16 Celebrities You Didn T Know Lobbied To Be On Star Trek

With six series (including the animated one), a new show on the way, and 13 movies, the opportunities on Star Trek for guest stars have been abundant. Some guests, like Dwayne Johnson, were network directives. Some, like Iggy Pop, were pursued by producers who were big fans. Some auditioned and got roles, and many came back to play the same characters again or take on entirely different ones. But there’s another category of guest star, and wannabe guest star, who, once famous in their own right, made it known to the creative teams in charge of the latest edition of the franchise that they were available, like Bebe Neuwirth....

March 12, 2022 · 14 min · 2916 words · Teresa Mosley

18 Best Things About Shazam And 3 Things We Didn T Like At All

Shazam! continues the streak of films that appear to be moving the DCEU in the right direction. Following in the footsteps of Wonder Woman and Aquaman, Shazam! tells a brighter, more fun superhero story, while keeping the tale firmly rooted in something resembling reality. Shazam! tells the story of Billy Batson, an orphan who is given powers beyond his wildest dreams. With the help of his foster brother, Freddy Freeman, Billy learns how to use his powers and be a real hero....

March 12, 2022 · 13 min · 2612 words · Lillian Jackson

1984 Storyboard Visual Plan Behind Apple S Iconic Ad Revealed

The original storyboard for Apple’s iconic 1984 ad has been revealed by the copywriter, Steve Hayden … A storyboard is a series of drawings intended to provide a visual sense of a planned film. A technique first developed by Disney in the 1930s, storyboards are a standard tool commonly used in everything from 10-second ads to full-length feature films. The quality and detail of the drawings can vary from simple line drawings to detailed color illustrations showing things like the effect of planned lighting setups....

March 12, 2022 · 2 min · 327 words · Glenda Hales

25 Best Story Driven Games On Ps4

The PlayStation 4 is no slouch when it comes to offering great gaming experiences. While it’s now officially a last-gen console due to the release of the PlayStation 5, the best story games on PS4 still have a lot to offer. In fact, PS4 owners are spoiled for games that are heavy on narrative and immersion, which is great for those who love to lose themselves in a fun story....

March 12, 2022 · 14 min · 2807 words · Robert Williams

25 Hidden Things Fans Totally Missed In The Resident Evil Movies

When I walk into a movie theater to see an action movie, I don’t plan to analyze every little thing on the screen. I go to action movies to sit back, relax, and watch some rip-roaring action. And believe it or not, the Resident Evil film series are action movies. Sure they have a couple of horror moments in them, but the majority of their screen time is dominated by blazing guns and fancy fistfights....

March 12, 2022 · 10 min · 2086 words · Wanda Carlson

16 Inch Macbook Pro Maxes Out At Over 6000 With 8Tb Ssd 64Gb Ram More

Apple’s new 16-inch MacBook Pro is available to order now. It starts at $2,399, which is much lower than some supply chain rumors had suggested. At the high-end, the 16-inch MacBook Pro maxes out at $6,099 and gets you quite a bit of power. For $6,099 you get 64GB of 2666MHz DDR4 memory, an AMD Radeon Pro 5500M with 8GB of GDDR6 memory graphics card, and an 8TB SSD, which Apple says is a first for a laptop....

March 11, 2022 · 2 min · 280 words · Olga Bowman

16 Things You Didn T Know About Battlestar Galactica

Regarded as one of the best space opera television shows, Battlestar Galactica made its initial debut in 1978. Created by Glen A. Larson, the show immersed fans in a world of Cylons, Colonies, and mythical tales of a lost Earth. Though incredibly popular with fans, its waning ratings led to its cancellation. Even after fans rallied to bring the show back, the creator and actors failed to convince the studio to continue the show....

March 11, 2022 · 17 min · 3528 words · Daniel Ashmore

1Password Now Works With Password Autofill On Ios 12

One of the great new enhancements of iOS 12 is Password Autofill. This brings login credentials like usernames, emails, and passwords from password vaults to iOS apps and websites right on the iOS keyboard — and it’s not just limited to Apple’s iCloud Keychain. 1Password 7.2 for iOS 12 brings full support for Password Autofill, promoting the password manager to a first-class citizen on iPhone and iPad. Simply enable 1Password as a Password Autofill data provider in Settings → Passwords and Accounts → Autofill Passwords and you’ll start to see credentials stored in 1Password suggested on the iPhone and iPad keyboard in iOS 12 apps....

March 11, 2022 · 2 min · 419 words · Luis Miller

20 Characters Glee Wants Everyone To Forget

Glee’s run as one of the top television shows geared towards young adults was what many other television shows dream about. Glee’s focus on equality, support, and acceptance made it a show that taught life lessons and gave viewers a safe environment to enjoy its story. It also allowed the musical geek in everyone to be unleashed every week. Spanning six seasons, the show took viewers on an emotional journey through the eyes of relatable characters....

March 11, 2022 · 15 min · 3015 words · Mabel Geller

15 Things We Learned From The Nintendo Switch Premiere

On the 20th of October, 2016, Nintendo finally revealed their elusive NX title to the world. The Nintendo Switch (as it was now known) was shown to be a hybrid handheld gaming system and home console. The bulk of the system was contained within a device that resembled a tablet. You can plug it into a dock, in order to play your games on a television screen, or the console can be played as a handheld device, by simply removing it from the dock....

March 10, 2022 · 16 min · 3329 words · Mary Miller


我们在这里选择了17款免费或免费增值的工具。免费增值工具需要付费才能使用其大部分功能。但是,它们也免费提供有限的功能。 如果你正在寻找一家经纪公司来运营你的广告活动,请继续使用下面的经纪公司匹配表格,它将为你匹配到最适合你需求的公司。 你必须考虑你希望在哪里找到潜在的网红。许多网红都使用社交媒体,因此其中一些工具专注于在社交媒体渠道中寻找大牛人物。 你应该首先考虑你的目标受众会把时间花在什么地方。例如,如果你以老年人为目标,那么你就会经常从谈论你们利基领域的Facebook群组中寻找网红。如果你以青少年为目标,那么你可能会更多地关注Snapchat、Youtube或Instagram。 许多网红通过写博客而出名。我们这里有一些工具可以帮助你在你所在的领域找到有影响力的博主。 你还会发现一些有影响力的人,他们通过播客在其各自领域内享有名声。所以我们还提供了一款工具来帮助你找到最受欢迎的播客。 这里是17款寻找网红的顶级免费网红营销工具 1. Upfluence Upfluence 是一个功能齐全的网红平台,提供一整套全面的功能。但是,Upfluence的一个关键部分是其网红搜索和发现引擎。 它拥有一个庞大的数据库,其中包含300多万个网红的个人资料。Upfluence的AI会实时对这些个人资料编入索引并进行更新。该算法分析每条内容的覆盖率和参与度。 客户可以通过Upfluence搜索,使用尽可能多的关键字找到网红。通过向下钻取关键字,你可以缩小搜索范围。你可以为每个关键字设置相对权重,使某些关键字比其他关键字更重要。你还可以使用位置、社交平台或粉丝数量等条件,在Instagram上进一步缩小搜索范围。 结果统计数据几乎是实时显示的。在屏幕的左侧键入搜索词,在右侧显示基于搜索的结果数,并根据粉丝量的多少将其分类。 Upfluence还提供了Chrome插件。它对网红营销来说是一款“自己动手”的工具。你可以直接从你的浏览器上用它来分析某网红的个人资料,而且它与所有主流网络上的个人资料都兼容:比如Instagram、Facebook、YouTube、Pinterest和博客。该插件为所有网红,跨其所有社交媒体账户,提供即时、前沿的分析。 2. Post for Rent Post for Rent 也是一款成熟的网红工具。该公司在冷淡的业务效率和真实的网红活动之间有效地保持了平衡。 对于品牌和有影响力的人来说,有一套可以互相留下评论并充当参考的系统。搜索网红的品牌商可以在他们的搜索结果中看到这些星级评分,并可以点进其个人资料中查看其他品牌商的评论。同样,网红也能看到品牌商的评分,这可能会影响他们与公司合作的意愿。 品牌商从创建其简介开始,从中你可以指定你想要的广告类型。但是,在这一过程中涉及到的更无聊和乏味的事情——发现和管理网红及其内容,仔细阅读个人资料和数据,研究受众——通过一款干净、简单的界面便可以毫不费力地完成。 品牌商在发起活动之前甚至无需寻找网红。在某些类型的活动中,他们根本不需要寻找网红。如果品牌商发布了一项公共活动,则Post for Rent将通过一款移动应用程序通知符合活动条件的所有网红。有兴趣者可以直接申请。 如果你确实需要选择搜索网红,Post for Rent会显示合适网红的缩略图,上面包括他们的评分、可信度评分和基本数据。然后你可以点击那些你感兴趣的网红,他们会被添加到你屏幕右侧的列表中。你可以根据网红和受众的属性不断完善你的搜索——而这个列表永远不会消失。 通过Post for Rent,你可以根据网红在过去的内容中使用的主题标签来搜索他们。这有助于提供更好的定位。 3. HypeAuditor - Instagram最具影响力人物榜单 你可以使用 HypeAuditor 根据质量和参与粉丝的数量来确定顶级Instagram网红之排名。 HypeAuditor的AI分析彻底,并根据高质量的追随者和真实的参与度对博主进行排名。他们从不同的来源收集原始数据,对其进行去个性化处理并归类。他们只考虑真粉丝和真人点赞。然后,该算法对网红进行排名,形成全球最具影响力人物列表,每天更新。 你可以选择涵盖所有细分领域的前1000名网红列表,也可以将榜单分为14个类别之一。反过来,你可以选择覆盖所有国家的网红列表,也可以从17个国家中仅选择某个国家的网红列表。 HypeAuditor在每个列表中提供有关每个网红的以下信息: 他们当前的排名(以及自上个月以来对某些列表的更改) 网红的Instagram用户名 网红发布的主要话题 其受众所在国 其粉丝 对其真实参与度的估计 如果点击任一网红,你会被带到一个页面,上面有关于他们在Instagram上的表现、受众质量得分、粉丝人口统计资料和参与度的额外信息与统计数据。 4. Discover.ly Discover.ly 是一款Chrome插件,可帮助你建立关系网。你可以使用它来查看你的电子邮件收件人,LinkedIn和Facebook连接者的社交账户及边栏中的最新消息。举例来说,这意味着你可以在LinkedIn上看到与你建立联系的人的共同的Facebook好友。 事实上,你还可以在众多其他社交媒体渠道和平台上看到联系人的社交媒体账户。其中包括Google+、Klout、Angel Base、FourSquare和Behance。 Discover.ly的一个用途是查看你的现有联系人是否与你所在领域内的网红有建有联系。如果你发现其存在任何联系,你可以利用你的联系人向你介绍网红。 5. Tweetdeck Tweetdeck 是Twitter的免费社交媒体仪表板,可帮助你管理你的所有推文。你可以对其进行设置,以显示任何Twitter时间线项目、提及、直接消息、列表、趋势、收藏夹、搜索结果或主题标签。你可以通过Tweetdeck控制面板控制多达200个Twitter账户。 Tweetdeck具有非常强大的搜索功能。你可以使用Tweetdeck来跟踪竞争对手的提及。你还可以使用它来查找特定主题标签的使用情况,从而帮助你找到网红。你也可以按转发次数进行搜索。那些推文被多次转发的人可能会有一些影响力。 当你的一个粉丝在其名单中添加一个新人时,Tweetdeck会提醒你。你可以仔细看看这些人是否值得作为潜在网红进行调查。 你也可以使用Tweetdeck查看特定人物所在的列表数量。这可能是一个可通过其他人反映其影响力程度的有用标志。 6. Social Crawlytics Social Crawlytics 可让你对内容和竞争对手进行跟踪。你可以使用它来发现哪些帖子最受欢迎并在特定网站上分享。与其他一些社交监控网站不同,你可以针对特定域名在Social Crawlytics上运行报告。因此,例如,你可以分析你的竞争对手,以确定他们最成功的内容以及人们如何分享内容。 开始时,Social Crawlytics为你提供2,500个积分供你使用。你抓取的每个链接都会让你花费一定数量的积分。你的一些积分每周都会重新生成,你还可以通过代表Social Crawlytics发送推文来获得奖励积分。 Social Crawlytics报告对被抓取网站的社交表现情况描述得非常详细。这包括顶级作者的详细信息及其分享总数。这可能会为你带来你想要的网红。...

March 10, 2022 · 1 min · 186 words · Jonathan Caldwell

2020 Ipad Pro Now 149 Off M1 Macbook Air Discounts

We’re halfway through the workweek and all of today’s best deals kick off as Best Buy clears out previous-generation iPad Pro models at $149 off. That’s alongside Apple’s latest M1 MacBook Air from $900 and Nomad’s 20% off sitewide accessory sale. Hit the jump for all that and more in the latest 9to5Toys Lunch Break. Best Buy clears out Apple’s 2020 11-inch iPad Pro Best Buy is currently offering the previous-generation 2020 Apple 11-inch iPad Pro Wi-Fi 128GB for $650....

March 10, 2022 · 3 min · 618 words · Jennifer Sevick

13 Reasons Why Season 3 5 Times Alex Was The Best Character 5 Times Justin Was

The third season of our favorite Netflix teen drama 13 Reasons Why premiered this year. While we definitely all have our favorite and least favorite characters by now, we know there’s still some debate and controversy about who really is the best character to watch on our television screens. Justin Foley and Alex Standall have been at odds since the beginning of the series, and yes, a lot of this has to do with their mutual pining over Jessica Davis....

March 9, 2022 · 7 min · 1298 words · Christopher Custer

15 Inch Vs 16 Inch Macbook Pro Comparison Should You Upgrade

The new 16-inch MacBook Pro is finally here. It has thinner bezels, a scissor switch “Magic Keyboard,” an improved sound system, and better specs overall. But is that enough for users of the hitherto top-of-the-line 15-inch MacBook Pro to upgrade? Or, if you’re thinking about buying a new MacBook, is it worth investing in newly released models or buying the old one at a lower price? Read on as we compare the latest 15-inch MacBook Pro vs....

March 9, 2022 · 6 min · 1079 words · Patricia Bliler

2011 Macbook Pro Owners In Quebec Can Now Get Repair Refund After Lawsuit

A class-action lawsuit filed in Quebec, Canada, in 2014 argued that multiple owners of 15-inch and 17-inch models of the 2011 MacBook Pro were forced to pay for the repair of defective AMD GPUs. Almost seven years later, the Canadian court has finally approved a settlement regarding this case, which will result in Apple having to refund the affected consumers. As reported by PCMag, the settlement was confirmed this week by the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec....

March 9, 2022 · 2 min · 280 words · Thomas Relf

2018 Ipad Teardown Repairability Still Poor Due To Strong Adhesive Glues Inside

Apple’s 2018 iPad internals are unsurprisingly similar to the 2017 model, as shown in this photograph of the internals (ready to use as an iPad wallpaper!). The iFixit teardown report highlights that LCD display repairs are cheaper than Pro models because the screen is not laminated, but any aftermarket service is still difficult due to extensive use of adhesive to secure the internal parts. The A10 Fusion chip used in the $329 2018 iPad is the same as the one seen in the iPhone 7 series phones, with 2 GB RAM....

March 9, 2022 · 2 min · 277 words · Clarence Tenebruso

2021 Ipad Mini Reports Get Sketchy Ipad Mini Pro Twist

Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said last year that we can expect a 2021 iPad mini in the first half of this year, but a sketchy report today gives it a new twist. Some of what is suggested aligns with what we’ve heard before, but a Korean blog suggests that it will be billed as an iPad mini Pro… Background The iPad mini hasn’t been updated for almost two years now. It did get some worthwhile performance improvements, leading us to label it a more compact iPad Air 3, but the form-factor remained unchanged and it definitely looks dated after the launch of the current iPad Air....

March 9, 2022 · 3 min · 560 words · Archie Stinson

25 Awesome Areas In Grand Theft Auto V Casuals Had No Idea About

What a wild, wild ride Grand Theft Auto V has had. It originally launched way back in 2013 (which is an eternity in video game years) and quickly became a phenomenon. Players, critics, Rockstar shareholders (and their partners who want to add that extension to their house)… everybody just loved the game. It continues to sell incredibly well (it was the 11th best-selling title of last year, even though it’s over five years old), despite the fact that just about everybody in the known universe surely owns it by now....

March 9, 2022 · 13 min · 2766 words · Sarah Elford

13 Best Jira Alternatives In 2023

Here is a list of Top alternatives to JIRA available from the competition. The list contains both open source (free) and paid software Best JIRA Alternatives Tools (Free & Paid) 1) Monday Monday.com is one of the best alternatives to JIRA. It offers a clean interface with color-coded features. This easy-to-use software is suitable for big or small teams. It also offers a user-friendly mobile app and highly customizable workflows....

March 8, 2022 · 14 min · 2934 words · David Prost

13 Year Old Going To Court Against Apple Over Iphone Water Damage Dispute

A 13 year-old iPhone user will be going to court against Apple Korea next month over an iPhone 3G repair dispute. Back in October of this year the 13 year-old’s father asked for $251 in compensation from Apple after they refused to fix his daughter’s iPhone 3G, despite the one year warranty. Apple claimed they could not fix his daughter’s iPhone for free as it apparently had water damage, according to the trivial water sensors, which the family denied causing....

March 8, 2022 · 1 min · 179 words · Maxine Grady