20 Things Fans Didn T Know About The Upcoming Birds Of Prey Film

Can you believe it? Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) is actually happening. After Warner Bros. played a game of hide and seek with us in terms of its movie slate, no one really believed the film would actually enter production until it did. Things seem to be moving fast as filming is already underway and we’ve received our first teaser of the actors in costume....

July 29, 2022 · 12 min · 2533 words · Louise White


电子竞技不再只是人们的一种休闲活动。电竞玩家通过参加电竞比赛并在YouTube和Twitch上直播自己的表演可赚取数百万美元的收入。 随着几家大公司参与电子竞技赛事,该产业现已成为主流。 一些电子游戏开发商(如Valve和Epic Games)都为各自的游戏举办全球性的电子竞技赛事。微软和红牛等品牌商纷纷赞助此类赛事,而电子竞技联盟(ESL)这样的公司更是将其整个商业模式都建立在了电子竞技产业之上。 随着电子竞技日益普及,且越来越多的人开始专业从事电子竞技,电子竞技已经成为一个不容忽视的产业。 我们列出了将在2019年举办的十大电子竞技赛事。无论您是想要亲自参加这些赛事还是只是观看,这都是所有电子竞技爱好者必知的一份赛事列表。 请继续阅读,了解有关2019年顶级电竞赛事的更多信息。 2019年最值得期待的十大电竞赛事: 2019年堡垒之夜世界杯(奖金1亿美元) 2019年最值得期待的电竞赛事当属《堡垒之夜》世界杯,其奖金池高达1亿美元。这是2019年电子竞技赛事中金额最大的一笔奖金。大赛组织方为该游戏的开发商Epic Games。 虽然该“世界杯”计划在2019年举行,但预选赛早在2018年秋天就开始了。 与其他赛事不同的是,Epic Games已经宣布,本次赛事他们不会出售任何特许经营权,且团队和赛事的参与将完全以团队表现为基础。 实际上就在大赛开始之前,开发商犯了一些错误,引发了《堡垒之夜》职业玩家的不满。 他们在美国最著名的节日之一——感恩节组织了一场预选赛。这引发了玩家们的强烈反对。在预选赛中,他们还添加了诸如“无限之刃”之类的游戏内武器装备,这给了拥有这类武器的人以不公平的优势。 不过,这些都未影响到这款游戏的受欢迎程度,它在2018年取得了前所未有的成功。此外,尽管发生了这些事件,但巨额奖金之下,《堡垒之夜》世界杯仍然是最值得期待的赛事。 英雄联盟全球总决赛 对于《英雄联盟》的玩家来说,这是全球最大的赛事,大赛组织方为拳头公司 (Riot Games)。《英雄联盟》已经成为一款非常受欢迎的游戏,尤其是有很多职业玩家在Twitch上直播他们的现场表演。这推动了该游戏的流行,并使其在全球获得成功。 世界杯预选赛于2019年2月3日开始。尽管全球总决赛的决赛日期尚未公布,但通常是在每年的10月或11月份左右。 《英雄联盟》全球总决赛是2018年最大的电子竞技赛事之一。即使今年让《堡垒之夜》抢了风头,但该赛事的受欢迎程度并不会降低。2018年的奖金为225万美元,但2019年冠军奖金尚未公布。 2019年《英雄联盟》全球总决赛的地点已经宣布,地点是法国巴黎。 The International The International 是 DOTA 2 玩家的年度世界大赛,也是2019年最大的电子竞技赛事之一,这主要是因为 DOTA 2 在全球游戏社区中的流行。它是世界上最受欢迎的游戏之一,拥有庞大的玩家群。 在2018年,该赛事的总奖池高达2500万美元,如果2019年也能达到这一水平,那么它将是2019年最大的赛事之一。 该赛事组织方为这款游戏的开发商威尔乌集团 (Valve Corporation)。 大赛将在上海的梅赛德斯奔驰竞技场举行,但日期尚未公布。这项赛事通常在每年的八月份左右举行。 使命召唤世界联赛 (CWL) 《使命召唤》世界联赛是一项年度赛事,旨在决出该游戏的世界冠军。该赛事组织方为这款游戏的开发商动视出版公司 (Activision Publishing)。 CWL的预选赛在2019年1月举行,赛季将在今年晚些时候开始。将有16个团队争夺600万美元的奖金。这是《使命召唤》有史以来设立的最高奖金。 今年,这款游戏将以五对五的形式进行。它取消了所有地区限制,让世界各地的玩家轻松参加比赛。由于他们与组织方有官方合作,因此玩家将通过PlayStation 4参与游戏。 IEM 卡托维兹 英特尔极限大师杯赛 (IEM) 第13赛季 – 全球总决赛Major赛事为《反恐精英:全球攻势》,每年都会举行。该赛事组织方为Valve Corporation和 ESL。 大赛将于2019年2月举行,总决赛将于2019年3月3日举行。举办地为波兰卡托维兹。 2019年赛事的奖金为100万美元。虽然与我们榜单上的其他一些赛事相比,这个数字似乎很低,但就游戏比赛来说,这仍然是一笔巨大的奖金。 尽管《反恐精英》已经存在多年了,但它仍然是一款非常受欢迎的游戏。因此,我们2019年最值得期待的电竞赛事列表上必须有它。 守望先锋联赛 《守望先锋》已经成为全世界一些专业玩家的主流游戏。 《守望先锋》联赛是世界上最大的《守望先锋》赛事,有20支队伍(永久战队席位)竞争世界冠军。这些电竞团队代表世界各地的不同城市。 联赛组织方为开发《守望先锋》这款游戏的暴雪娱乐公司(Blizzard Entertainment)。 今年的赛季将从2月14日开始,一直持续到8月25日。比赛分4个阶段进行,每个阶段持续5周。今年大赛的奖金是500万美元。 光环世界冠军赛 该项比赛为微软和383工作室组织举办的《光环5:守护者》。 该项赛事于2018年4月举行,总奖金为100万美元。2019年的比赛日期尚未公布。 预选赛即第一轮过滤轮,其后邀请16支队伍参加冠军赛。然后比赛以小组比赛的形式开始,每组四支队伍,共四组。...

July 29, 2022 · 1 min · 96 words · Juan Carey

13 Reasons Why Is Better Than The Book

WARNING: This piece contains spoilers for Thirteen Reasons Why - Upon its release in 2007, Jay Asher’s debut young adult novel Thirteen Reasons Why sparked conversations and controversy around the world. The story, which follows the aftermath of a teen suicide told through the tapes the victim sent to others to explain her choice, remained on the New York Times best-seller list for many weeks and is still a favorite in the genre, even as audiences’ tastes veered more towards the supernatural....

July 28, 2022 · 6 min · 1127 words · Ronald Coffin

15 Best Free Photo Editing Software Apps For Windows 10 Pc

Following is a handpicked list of Top Windows 10 photo editor with their popular features & website links. The list contains best photo editing software for PC free download links for both open source (free) and commercial (paid) software. BEST Photo Editor App & Software for PC #1) Adobe Photoshop Express Editor Adobe Photoshop Express Editor is an application for photo retouching and image editing. It can be used by designers, graphic artists, photographers, web developers, and creative professionals....

July 28, 2022 · 17 min · 3608 words · Benny Stewart

15 Weird Facts About Deadpool In X Men Origins Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is one of the superhero movies that most fans would like to forget. Unfortunately, it’s made extremely difficult to forget thanks to the disastrous first big-screen appearance of Deadpool. This movie was hardly the first to anger comic book fans. It wasn’t all bad, though. Reynolds used the failure of this movie to get his own Deadpool movie made. Ryan Reynolds recently announced that not only was Deadpool coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in all its R-rated glory, but he wouldn’t be coming alone....

July 28, 2022 · 12 min · 2452 words · Jeffrey Mcdougle

17 Engaging Ideas For What To Post On Twitter

Twitter is a unique platform. And while several types of content tend to do well, others should be reserved for more professional platforms such as LinkedIn or more primarily visual platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. But we’ll guide you through 17 engaging ideas of what to post on Twitter that your audience will love. Why you should be on Twitter Every platform has its own demographics, rules and styles, and knowing which platforms are right for your business is important....

July 28, 2022 · 9 min · 1771 words · Elena Parks

1Password 7 8 For Macos Now Runs Natively On Apple Silicon Macs

Since the introduction of the first Macs with the M1 chip in November last year, several macOS apps have already been updated with support for the Apple Silicon platform. Today, the popular password manager 1Password received a new version that runs natively on the new M1 Macs. The M1 is Apple’s first chip built for Macs based on the same ARM architecture that is used in iPhone and iPad chips. Although Macs with the M1 chip are able to run apps developed for Intel machines, these apps need to be emulated and translated through Rosetta — which can result in less performance and some bugs eventually....

July 28, 2022 · 2 min · 317 words · Raymond Haynes

20 Characters Game Of Thrones Wants Us To Forget

It’s hard to fault the creators of Game of Thrones for introducing characters and storylines that went nowhere, as they never knew how long the show was going to run for. Game of Thrones was a hit from the start, but it was also the most expensive TV show of all time, which meant that HBO could have decided to end the series at any time, with most of the early seasons only being commissioned one at a time in order to make it easier for HBO to can the show if it lost its audience....

July 28, 2022 · 13 min · 2764 words · Trisha Phelps

20 Of The Best Historical Tv Shows According To Imdb

While TV shows that are set in the modern-day are a lot of fun, it’s also really interesting to watch a show that takes viewers back in time. These shows give fans a glimpse into what life was like at that time in a dramatic and interesting way, and many are particularly keen on historical accuracy. Some historic shows are based on the life of a real person, while others focus on completely original characters....

July 28, 2022 · 12 min · 2386 words · Glenda Sullivan

21 Genius Facebook Post Ideas To Boost Your Engagement Plann

Think about all the actions you take when you use Facebook. You might click into an article to read a news story, tag your bestie in an epic competition giveaway or even purchase a new pair of yoga pants from a brand you’ve discovered via a Facebook Ad. Planners, every one of these actions is an ‘engagement’! From likes to shares, engagement helps brands measure how well their content resonates with their audience....

July 28, 2022 · 14 min · 2821 words · Kathryn Ensing

25 Harry Potter Characters Reimagined As Villains

Harry Potter is one of the most beloved and recognizable franchises in pop culture. Even if you’ve never read the books or watched the movies, chances are you’ve been asked about your Hogwarts House a couple of dozens of times today alone. You might’ve even seen countless Wizarding World crossover stories with your favorite fandom. It’s a classic take of good against evil with an extra pinch of angst thrown in for good measure....

July 28, 2022 · 13 min · 2707 words · Robert Stephens

25 Things The Sith Aren T Allowed To Do In Star Wars

Thousands of years before the first Star Wars film took place, during the time that would be later called Hundred-Year Darkness, a battle between good and evil emerged when a rogue Jedi decided he would gain more knowledge about the dark side of the Force. This rogue Jedi believed that the only way for a Jedi to reach his, or her, full potential was to tap into the dark side....

July 28, 2022 · 13 min · 2704 words · David Standley

16 Gb 32 Gb Wi Fi Retina Ipad Minis Join Rest Of The Line In Shipping In 5 10 Days

While most versions of the iPad mini with Retina display have been shipping in 5-10 days for a few weeks, the last two holdout models have finally dropped as well. The 16 GB and 32 GB Wi-Fi version of the recently-updated tablet, which were shipping in 1-3 business days just a few hours ago, have now dropped to the same shipping time as the rest of the lineup. This doesn’t bode well for holiday shoppers looking to score a Retina iPad mini, since shipping times will likely continue to lag as the holiday demand ramps up....

July 27, 2022 · 1 min · 96 words · Christine Muniz

1Password 6 5 For Ios Introduces Native Apple Watch App And A Better Onboarding Experience

When the 1Password app is enabled, users can select to store certain passwords to their Watch. In my personal experience I’ve added every item listed in my Favorites area of 1Password as they are my most frequently used. 1Password even supports one-time passwords on the Apple Watch. 1Password describes the Watch update in the text below: 1Password 6.5 is available in the App Store as a free download, with a $3/month subscription pricing....

July 27, 2022 · 1 min · 122 words · Esther Wilkinson

20 Critical Controls

Budget constraints, security staff shortage and complexities due to orchestration are the top three obstacles for security teams, according to a 2018 Cisco survey of more than 3,600 respondents across 26 countries. The growing number of security tools may especially be a hindrance, because organizations are adding more vendors every year, and frequently those products don’t integrate with each other. Best Practices for Solving Top Security Challenges The good news is that more organizations are becoming proactive with their defenses....

July 27, 2022 · 8 min · 1528 words · Alicia Tuck

2017 Beyond What S Next For Mac And What Of Its Longer Term Future

As we move into the new year, we’re taking a look in a series of pieces at what the future might hold for Apple’s product line-up, for this year and beyond. Jordan kicked things off with an overview, and a closer look at the iPhone 8, while I’m turning my attention to the Mac. In the longer-term, there are bigger questions we can ask about the future of the Mac – the biggest of all being: does it have one?...

July 27, 2022 · 12 min · 2492 words · Janice Lucas

2019 Television Critics Association Award Winners

As a possible early indication of who and what will win big at the Emmys, the Television Critics Association handed out its 2019 awards with season 2 of Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Fleabag taking home multiple trophies. The annual event was held during the TCA summer press tour at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, where past winners have included Carrie Coon, Elisabeth Moss, Donald Glover, as well as series like The Americans and Atlanta....

July 27, 2022 · 2 min · 397 words · John Wasserman

2021 Ipad Pro To Feature Mini Led Display Report Says

Apple is widely expected to begin transitioning to mini LED displays in 2021, and a new report from Digitimes adds further corroboration. The report indicates that Apple will debut a new 12.9-inch iPad Pro with mini LED display technology in Q1 of 2021. The report focuses broadly on Apple’s efforts to diversify its supply chain for displays and touch panels. Supplier BOE has reportedly gained approval to supply OLED screens for the iPhone lineup, while GIS will produce touch models for the new iPad Pro with mini LED, expected to be “launched in first-quarter 2021....

July 27, 2022 · 2 min · 375 words · Ruben Teyler

25 Best Ecommerce Website Design Examples For 2023

Though, what you do need is some inspiration and basic understanding of what good website design is all about. To help you with the inspiration part, we have created a list of 25 best e-commerce website designs. 25 Best E-commerce Website Design Examples in 2023: 1. Thesus (formerly Alice + Whittles) Thesus sells timeless, high-quality footwear. So, it makes sense for them to rely a lot on product photography. Yet, what sets their website apart is that they do not fall into the trap of cluttering their site with endless photos....

July 27, 2022 · 9 min · 1812 words · Arthur Duncan

25 Forgettable 90S Sci Fi Tv Shows Only True Fans Will Remember

During the 90s, fans were tuned in to watch The X-Files, Babylon 5, Stargate SG-1, Roswell, 3rd Rock from the Sun, and more. However, amongst all of the new classics and greatly admired series were the shows that few people talked about and even fewer could recall. Many popular stars from today got their start on a few of these forgotten shows, many of which have become a forgotten stop on their long careers....

July 27, 2022 · 13 min · 2721 words · Brian Johnson