were using dating apps in Australia in 2021.


According to a December 2021 survey by Statista, 3.2 million people from Australia were actively seeking partners online. However, out of these, only 0.6 million pay for online dating services, while the remaining 2.6 are classified as non-paying users. 

The number of single people using these sites hasn’t changed much since 2018 when the estimated number of users reached its peak at 3.1 million.

2. Most dating app users in Australia are between the age of 25 and 34.


If you are just starting out online dating, take a look at our list of the best dating sites in Australia. 

Millennials are the largest age group willing to meet new people through the internet, with a percentage of 26.1. Unsurprisingly, young adults ranging from the age of 18 to the age of 24 are a close second, with a 21.7% share. 

However, it seems that the older generations have also gotten the hang of dating in the new internet era. The statistics provided by Statista show that the percentage of people aged 45-54 are as equally invested in online dating as young adults. 

3. The majority of Australians on dating sites are men.

The latest survey shows that the percentage of the male audience is dramatically more prominent than that of women, estimated at about 73.9% in 2021, leaving women with a small share of just 26.1%. 

This is not just an Australian phenomenon. Globally, men outnumber women on dating sites—even on Bumble, one of the most female-friendly online dating sites, the male to female user ratio is seven to three. 

4. Men and women with low income in Australia are more likely to open an account on dating apps. 

Statista surveys show a subtle difference in the percentage of single people trying to find love online based on their income. In fact, people who have low wage jobs seek new partners through the internet more often, forming a percentage of 37.5% in 2021. 

Singles with high income are also a big part of the online dating community (32.5%), while people with medium income are the least represented out of the three groups, taking up a 30% share. 

5. Over a quarter of online daters are interested in long-term relationships. 

(Relationships Australia)

Dating apps tend to be portrayed as an easy tool to find partners for casual hookups. However, contrary to popular opinion, statistics show that both men and women usually look for long-lasting relationships when creating an account on these sites. Only 10% of men and 7% of women tend to be more interested in short flings. 

6. 53% of Millennials reported that they would be embarrassed to admit they are using online dating sites.


It’s surprising that millennials, who are a part of the internet generation, are the most ashamed age group when it comes to online dating. However, while 53% of Millennials express embarrassment, baby boomers show that they are open to online dating, as 75% of them reveal that they are willing to meet a partner from the internet. 

Generation X is somewhere in the middle, with a share of 39% of Gen X Aussies who consider using dating apps a humiliation. 

Online Dating Revenue Statistics

7. Online dating revenue in Australia rose from $47 million in 2019 to $56 million in 2021.

The income from online dating sites has been exponentially increasing since 2017, when the revenue was only $40 million, and it’s expected to grow even more. In 2020, profit reached its peak at $57 million, while calculations foresee that in 2024 online dating revenue will go as high as $58 million. 

As of February 2022, these are the largest markets for online dating sites.

9. eHarmony and Tinder are the most recognisable dating platforms for Aussies.

  • USA – 15.7% (829 mil)
  • UK – 11.5% (116 mil)
  • France – 10.9% (113 mil)
  • Germany – 9.2% (131 mil)
  • Brazil – 8.3% (81 mil)

Looking through the statistics of YouGov’s survey on different dating services in Australia, we can see that eHarmony is the number one dating app that Australians rely on, and Tinder is the close second, followed by RSVP and Elite Singles. 

However, even though Tinder has already established its reputation as one of the most popular and widely known dating sites, people in Australia have rated it pretty severely. Thus Tinder is deemed the least respectable app for meeting new partners, along with Bumble. 

Out of 3.2 million Aussies using dating apps, making someone swipe right is not so easy. That’s why you need to know how to write a Tinder Bio, so you’ll be fully prepared for the online dating world.

Negative Effects of Online Dating

10. 17% of Aussies have fallen prey to romantic scams.


There is more to internet romance than online dating success stories. Australians are no exception to being conned out of their money by online frauds, as 23% of online daters reported that they have been in relationships where they hadn’t met the person in real life. Out of them, 26% have sent money, spending an average of $1.069. 

In 2021, 17% of Australians were victims of a romantic scam (up by 20% from the previous year), while an additional 30% said they knew someone who had been tricked online. 

11. Australians were scammed out of $46.8 million in 2021. 

Out of all of the states, New South Wales is ahead of the line when it comes to online dating scams. Aussies from this region have spent  $15.2 million intending to secure a loving partner through the computer screen. Victoria is next, whose residents have lost $11.4 million, followed by Queensland, where people have been scammed out of 6.4 million dollars. 

Of all the reported dating and romance scams, a little over half (50.1%) were reported by men.

Traditional vs Online Dating Statistics 

12. Dating apps in Australia are the most common way to meet a new partner. 

(ABC News)

Online dating has pushed itself in the spotlight with the motto of love being just a swipe away. 

Out of 54,970 respondents to the survey conducted by Australia Talks National in 2019, 35% said that they had found their partner or spouse on the web. 

Meeting new partners through friends had previously been the most prominent way of dating, and even though it’s still holding strong, it is slowly starting to fall behind internet dating. According to the survey, only 21% of respondents had met their significant other through friends, while 13% of them met at work. 

13. People in Australia feel that online dating does not lead to healthier relationships compared to traditional dating.

(Relationships Australia) 

Read more: How many free Tinder swipes do you have per day?

Half of the women and 37% of men do not believe that they have a high probability of forming a long-lasting and healthy relationship through matches on dating apps. Australians consider dating through apps to be more beneficial to lonely or isolated people, although they agree that usually, it is helpful to everyone. 

Bottom Line

Online dating can be a great way to form connections and meet new people, whether you are interested in a casual fling or a committed relationship. 

However, as these online dating statistics show, it is not without risks. So be careful about the personal information you share online and who you put your trust in. Be diligent and remember that you can always end an online relationship if you no longer feel safe or comfortable. 


  • ABC News
  • Relationships Australia
  • Statista
  • Statista
  • YouGov